Chapter 12

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Age 13:
If someone had told Shinsou earlier that year, that he would have two friends that didn't care about his quirk, he would have told you that you were crazy. Had someone said that he would grow attached to those friends within a couple of weeks, he would have laughed in your face. Though he supposed, his attachment might also be keyed to the fact that one of his friends was a closet memer and the other was a very new one. Like seriously. The only reason she knew of the few memes that she used, was because she had heard other people say it. But it was hilarious to see her say those memes with a completely blank face. Even if she sometimes says it in the wrong context.

Shinsou had decided to go to Baria's cafe that day. He wanted to bond more with second person that person who didn't give a crap about his quirk. Though he wasn't sure if she even remembered it. Or Neito's for that matter. He had seen her have a complete emotional breakdown once. She had been standing at the counter. Ringing up a bill for a costumer. She paused. Eyes blank as she seemed to zone out, before bursting into tears. Everyone, and he meant everyone, had no idea what to do. Not even her family.

That had been two weeks ago. It also happened when her quirk deactivated. Nearly caused the heroes upstairs to go into attack mode. It wasn't until her quirk reactivated an hour later did anyone find out what really happened. And Shinsou must say that was a pretty sad drawback. No pun intended. There were far worse drawbacks out there, but none of them really made someone break down when deactivated. After that incident, Shinsou became more determined to have Baria hang with him. Outside of her 'Obex' cafe.




"Baria. Come shopping with me?" Shinsou seemed to demand.

"Why?" Baria replied.

"Because you won't judge me on my tastes."

"There is also Neito."

"Yes, but he does judge fashion. He is like a premature fashionista."

"Yes, as I have seen."

"So, are you coming with me?"





Shinsou really didn't think he'd be able to pull Baria out of 'Obex'. He was just thankful that it had been closing time. It was a Monday morning. So, most people didn't pass through her café. That and the fact that his school was out that day.

Shinsou walked with Baria around the mall. He pointed to the arcade out to her.

"Hey, Baria have you ever been to an arcade?" He asked. He truly didn't know if she had.

"No. I never had the time or money for it." She replied bluntly.

"Okay I understand the time but what do you mean about money?"

"Oh. I apologise. I assumed that you knew. I am an orphan. I made the café to supply the orphanage with an income and so thee others could go to school." Baria explained.

Shinsou was stunned. He hadn't known that little titbit. Baria really was oblivious to social norms. The drawback didn't really help with that. And he could imagine how her blank face could cause some misunderstanding. Or maybe that was just her personality.

"By the by, I forgot what your quirk was." Baria suddenly stated.

"Oh, um, do you want to know?" Shinsou replied. He was uncomfortable speaking about it.

"No. Just wanted you to know."

"Oh. Well my quirk is brainwashing." Shinsou told her. He quickly hides a flinch, thinking she would call him a villain like the other people their age.

"Like I said. I didn't want to know. Do you really think that I care about what someone's quirk is when I have villains as costumers?" She looked at Shinsou a little offended. He could see it in her eyes.

"Uh right."

"Hey. Look over there. I think that's a Present Mic t-shirt." Baria exclaimed. And she was right.



In a matter of an hour they had found three different kinds of Present Mic shirts, five All Might outfit and plushes, two other articles clothing for about twenty other heroes, four Endeavour outfits, a Hawks body pillow and one Easerhead anklet (of which Baria and Shinsou fought over by seeing who could buy it first.) Then there was some R-rated Hero merchandise, mostly on Midnight, that Baria had found after she wandered into the wrong section. She ended coming back with a couple of lingerie featuring Midnight. She, of course, had no idea what it was. The same couldn't be said for Shinsou and the older costumers there. Shinsou had turned bright red before making Baria put it all back. He then dragged her out the store with her questioning 'why?' the whole way.

It was also just outside said store that Shinsou lost Baria. Shinsou freaked out. He knew Baria would be likely to get into trouble due to her blank face and blunt words. As he was running around calling for her, he accidently ran into someone.

"Oof, sorry, I'm in a bit of a rush and wasn't looking where I was going." Shinsou apologized.

"No worries broski. Why you rushing?" The person said. He was blond. He was wearing an orange t-shirt with a pair of black jeans.

"I'm looking for a blunt, blank faced person with zero social skills."

"Oh. Well tell me what they look like and I'll help you look."

"She's got white hair. Green eyes. Pale to the point I often mistake her for paper and about 5'2 tall."

"Geez, you two sound close. You know I can sort of see why. Your pretty cute."

"Wait WHAT?!"

"Oh i havent introduced myself have i? Im Kaminari Denki and you are?"

"Um, Im Shinsou Hitoshi."

"Nice to meet you Shinsou."

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