Chapter 5

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Age 10:

Baria was fully licenced to run her shop. All legal matters had been settled and she had her licence displayed behind the counter. It sat next to a little board that said " Yes I'm a child, but this child can cook better than you." It was also by this time that she had bought the building. It had been a glorious day. The previous owners were a tad reluctant to sell it to a kid but all is well that ends well. They did ask Miss Keisha about a kid buying but she had reassured them easily enough. It just took her a few words and promises to get them to understand the situation.

It was also at this age that Baria decided to work on and strengthen her quirk. She only used it a few times. Mostly to sneak the cookie jar away from the boys and the matron.

She wouldn't know its full potential unless she pushed it to its limits. No matter the cost. She just needed to find the limit first. Baria believed that one day she would be able to create a barrier that would last even when she was asleep. Or even better, last long past her death. However, she would need to first expand its range and the things that she could do within the barrier. It wouldn't do to have a weak barrier even if it could cover a large area.



She never really noticed but her hair was extremely long. She had been so busy with her shop and the orphanage that she had neglected cutting it. Not that the kids at the orphanage cared. They liked to plait it. Not that it came out in nice plaits per say or in a plait all the time. It was often just one big knot. When she was baking, she always had it tied back or into a messy bun, so it never really got in her way.

Well that was until some of the bullies, of the school from the richer area, got out early one day.

"Oi, freak. Oi I'm talking to you, dipstick." Bella Anderson, the snottiest girl within the area. No offence but her parents had spoiled her too much. It went to the point where the girl literally stated that those who she pushed around should pay her for giving them the honour of getting her attention. She even went as far as to pressure them into actually paying her.

So Baria does what she does second best in an awkward situation.

'Ignore, Ignore. She'll be gone within the next few minutes. Just ignore her. She doesn't bother the orphans. So just ignore.' Thought Baria while restraining herself from decking he girl across the face. Her quirk was currently active so her emotions and urges were allowed to run free.

"Oi, pasty. You deaf or something. Wait, you might be dumb. There's no way you could ignore this goddess in front of you" Bella stated.

'OH Goodness. Restraint. Baria restraint is key... PFFT she thinks she's a goddess. HA! If anyone's a goddess it's Miss Keisha. That woman has a heart of gold' Baria's voice echoed within her own head. She was seriously struggling to prevent a decking from happening.

' -t-P. P-e--E. -Le-s- r—E-BE-. W-K- UP. –E-SE'

'Huh? What was that?' Baria thought she had heard another voice in her head. She couldn't be sure because it was only for a second.

'Oi. You are ignoring me aren't you? Ah don't know, I'm superior to you. You should be on your knees begging for my attention." Baria was snapped back to reality by a yapping Chihuahua.

'Oops, I forgot she was even here' Baria thought as she turned her attention to the brat that was currently in her face. In the moment Baria said and did the only thing she could.

To be fair Baria decided a split second, before she did what she did, to do it. Baria grinned, in a way that would have creeped Bella out if not for the fact she had already been seized by Baria. Baria had grabbed Bella by the front of her shirt and tossed her away as hard as she could while yelling "YEET!" at the top of her lungs. Let's just say that Bella was too scared to come near Baria ever again.

It also caused Baria to be the most liked girl within the area and she was often flocked by other kids. Kids that Baria avoided like a bat out of hell.

It was also the course of that year that Baria slowly started to build up her stamina after draining it multiple times and slowly became more cheerful. Although at times the kids and adults around thought her smiles were fake. It later became known that it was a side effect of her quirk. Which she had a gotten a license to use in her cafe. Said cafe became a hangout point for off duty heroes and very small time villains. Said villains rarely ever made the news and had already served their time. However, Baria mentally listed a few policies that could be useful in the future.

Any hero that try to make arrests in the cafe are kicked out and banned from the cafe.

Any villain that tries to attack a hero or civilian will also be kicked out and banned.

No blood, laundry, or dirty money will be allowed to pay.

No stealing.

These weren't official policies yet. However, Baria felt that they would become so in the future. One way or another.

She also really hoped that the public never found out about the off duty heroes. That would be a whole other mess to deal with. Mainly trying to prevent them from disturbing those off duty.

She was not looking forward to that. Besides she still needed to figure out how to fully incorporate her quirk into the café. She had placed it over the doors and the safe. So she knew a little bit of the people coming in. Such as their name and preferences. She had placed a small board on the door and front window alerting them to this fact.

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