Ch. 43

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Baria lay unconscious in the vat of clear liquid. A light source from above her head made the liquid appear a clear blue. Almost as if she were floating in the water far from shore or in a swimming pool that had its sides painted blue. The light cast a blue tint to her paper white skin. Floating there one would mistake her for a corpse that had rigor mortis. People moved back and forth in front of the tank and yet time did not seem to pass for her. Hours could have gone by but her gaze remained blank. Her green eyes pale in comparison to what they had looked like at the festival, lifeless as if the belonged to a corpse.

A mask was settled over her nose and mouth, supplying oxygen and a gas sedative to prevent her from attempting escape. Cuffs were secured to her wrist and ankles, keeping her in place. Baria's body twitched, her ankles pulling against the cuff as her legs kicked out. Her fingers flexed and shoulders jolted yet the was no reaction on her face. While her eyes were open, her conscious mind had fled in an effort to preserve itself. This was evident in the manner of her eyes movements which were remnant to the REM sleep cycle.

All these actions, all these titbits of information were noted or purposefully done by one person. One who saw Baria as a possession to be locked away for their own use. Black mist floated off his hands as they admired their prize. While Bara looked nothing like she did in the previous life, she was all to recognisable to them. However, unlike the previous time, they would be far gentler in handling her in this life. Coercion and manipulation would need to be used thoroughly, mental modifications may also be required simply to temper some resistance or even stamp out her hero complex.

The person moved from their position in front of the vat, intent on developing the necessary methods to achieve their plans for her. As they walked away, they trailed their hand across the glass vat. The black mist, that often circles the persons' fingers, palms and wrists, broke off a sliver. A sliver that danced through the glass and water as if they were air, to eventually slip into Baria's ear and mind.

Their hand fell away from the glass as it curved. The person did not look back at the vat however, the lips curled up into a glasgow smile. Blood spilled down from the torn corners, blooding the teeth and running down the persons' chin. No pain was present in any of their actions. As if there was no pain to be felt in the first place.

As the person left the room another figure took its place. One of a larger stature. Wide shoulders and thick arms. An older gentleman. This gentle had no facial features bar his mouth nor did he have any hair. Various wires were attached to his face and a ventilation tube was in his throat. Yet despite this, the man was well built and appeared rather healthy. The man wore a white formal shirt with the top button undone and a black suit. He had a pair on black formal shoes on. The smile that graced his lips was conniving and unnatural. Both the top and bottom teeth were apparent and should one have pried open his mouth, his tongue would no doubt be silver from the manipulations he has conducted.

The man stopped in front of the vat. While the person inside had no true value to him, the potential uses she presented to him were numerous and could yield many valuable outcomes. Her influence over other while subtle, was none the less profitable. No singular person should have as much influence over other as this girl did. Most relied of manipulation, political power or even fear. He suspected that her quirk had been running on the subconscious function of pushing more positive or law abiding thoughts to the forefront of any who interacted with her. However, it would take some time to prove this suspicion true and then find a way to exploit it.

This in mind, the man knew the other figure would not allow such tests upon the young girl in front of him. It would be such a waste of time to argue with him. A simpler solution would to simply dispose of the obstacle that was in his way. Although that too would be rather unfortunate as Kages quick was such a fascinating thing. The man paused his line of thinking. On the other hand, he could simply take the quirk for himself with no real loss of him part.

Kage may have made the alliance but in the end he was not the one that gained the desired item.



Hitoshi was not entirely certain on what was happening at the current moment. All he knew for certain was that his best friend, sister in all but blood, was currently missing. Denki, ever the optimist, believed that one pro-hero or another would find her shortly however, Neito, who was more of a realist, doubted that they would. He stated that there were no leads, no camera footage and no evidence of the abduction making this case extremely difficult. Not to mention that it happened at a hero-in-training school. Which was said to be one of the most well protected areas in the entirety of Japan. For such a thing to happen at such a place removed any hope Neito may have had. He had no doubt they would look, he simply doubted that they would find her.

Hitoshi, himself, was between the two. He hoped that they would find her soon, it was not after all the first time she had been kidnapped. However, he kept a sense of logic about him, in the fact that whoever did take was powerful enough to get into the school undetected, meaning that it was unlikely for the heroes to find her within the critical 48 hour period.

Regardless there was nothing he could do except to try comfort his boyfriends and prevent the kids from rioting. Hitoshi turn his head to the swarm of distressed teens and children. Daisuke was there doing a rather commendable job at preventing anyone from bursting into tears. Heavens knows that everyone there were incredible sensitive to each other's emotions. Should one start the rest would follow. Hitoshi directed his attention away from Daisuke and his company as his aid was not required. Instead his attention went back to Denki.

Denki was stressed. Anyone could tell however, Hitoshi watched as Denki began biting and chewing at his lip. Something that only occurred when he was hiding information. Denki would fiddle with his nails and fingers if he was hiding an object. Neito was quite the opposite and was stiffen to a near painfully straight posture if he was hiding something. Hitoshi glanced at Neito. He wasn't paying any attention to them, his eyes fixed solidly on the adults. Eyes locked on the lips as he muttered under his breath. Lip reading. It would be best not to distract him.

Hitoshi moved next to Denki.

"What is it?" He asked. Eyes locked onto Denki as the boy jerked, startled.

Denki glanced at him before redirecting his gaze to his surroundings.

"I had seen someone. I had seen them for days but I didn't think that they would do anything."

"Who Denki?! Who?! Describe them to me." Hitoshi demanded. His hands settled on Denki's shoulders with an urgency that had never been present in his life before.

"The guy from the café." Denki whispered. "The one that sits in the corner. The one that always has a new person with him. The one that Daisuke was wary of."

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