Chapter 27

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"Oh come on! It wasn't that funny." She chuckled as he bent over to try to catch his breath. As he slowly moved to stand up, he caught sight of her again. Bending over again even though he was still out of breath. A frown began to form on her face as his laughter progressed.

"Okay. Stop. It wasn't even funny."

"Sorry, sorry. It's just you look absolutely ridiculous."

"Says the boy with bright green skin and orange hair."

"Ah, they really did get me good this time though."

"I don't understand why you haven't tried to tell someone about them."

"Oh, come on Obexia. They're just having fun."

"Yeah but your expense."

"Its fine."

It was rather infuriating that he didn't see it like she did. They were monopolizing in the fact he won't seek retribution.

"It's not fine! What they do to you isn't fine! It stopped being harmless pranks years ago! Erik!"

"Obexia. The name that is derived from the Latin word obex, meaning barrier. You are my friend and I know you want to help and protect me but stop. Okay? Ill deal with the way I see fit." Erik said as his smile dropped. He was sick and tired of her trying to help him. He didn't need help! He was perfectly capable of taking care of himself.

"Then stop letting them walk all over you!"

"OBEXIA! THIS IS YOUR FINAL WARNING! BUTT OUT OF IT!" He yelled. She just wouldn't drop the topic. She didn't understand that it wasn't her problem.

Obexia's mouth twisted into a snarl. Hatred and rage leaked from her eyes as she glared into his. She could see that he was not going to back down anytime soon.

"Fine." She uttered through gritted teeth. "Have it your way." As the last words were spoken between them, she spun on her heel and stormed away. There was something is her pace that screamed, of what, Erik was unsure.



Baria woke that day filled with anger and hatred. For an unexplainable reason she felt like someone she cared for deeply was being used without their knowledge. She knew it must have been related to her dream, of which she could no longer remember. Activating her quirk, after checking that no one would see her do so, she ensured that her drawback was initiated as well. Emotions often resulted in impulsive actions and that simply would not do. Not with her job and most definitely not with the company she keeps, at work and otherwise.

The was a knock on the door, interrupting her. Miss Keisha called out asking if she was awake yet. Baria replied positively "Yes, Miss Keisha."

"That's good, you slept in quite late today, is everything okay in there?"

"Perfectly fine Miss Keisha."

"Okay then dearie, just remembering you can always tell me if you not feeling well okay?"

"Indeed." Baria replied dryly, not that Miss Keisha noticed as she walked back to the living room. Unfortunately, Baria forgot to take into account that the three people who know her best lived in the room next to her and the walls weren't as thick as they seemed. Meaning that within seconds Baria had been dog piled by a cockatoo, a cat and a Pikachu. No words passed between them, simply half-lidded stares, glares and wide-eyed curiosity.

"Strange dream." She muttered under her breath. She didn't want to explain what it was about and thankfully they never asked.

"...We have a class outing next week Monday." Denki chimed looking up at from where his chin rested on her stomach.

Barrier (BNHA)(Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now