Ch. 19 part 1

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The boys first day at U.A.

If one were to tell Baria that she was going to grow attached to people outside the orphanage, she would have laughed at you.

If you were to tell her that the person she punched two years ago would be her brother in all but blood and by law, she would have ignored you.

If you told her that a year after that she would gain another two friends/brothers, she'd have brushed it off as a joke.

Now...she'd believe just about anything.

Her journals that previously had stories of unbelievable things did seem to have some truth to them. Baria had taken to reading them very night and every other time she had to spare. Sometimes they were extremely detailed. Other times they were vague. So vague that it was a single sentence.

Baria supposed that it was due to her memories of events fading. Although it could be because those arcs or anime didn't interest her. It could even be the fact the she was Baria now and was no longer her previous incarnation. She didn't know.

All she knew was that this was her life. It always had been. Sure, she didn't laugh or smile as often as other people. Sure, she passed out when meeting strangers. Sure, she had mental and emotional breakdowns every once in a while. To some in may seem that it wasn't her life. That she was simply surviving and not truly living but to her, she was living her life to its fullest. She had people that she would die for. People that were her friends and family. She had favourites foods, drinks, places and even songs. While she couldn't express her emotion like others, it didn't mean that she couldn't feel them. Maybe, just maybe she felt emotions far too quickly for her to express.

Hitoshi, Denki, Neito and the rest always seemed to be able to understand how she felt. Aizawa seemed to know what she was thinking and to be honest Baria was a little awed by him. Hizashi may be a chatter box but he was always in tune to others.

Aizawa and Hizashi reminded her of the underground hero, Eraserhead and the voice hero, Present Mic. However, the never seemed to fit the profile 100%. Eraserhead was a hero that worked out of sight. He was agile and quick. The few videos that she could find of him, he was always moving and by a few, she really meant two. Present Mic was one of the only heroes that she knew for a fact had jobs on the side of his hero work.

Baria hadn't seen Aizawa move faster than a walk. She was pretty sure she had seen him wiggle like a worm to get to the Tv from the stairs...They were about 100 meters apart. Aizawa was always somewhere were you could see him. The only times he wasn't were when he was busy and even then you knew where he was. Hizashi was always around. It was like he never left the house. Hizashi seemed to only have one job as a teacher but he refused to tell her where he worked.

However, this day was particularly special. It was the boys first day at U.A and she was determined to make them the best breakfasts one could ask for.

She was going to make caramel apple cinnamon rolls and French toast.

First she needed to start on the caramel apple cinnamon rolls.

She started on the dough first. Into a small pan over medium heat, she added milk and butter. She stirred until the butter melted and removed it from heat. She then left it to stand until cooled down to room temperature. She then took out a separate bowl and mixed the dry ingredients. She the added egg and water. She continued to mix until everything was completely mixed. She then covered the bowl with a cloth and left it to rest for a few minutes.

She then moved onto making the filling. She took out a small bowl and placed cinnamon, nutmeg and brown sugar into it. She then mixed it well. She rolled out the dough and spread butter onto it. Baria then sprinkle some of the cinnamon, nutmeg and brown sugar mix onto it as well as some chopped up apples. She then carefully rolled the dough into a log shape and cut it into piece. Like the rolls one would get at cinnabon. She then let them rest for 30 minutes. After that was done she placed to rolls into a pre-heated oven of 375 degrees and baked the rolls for 30 minutes.

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