Chapter 7

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Alpha Blake / Tanner Blake 

I walked into the ballroom and looked around. This was quite a party. I hope this doesn't turn out, too ugly. I'm too exhausted to even blink. I was here simply to just to try and ally the Red Blood Pack. They were the second most powerful pack in the world, after us, of course.  

I walked towards Luka and noticed their stiff posture.  Man, this people need to start to learn how to hide how their fear from us.  I could notice, even, smell their fear from the other side of the building. I mean I'm not stupid.  Even if I was here to attack them this would be the worst place and time.  He turns around and gives me a tight smile and took out his hand for me to shake.  I noticed the slight shaking of his hand. 

"Tanner, What are you doing here? Don't you have another pack to destroy?" He said with a small laugh. 

"Oh, don't you think that's why I'm here?" He froze. Something I did not tolerate is how people criticized us on how we decided on things.  We did destroy packs, but it was what needed to be done to protect our pack and anyway what's done is done. I decided to ease his worry and chuckled.  God, this people take shit to seriously sometimes.  "Actually I was here to talk about something else," I made sure to emphasise else  as much as I could. One of my men was captured by his and needed to take him back before he said to much and we wouldn't be able to ally them.He cleared his throat and excused himself. We followed him and began to take us down a staircase. We stood inside a room with another door inside of it. How many fucking doors do these people need. He put in a code and the eye scanner scanned his eyes.

Can this take any longer

We finally went inside. It was the door to cell cages with a ton of doors.  We walked down and stopped at the the third one on the right.  God, this place smelled like shit.  No wonder nobody guards it, but it is something risky to do.  Out came Michael with his stupid smirk on his face.  I was going to make sure somebody wiped that smirk off his face.If I find out he told them something he wasn't supposed to I'm going to make sure he regrets it.  He started walking and leading the way out. We followed him out and stopped right outside the door. "Thank you for your cooperation with us.  What did he do to get himself locked up besides cross your territory?" I asked lifting my eyebrow at Mike.

"What makes you say that?" He said cautiously."Well, I know Michael enough to know he doesn't just do something unless he has a reason behind it."I told him discretely. "He can tell you himself if  he wants to.  It depends on him."

I tried my best to contain my anger. He knew damn well Micheal wouldn't tell me shit. I conjured a smile and continued to walk out.  We were right next to the stairs when I smelled it. I smelled something so mesmerizing.  It was her, my mate. She's here.  My wolf was on its edge it needed her.  We needed her. I started to follow the scent, when I was stopped by someone.I turned around shaking in anger. What the fuck is their problem?!"What!?" I barked at whoever had a hold of my shoulder. It was my beta.

"What do you want, kyle?" I said in a sour tone."We're suppose to talk to them about allying them. What's wrong Alpha? Is it- "

"I smell her my mate. You take care of business. I'm taking 2 of our men." This jerk started to smile like an idiot. We've all waited a long time to find my mate and luna.I started to smell her scent and it lead us to a back door, but there was another distinct smell. I would kill whoever the fuck took my mate outside. I would have had her by now.

But what the fuck would she be doing out? It's really late and dark. I was going to make sure she sure as hell doesn't go out after it's this dark.There's always rogues out this late. Oh shit!

This encouraged me to run even faster. 

Run faster there's always rogue out here!

I mind linked them. This encouraged them to because it's their future luna in danger. The smell was getting stronger and stronger the faster we ran.This was pissing me off I'm sure she was running from me.  If not we would have had already caught her.  How else would she have managed to run this deep into the woods it was obvious she smelled me way before I did. It was probably our reputation that scared her. As we got to a clearing I saw her she had long brunette hair. But what I didn't expect was another male wolf near her.  This took me completely off guard.  All I saw was red, but I was going to deal with him later.  I howled to make my presence known to her. I tackled her to the ground to make sure she didn't run.  She smelled so good.

I wanted to see her amazing eyes looking back at me  but they were closed tight. I licked her face.  I whimpered. Why didn't she want to look at me? I'm not an Igor or hideous looking.  I decided to smother my face in her neck to get some type of reaction, but still nothing. I got off of her to change behind a bush into my human form to talk to her. As I was putting on my shorts she took that as her chance to sprint and push past my wolfs and climb onto the grey wolf's back.  This angered me deeply.

Why didn't she just leave without him?!  Do they mean something to each otherI swear to god if they do I will personally kill himShe is only meant to love me and only me.

We ran after them and we were getting closer and closer.  Our determination was far greater than theirs of getting away.  We started to catch up when we were blocked by a pack of rogues, a lot of them.  One lunged itself towards me, but I dodged him and broke his neck easily.  Another one had taken that as his opportunity to bite my leg making me fall, but I  recovered quickly and bit him to pieces.  There were more coming, but stopped when I'm guessing Red Moon pack members intervened and killed them.  I took this my opportunity to chase after my mate, but it was a dead end I couldn't smell it any farther than where she had recently been.

Where the fuck did she go?


(sorry I've been watching too much gossip girl its an addiction. XD).  -S.X.

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