Chapter 10

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Harry POV

I looked back at the most pathetic excuse of the most powerful Alpha. He was a powerful alpha, but a cold, and cruel one. He's killed thousands of people and children just to get more of their money and territory to own. Now, he was on a rampage because he couldn't find his mate and now wants to take Alaska as his mate. I won't let him take Alaska from us. Alpha Luca had told me to come and get Alaska out of here no matter what and I will do it even if it means I have to risk my own life. I know we're not mates, but she will forever hold a part in my heart.

"Get the fuck away from her unless you want me to rip your head from your fucking body, now." He threatened with a venomous voice.

"Over my dead body." I glared back and took this as my chance to change into my wolf  and lunge at him. I missed him by a couple inches and he took his chance to bite the back of my leg in hid wolf form. He kept a hold on my leg and threw me hard back towards the floor. I tried to breath, but no air was coming in or out."Stop!" I heard her scream.

I have to get up I can't let him take her.

He turned his attention back to her and began to slowly approach her. When his back was to me I took that as a chance to jump at his neck and bite him hard. He howled out in pain and tried to throw me off, but it was useless. There was no way in hell I was going to let him get Alaska.Get out of here now. I mind linked her. She ran out of room with her brunette hair shining behind her. This distracted me and he took that at his chance to once again throw me down at the ground making me land hard, but not as last time and quickly got up. He began to run out of room, but before he fully got out of the room he was knocked out. I looked out and saw it was one of his very own pack member, but not only that, but his beta. I stared at him in shock.

Did he just knock out Alpha Blake?

I mean I was literally just fighting him, but that's his beta. Betas are always supposed to be on their alphas side no matter what. This can just give packs an idea of how fucked up of a pack they are. I look around and can't spot Alaska out. I began to walk downstairs when I see Cade and Alpha Luca. I bowed my head."Where is she harry?" He said in constricted tone.

"I don't know. I told her to run out the room when Alpha Blake tried to get her and then I stopped him. I came to look down here since I didn't spot her."

"Where is Alpha Blake?" He asked me. "Before he could get out the room and chase her his own beta knocked him out and I didn't get a chance to see where she ran off." I told him. "You did well Harry I don't know what I would have done without you." He said sincerely.

"Cade, go check downstairs and see if you find her. Harry, you go check the rooms upstairs and see if she went in one of them. You never know with her and check the closets too." Cade and I gave him weird looks.

Did he really think she hid in a closet?

"What are you going to do, jack?" Cade asked him. Since he was third in demand he was able to call him by his first name."What I should have done a long time ago." He walked off and Cade and I followed him upstairs. We went our separate ways when I had to go off looking for Alaska.I walked into the first room in the left. Nothing. The one on the right. Nothing. The second one on the left. Nothing.Okay, think. Where could she have gone?"No. No she wouldn't of-" I quickly ran to the one place where me and her always used to hide when we were kids.

Why would she go there. She knows how dangerous that place is now. It's old and can fall any second.

I ran out the house and went running towards the forest. I heard footsteps behind me, but I didn't turn to see who it was. I needed to see her make sure she was alright. I know she hurt me, but it was bound to happen. No matter how hard I tried to stop it from happening it would have eventually happened. I went into the tunnel that lead to the underground cave that was probably the size of the pack house and there in the middle was the treehouse. Nobody knows how somebody got a tree to grow below a cave where there's no sun. Some say it was black magic, but there was also a story of how a witch and wizard were killed there and the tree just began to grow.

"Alaska!" I began to yell as I climbed up the stairs as fast as I could.

"Alaska! Are you up there! Alas-" I stood frozen to the ground as I looked into the tree house and saw blood on the wooden floor. I began to slowly follow it and it went to the next small room over and there lay Alaska clutching something with her hand, but she was unconscious. I quickly ran to her side and checked her breathing. I let out a relieved breath.. I heard whoever had been following me come into the tree house and following the blood into the small room we were in. I picked her in my arms and saw who had been following me. Damen and Cade."What happened to her?" Asked Cade. Damen just stared at her in my arms with anger."Who did this to her?" Damen asked."I don't know I just found her and this." I said showing them the small glass of what looked like an elixir.

"Do you know what it is?" I asked Cade."What makes you think he knows." Asked Damen a bit defensively."I know he's talked to witch's and they've giving us potions before and Cade's job here is to memorize what they all are in case of something like this or something similar happens."

"Nobody is supposed to know about that." He said with a venomous look."How did you obtain this type of information?"He eyed me curiously. "Never mind how I got it. Tell me what she drank and why now." I demanded him."You can't order me for shit I am third in command and I deserve to be respected. I don't have to tell you anything if I don't want to. This is strictly between the Alpha and his daughter." He refused to tell me. "I have a right to know. I fought for my life for her to be safe and here I come running after her to find this bullshit. What the fuck did she drink?" I retaliated. 

"You can talk to the Alpha about this if he doesn't want to tell you then he doesn't want you to know. Now, give me Alaska." He said sternly. That was the last thing I was gonna fucking do. If he isn't going to answer my question I will sure as hell not follow his orders"No. I found her and I will carry her."

"What are we first graders?" Asked damen a bit irritated rolling his eyes."Just hand her over to me now." Cade said more angerly than last time with his eyes turning a darker shade of black.

What's wrong with him?


Okay people that's chapter 10 I was going to write more, but I thought it was too long already. I'll update soon promise. XXX - M.Wiffey

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