Chapter 5

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Alaska's POV

I held onto him too scared to let go or move. He was here. This isn't possible my mate can't  be in the Silver Moon Pack. This can't be possible."We have to get out of here, Now."

"Alaska your mate is here. We have to find him." He pulled me forward by my wrist more forcefully. "Cade, stop. He's in the Silver Moons Pack." I looked at him straight into his blue orbs. "What?" 

"Think about it. If he was in one of this packs don't you think my wolf would have sensed it? Oh, and don't you dare tell me it just a coincidence. I know for damn sure he's in that pack. I will not mate with somebody from that vicious disgusting pack. We need to leave now before he catches my scent. I know my father and he will tell you the same. Mind link him if you have to." I expected him to just drag me up to my father without mind linking him, but instead he did. 

"We need to get you out of here. We have to hurry. It won't be long before he catches your scent." We started walking toward the exit on the right side of the ballroom.  "Figured, but where are we going anyways? I highly doubt there's any secret basement or anything, so are we going to another alpha's territory and hid or what?" We exit the house pack and start jogging in the direction of the woods.

"Actually, we aren't. If he at least tries to find you then he's going to follow your scent and it's going to lead to another packs territory. If he comes and wants you just for the desire of owning what "belongs" to him then he is going to tell his Alpha he has found his mate and his Alpha being a fucking animal is going to want war if they don't get you. Which is useless if we can avoid all if that."  Wow, aren't you a shiner. Is it true? Is my mate most likely not going to look for me? 

"Cade, why do you think he isn't going to look for me?" trying to hide any type of emotion from my voice. "Well, it's not that he isn't, but when is the last time you've heard that somebody from their pack has found their mate? Not even, their Alpha has found his mate, but if he did it's most likely he rejected her, but if any of them find their mates they most likely use them for their desire than actual mates. Alaska, do you actually think even for a second that your mate will want you for you especially from that pack?"

"What-No! It just- I was just asking that's all for future reference. I know how they are. I don't need you reminding me. But anyways where are you taking me if we aren't going to another pack territory for hiding?" Now that I thought about it there really is no place to hid me, well none that I knew of."Alaska, what I am about to tell you must tell no one when everything goes back to normal. It is classified and only the trusted wolves know about this in our pack. Understood?" He asked. I nodded.

"We have been in, well, you can say in contact with a witch. Her name is Witch Arachne. She is a very powerful witch and we have come according with her. You do not need to know how, but just that she will help us." We had now gotten deep into the woods. But how is that possible? Witches and werewolves? God, I should have gone to pack meetings more often."I don't see how she can help us. We're looking for somewhere to hid not for a spell."

"Actually.." I stop dead in my tracks. "What do you mean "actually"? Are you seriously going to put a spell on- wait who are you putting the spell? Oh, my fucking god! I know for god damn sure it's not me!" I bellow at him. He looks at me then quickly looks forward."Cade.. Are you-Are you serious right now?  For all you know she can turn me into a toad!  Let me just remind you that I'm an Alpha's daughter and father will not take it too lightly when you tell him his only child and werewolf daughter is no longer a wolf, but a toad!"

"Calm down, your father has agreed to it. We have to hurry." He said quickening his jog, almost to a run. As we began to get deeper into the woods the more trees there were. Making me feel claustrophobic. We jogged a little more and halted to a stop. It was a small clearing in the middle of the forest. Was the witch here or did he hear something? "What? Did you hear something?" I asked him quietly just in case it was the latter.  "We're here." He said. Here? There's nothing here what's he talking about?"Are you sure? There's nothing here, but trees.  You probably got it confused you know-" 

"Witch Arachne!" He bellowed," its Alpha Lukas third in command, Cade." He then grabbed three rocks. He threw one forward, then another backwards, and then the last one to the side."What are you doing!" I whispered yelled. Honestly, this is one of the weirdest experience of my life and that's saying a lot.  Smoke started to descend from ahead of us. Slowly, I started to make out a figure. It was the Witch Arachne. She had a long black dress. Typical, for a witch."What are you doing here, Cade? Is there trouble stirring?" She asked and then acknowledged me and my outfit.

"I see she has figured out who her mate is." She said and sighed. "I guess we both don't get what we wanted. I once to wished to my mate wasn't who he was maybe we would have been able to be together and live happy if it wasn't for who he was." She sighed again. What the actual fuck she knows who my mate is?"What do you mean your mate? You're a witch and who's my mate that makes him so horrible? I mean I know he's in that horrible pack, but at least he's not the worst. I pretty sure whoever he is there's always somebody who's worst." I didn't know where that came from.

"Not your mate. He's the worst of the worst. Oh, do you not know who exactly your mate is?" She said coldly. Who was she referring to?"No." Is all I managed to say I lost all my will power to talk."Then, I'm guessing you guys ran out of there before he could smell your scent, or am I wrong?" She said with a smirk she knew more than she was letting on.

"Then, since you know so much you should know why we're here, right." Clearly pissed off, giving her an attitude. I hate know-it-alls, bitch, please."No, I can't read people's mind, girl. I just know certain paths the person can take and you choose the path to not be with your mate, but even what I do won't even stop your mate from finding you. Well, it was the Moon Goddess herself that did this, after all."

"What makes you think he will be able to find me?  I mean you're a witch you should be able to do something, right?"

"Don't overestimate me. In the eyes of the goddess I am just like a dog with spots.  I don't have the great power she has.  But I can put a spell on you, in which, he won't be able to smell your scent, but if he just as touches your skin.  He will know, so that is why it's important that you do not touch anybody from that pack."

"What makes you think I want to drink whatever you want me to?" I growled at her."It's not a question whether you want to do it or not. You have no choice, right Cade?" She asked arching her eyebrow.

"Cade, what does she mean I have no choice?" I 

AN: Wellthat'schapter 5. Thanks for the 150+ views.  The picture is the picture of the witch Arachne. Sorry that haven't updated in while. I've been busy with school. XC hope you liked it! :)

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