Chapter 8

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Alaska POV

I've never seen Cade run so much what had pushed him even more today? I don't think it would've been that bad if he found us.  I'd at least get to see his face before- nvm I forgot I can't fucking reject that a-hole. This annoyed the shit out of me what would have made them do this stupid deal anyway.  We had managed to escape them because my father had done something to distract them for a while long enough for them to give me the elixir the witch had given to them.  It was to hide my scent, so he couldn't track us down any further.  They had tried to convince me to drink the other one where he wouldn't be able to tell I'm his mate, but I refused. There was no way I was going to do anything without them telling me exactly what was going on.

We got out of the woods and went back running to my party. We didn't want anyone to know something was up. My dress was a mess, so I changed into a more fancy one and had to do my makeup all over again. Some of the Silver Pack members were still here and I had to go and introduce myself to them. I had to make myself the last person to be guessed as his mate. I finished doing my makeup and looked at myself in the mirror. I have never really cared if I was pretty or not. It's just something I never really cared about even though I've had many compliments about my appearance.

I walked out my room to see Cade outside waiting. He now had on a new grey tuxedo, which fit him perfectly with his skin tone and body. If only I had had him as my mate. He has good looks, nice body, charming, amazing smile, and he knows how to deal with me."How long have been standing there?" I asked suppressing a smile. I know for sure I took a little more than half-an-hour to get ready."That doesn't matter. Ready?" He asked. "Yeah." We began walking towards the party downstairs.

"You should think about taking that elixir that witch told you about." This stopped me dead in my tracks. "Give me a good enough reason and I'll think about it."

"Alaska, if you take that you won't need to choose between packs in fact you won't even have to meet him. He'll never know it was you. I'm pretty sure this will blow over and he'll think it was his mind messing with him. What's even better is that you can choose your mate to. Don't you see this is the best possible answer for this." What he said was true this is the best possible answer, it sucks to know your mate isn't what you wanted all along after all. Well, I mean he was probably really hot, but I wouldn't know because I didn't open my eyes early enough to see how he looked.

"I'll consider it, but I'm pretty sure he wouldn't forget. He wasn't the only one there. He had some of his pack members with him." I said as I continued on walking."Yeah, but only he will remember." I stopped."What do you mean?" I asking raising my eyebrow.

"Your father managed to distract his men, but your mate," he said with bitterness in his voice, " managed to go through and tried to find you, but you had already taken the elixir. So, we took that time to force his men to drink from some of the forgetting potion the witch gave to us. He's the only one that remembers chasing after you and we put some of it in his members drinks, the ones that stayed here at the party waiting for him." He said with a proud voice that is clever, but I couldn't stop that ache in my heart. We continued walking downstairs and down to the party.

It hurt to know my mate wouldn't be able to find me, but that was just the pull. It was just what made me feel anything for him, the pull. If only I could get rid of it, but I can. I can drink that elixir, but I needed to know exactly what was going on. We walked towards the middle of the room and saw two men one looked around my age, but a little bit older. The other ones looked older than him, probably around their 20's or so.

"This must be the party girl." said the youngest one out of all of them with a mischievous smile. He grabbed my hand and gave it a lingering kiss. I tried my best not to pull it out of his hand. This pack was revolting and I didn't want to be one of them. He introduced himself as Kyle the beta of Silver Moon Pack. He actually wasn't so bad looking. He was charming, but why would he be the beta of this pack if he's so young. Well, not that young probably 19 or 20, but then again why am I talking i'm about to be luna and I'm 18. I was introduced to the rest and made small chat when we were interrupted by my father.

"I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to steal my lovely daughter for a moment."We left and followed my father upstairs. Why does he need to take us all the way upstairs for?We went inside a random room and locked the door behind him."Did you seriously have to bring us all the way upstairs for this father?" I asked."Nobody can hear us speak of this, Alaska," He said sternly,"I need to know now if you're going to drink the elixir now or not. He's here and if he sees you he'll know you are his mate by looking at your eyes. We can't let that happen. You have to drink the elixir now Alaska we don't have much time." This is peer pressure he knows I do what he wants me to do when it's under peer pressure.

"Why can't I just hid until he leaves or something?" I asked trying to find another way out of it besides drinking the elixir."You can't hide forever Alaska. He will keep searching. He knows well that he found his mate, but she ran away he won't rest until he finds her. He knows it's somebody from this party. I'm sure he'll probably order for all of the females to line up to try to find you and he'll know it's you. Especially since it's your party and you're not there." He was angry, but it it hurt to know he wants me to just give him up without trying.Here I am stalling. Wait... Is that what I'm doing. I actually want him to find me. I never would have thought in a million years I would stall just in hopes he would find me, but do I really want to leave my family for him?

"Why do you want me to drink the elixir so bad besides him being in that pack? He hasn't done anything wrong besides just being in that pack! I'm sorry father, but this is my mate we're talking about, okay? I know I always detested the idea of a mate, but the pull it's just there. I don't know why, but it hurts both me and wolf to know we won't be able to be with him." Wow. I'm surprised just as them as those words came out of my mouth. I was never good with words and telling my feelings. Their faces were pale and they stood frozen in their place. My father inhaled loudly and then exhaled."If you will not drink the elixir now Alaska. I will announce that Cade is your mate. So choose wisely the elixir or Cade?" He asked sternly.

What do I do?



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