Pretty Hurts - Beyoncé

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This may be confusing to some, or all. Shorter then usual I guess.

Request some song ideas in the comments please!

3. Pretty Hurts - Beyoncé

Camila's POV

Mama said, "You're a pretty girl.

What's in your head, it doesn't matter

Brush your hair, fix your teeth.

What you wear is all that matters."

"Camila don't believe what everybody says okay? Don't let what they say get to your head, they are just trying to put you down because you are above them. Just go get ready because your bus arrives soon, love you." Sinu said to me smiling softly before putting a strand of hair behind my ear, she turns around and walks back to the kitchen. Yes I have bullying problems, it's not my fault I get bullied though, it's not the way I dress, not the way I look, but because of what I am. Which is pathetic honestly, I don't get why people can't be accepting, yes I'm gay, so what? I'm a normal human being just like everyone else, I have a heart, a brain, I can love who I want to can't i? I have feelings too, I'm not perfect. I never asked for any of this, I never chose to be bullied, I never chose for people to hate me, I don't get people.

"And another day in hell begins," I whisper to myself climbing the stairs ready to begin another day.

"Camz!!" I pull my earphone out just in time to be enveloped in a tight hug by none other then Lauren Jauregui, my girlfriend.

"Hey Lolo," her smile fades,

"Are you alright Camz?" She questions, I nod my head tears brimming in my eyes,

"Everything's fine," I smile reassuringly, she shakes her head,

"Obviously your not. What's wrong? Please tell me?" She stops walking a gestures to a sitting bench just across the street, we cross the road and sit down,

"Lauren, we're going to miss our bus," she chuckles,

"Shut up camz, we aren't going nowhere until you tell me what's wrong." She says strictly. I sigh, just say it

"I'm getting bullied at school Lauren, and ever since Dad left its just made it worse, and Sofi.. And the car accident it's just that I've never felt so...s- so."

"So what Camzi?" Lauren rubs my back softly,

"Suicidal." I whisper, only just so Lauren can hear it, lauren gasps, and silent tears fall into my hand, ashamed, i stand up but Lauren tugs my hand making me sit back down.

"Camila, nothing and nobody loves you more than I do. No matter what people say it will always be wrong, keep your head up and just ignore them as hard as you possibly can, I will be right by your side. I know that you feel this way but you can't end it. Not here. Not now. You have a whole life ahead of you, of us. You may think that right now things aren't looking so bright, but it will work out in the end, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. People are just putting you down because you are higher than them, no matter what Camz, I'm by your side, so is Dinah, Ally and Normani, and I'm sure Dinah won't mind giving someone a poly beat down." I smile slightly, tears gushing down my face, I pull lauren into an embrace as I sob, Lauren whispering good nothing's into my ear.

Just another stage, pageant the pain away

This time I'm gonna take the crown

Without falling down, down, down

As i walk into school, hand in hand with Lauren, chin up and listening to Lauren talk about her future college ideas. I look around with people staring at me, giving me distasteful glances, whispering things, occasionally pulling a face or flipping the finger, i just focus on Laurens voice, finding somewhat some peace in the emerald eyed girls voice, there's just something about it, I smile a little, I give a small chuckle as Lauren is so focused she wouldn't notice if l slipped away out of the taller girls grasp.

"Lauren?" I question the taller Cuban, looking at her pale face,

"Hmm?" She turns her head and focuses her eyes on mine,

"Thank you, you know, for this morning. It means heaps." I whisper, not wanting others to hear myself,

"It's fine Camzi, anytime," she leans down and pecks my cheek, not caring about the rude gags that surround us.

Pretty hurts, we shine the light on whatever's worst

Perfection is a disease of a nation, pretty hurts, pretty hurts

Pretty hurts, we shine the light on whatever's worst

We try to fix something but you can't fix what you can't see

It's the soul that needs the surgery

I felt confident today, i probably thought it was because of Lauren talking to me or i just felt like not taking anyone's crap that day, probably the talk, i thought.

I sigh as I walks through the hallways of school looking at all the pretty girls, wishing I could one day look like them, I told lauren about this wish, Lauren assured me I already was and wanting to be pretty is just some weird theory that spreads like wildfire, nobody really looks at the pretty people, they all focus on the 'ugly' people, like a spotlight focusing on someone who's performing on a stage, if you will. Famous people, public speakers all talk about self confidence, Demi Lovato for example, she always makes sure to have self confidence in herself, she also encourages others to have confidence in themselves also. But sometimes public speakers or famous people just talk about it they don't actually do anything, I thought, to them it doesn't matter, their famous, we aren't, they have money, we don't, they have the looks, we don't, nobody sees that, they just idolize them, but I idolize Demi so much, she saved my life if anything, she taught me to stay strong and to believe in yourself, no matter what. I always thought as a little kid that I would be famous, dancing and singing on stage, inspiration to thousands, I always thought that as a kid, but I never thought that my life would've turned to the worst, I regretted every decision I did at that school, scared I might've done something stupid and embarrassed myself in front of many.

But I put all of that behind me, for now I was standing in front of thousands, thousands of screaming fans, yes, my childhood dream came true. I became an inspiration to millions, all along with my three best friends, I meet them in college and we all became instant friends, we went to a bar one night, we sung and a man called Simon Cowell was there and gave us a music contract, it only went up from there, multiple songs in the top #10 for weeks on end, a Debut album that was the number 1 album in the world for a month and a bit, we had a lot of success, our group name was Lylas, it stands for Love You Like A Sister, I was thankful for the fame I guess, but it just wasn't the same without her, my one true love, Lauren Jauregui, I miss her a lot, but she's gone, for four and a half years now.

As I walk through the entryway with the flowers in my hand and a coat on so I don't get drenched from the rain. I make my way over to my destination. I stop in my steps, is that? No, I shake my head, it can't be, she's gone. I walk over as the person stands up and turns around, I gasp and drop the flowers and put my hands over my mouth to stop anymore noise to escape. They look at me and they freeze,

"What are you doing here?! You're supposed to be down there!" I point to the grave,

Lauren sighs,

"I'm not Camz.... Wake up." I feel a cold sensation hit my face and I sit up awaken, I look around, I'm in my bus, my tour bus, but wasn't I just at the cemetery?

What the fuc- "Camila! Finally your awake!" I look over to where the voice is coming from and see Dinah standing there with a smirk on her face, she sees my expression and her smirk fades, "What's up dawg? Why the long face?"

"I had a dream, I don't know if it's real or not," I'm so confused, is she? Or not?

"Well tell me and I'll say so," dinah shrugs,

"Is Lauren dead?" I say bluntly, she looks shocked,

"What the? No! She's way alive! And she's your Fiancé you idiot!" She whacks me over the head and I glare at her. She walks out of the room and I huff, laying down and shutting my eyes, am I on drugs?

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