Blind Date

432 9 5

Future AU
"I can't believe I let you two talk me into a blind date." Camila said with a sigh as she focused on her work.

"Oh will you relax? It will be great!" Ally assured, leaping up onto the island counter behind her.

"Yeah you're being just a little bit dramatic about this." Normani said with a smile, leaning against the counter next to Ally.

"That's my job! I'm an actress!" Camila said with a dramatic wave of her hand, her eyes never leaving the dough she was flattening with a rolling pin.

"What are you even making anyway?" Ally asked as she nibbled on a cookie she had made earlier.

"Apple pie." She answered simply.

"Oh I'm sorry, let me know when Uncle Simon gets home hmm?" Ally teased, earning her a dishcloth being thrown at her face.

"Why are you baking so much Mila?" Normani asked.

"I bake when I'm bored...or nervous...or when I have company coming over." She stated.

"Basically you bake whenever you're not sleeping, reading or acting or scouring the Ed Sheeran tag on tumblr." Ally said. "That's all you do, sleep, read and fangirl."

"That and eat bananas." Normani added.

"I fail to see your point here guys." Camila said, slightly annoyed.

"This is why we set you up on the date, you need a little flare in your life, some loving!" Ally enthused.

"I get enough loving." Camila protested.

"Mila a dog does not count." Ally dismissed.

"Not that Tux isn't cute." Normani put in. Upon hearing his name, the black and white five month old Husky walked into the kitchen and sat down next to Canila, waiting quietly and expectantly. She smiled down at him, wiped her hands of the flour that stained them and ruffled his fur a little.

"You don't think I need any more loving do you Tuxedo?" she asked him in a baby-voice and he swiped his tongue at the tip of her nose, causing her to scrunch it up and giggled. "Of course not!"

"This is painful to watch." Ally shook her head as Camila gushed over her dog.

"Then leave." Camila said. Ally rolled her eyes.

"Come on, Camila, this date will be good, especially since you've decided you're more on the gay side of bi." Ally shrugged. Camila scoffed.

"Not my fault men are total pigs." She said before returning her attention to the dog. "Except you baby! You're a good boy for mommy!"

"You just need to give this girl a chance Camila." Normani said. "I know her...kind of...she's really sweet."

"How do you know her again?" Camila asked, standing up and retrieving a dog treat for Tuxedo, she held it up at him with a smile and he stood up on his hind legs. She threw it lightly at his mouth and he caught it in his mouth, chomping on it loudly. She went over to the sink and washed her hands again before returning to her dough.

"She's a friend of Dinah's." Normani shrugged. "She's totally hot."

"Then you go out with her." Camila rolled her eyes.

"I can't, I'm with Dinah. Though, they are a lot alike." Normani mused. Camila's eyes went wide.

"Oh my God I'm going on a date with a serial killer." Camila groaned.

"No she's a photographer, I don't even know if she likes cereal." Normani corrected. Ally scoffed back a laugh and patted Normani's shoulder.

"That's not what she means honey, she's just being a drama queen again." Ally said with a smile.

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