Say Something

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Say Something - A Great Big World

Nobody's POV

It was a Tuesday, but to Lauren Jauregui it was her last day. She never knew why people hated her, abused her or talked crap about her. She never understood how people could do that to someone who never did anything to them in the first place. They always waited outside her class until she left the classroom, slapped her books from her hands, put her on the ground and beat her whilst yelling insults at her, it attracted a crowd, maybe a teacher if they weren't busy. She had a good family, when they were home, she didn't have any siblings, her parents were always away at work, always on business trips, well she knew her mom was, she knew her dad was just getting wasted at clubs and booking a hotel for the night with his lady friends, she loved her parents, she really did, she just hated the fact they were never there for her, physically or emotionally. They couldn't send her one text, one email; nothing. But there was one person she loved unconditionally, and that was her girlfriend of 3 years Camila Cabello. Camila knew about Lauren's bullying issues, except she felt terrible because she couldn't do anything, she felt useless when Lauren came to her with cuts and bruises, she would stand up for her girlfriend but she was weak, they would beat her just as much they did with Lauren, and although it sounds selfish, she would rather be it Lauren who gets beat than her as well, but Lauren understood why, Camila always had trouble explaining it to Lauren but Lauren understood.

Lauren woke up Tuesday morning hoping for it to be a peaceful, quiet day but it was quite the opposite within the half hour she was awake, she rolled out of bed and checked her phone, she saw she had heaps of messages, anonymous numbers, "this can't be good" she thought to herself, she braced herself, hoping for the worst, but when she saw the images attached to the messages she let tears brim her eyelids, she couldn't believe what was in front of her eyes, Camila, with a girl outside of school, being a little more than friendly, she locked her phone right before throwing it across her room, not caring if the screen shattered, she let out a gut wrenching scream before burying her face in her pillow, drowning out her sobs, after an hour but to Lauren if felt like decades, she slowly got out of bed and approached her phone hearing it buzzing constantly for the past hour, people were non-stop texting her, it was all hate, people telling her to slit her wrists, to kill herself, to go overdose, there were at least 100 messages repeating the same stuff, plus the occasional picture of camila and the mystery girl. She put her phone down because she couldn't even hold it because she was shaking so much, she tensed when she heard a knock on her bedroom door, she didn't even hear the front door open, she began to relax when the knocking stooped, but then again, how could you hear a knock on a door when you're too busy screaming into a pillow.
"Lauren?" Lauren tensed again, Camila, lauren looked over to her door, seeing the doorknob turning hesitantly, her eyes widened before she quickly approached the door, holding the doorknob still with her hand,
"Camila?" She sniffed, "what are you doing here?" Camila was silent, probably contemplating whether to leave or not Lauren thought,

Say something, I'm giving up on you
I'll be the one, if you want me to
Anywhere I would've followed you
Say something, I'm giving up on you

"Camila? Say something, or else leave." Lauren said sternly,
"Lauren let me in. We need to talk, you sound like you've been crying, what's wrong?" Camila asked softly, Lauren scoffed not believing Camilas pity,
"Please, as if y-you don't k-know." She turned the lock on her door before whispering a quiet goodbye.

And I am feeling so small
It was over my head
I know nothing at all
And I will stumble & fall
I'm still learning to love
Just starting to crawl

Lauren felt useless, hearing camila banging on the door, yelling out her name. Lauren just couldn't continue this, she just couldn't continue life. She was done for, and everyone knew it since this morning. She felt as if everything was numb, she couldn't feel her bare-feet on her wooden floor, she couldn't hear the birds chirping outside happily, she couldn't feel anything, all she heard was Camilas begging and her own deep breathing, she didn't see it but there was a little box at her feet, she stumbled over it before falling to the ground helplessly, she landed with a loud thud, hitting her head on the corner of the desk, this just made Camila even crazier and more worried, Lauren was surprised she didn't knock herself out when she hit her head, she hesitantly stood up, grasping onto the desk hoping for some support, she continued on her short journey to her bathroom, she turned the doorknob before freezing hearing the door behind her crash on the ground, she turned around seeing camila standing there, she quickly slammed the bathroom door and locked the door, she scrambled to the medicine cabinet before grabbing a bottle of pills, she didn't even bother looking at the label, she just popped open the lid and walked over to the door,
"Camila, I'm sorry, I didn't want it to be this way, I just can't take it anymore, I know that after this you'll probably forget all about me and continue on with your life." Lauren could hear Camila crying through the door, trying not to cry herself she took a deep breath,
"And I know you probably hate me right now but I have to do this, please don't think of this as any of your fault. You couldn't have done anything to save me, please forget about me, I'm not worry of your memory, I'm useless, just please if you see my parents tell them I'm sorry and that I love them. And I got something for you, I know we only just finished school last week, and the graduation ceremony was held off till next week, but in my bedside table second draw down, there's something there for you, along with a letter. Read it. Now."
She heard Camila shuffle away from the door, she started to pour the pills in her hand, she put half of the bottle in her hand, she lifted her hand to her mouth, she felt some fall into her mouth but she decided to put the rest in her mouth and stalled, just keeping them there until she heard camila return, she heard her draw open and after a few seconds she heard sobs, Lauren slowly shut her eyes, I'm sorry camila. She swallowed the pills before quickly putting the rest in her palm and swallowing those too, she quickly said "I love you, goodbye camila." She laid on the cold tiled floor, letting the sound of Camilas sobs fill her ears, "Lauren I love you please don't go." Lauren felt her eyes start to get droopy, "too....late" she barely got out before everything faded into black, letting Camilas repetitive I love you's consume her.

Say something, I'm giving up on you
I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you
Anywhere I would've followed you
Say something, I'm giving up on you

It was a Sunday, usually camila would be happy, having a day to herself, but today she found a reason for her to officially hate Sunday's, it was Laurens funeral. On Tuesday when lauren told her to go to her drawer she found a ring, not any ring but an engagement ring, she also found a letter, she hasn't read the letter yet, she promised she'll do it after the funeral, also in the drawer was Laurens graduation cap, with the words "finally free" written on the top, obviously there was a two way meaning to those two words, but camila would only understand the two, nobody would understand the second reason. Camila loved lauren with her whole heart, and when she broke down the bathroom and saw lauren laying there pale, still, non breathing and with the pill bottle in her hand Camila collapsed on the ground, clutching onto lauren like her life depended on it, she could've done something, she could've called the ambulance, she could've broken down the door earlier, she could've rung laurens parents but it was too late; because Lauren was gone. She was dead. And she was never coming back, Camila never registered that until she saw Laurens body being loaded into an ambulance, she looked down at her hand and saw the ring, her mouth twitched, she almost smiled, but the thought of never seeing lauren again consumed her and ended up on the ground sobbing.

Camila has never really attended a funeral before, unless you count her goldfish being flushed, but apart from that, never, as she arrived at the venue the funeral was being placed she couldn't help but smile, Lauren would be free from everything, not having to deal with the bully's and everything else, except camila kept thinking about how she would live without lauren, and she realized she couldn't, so once she read the letter when she got home later that evening her decision was final, she was going to see Lauren again. Tonight.

And I will swallow my pride
You're the one that I love
And I'm saying goodbye

Camila never thought she would be committing suicide before, she never really had thoughts associated with suicide either, but after Laurens death she was just all about those thoughts, Lauren was her first love, her last love, if it succeeds. She wrote letters to each of her family members, one each for her friends, Normani, Ally and Dinah, she wouldn't be surprised if they couldn't even read the letters because of all the tears, she had trouble with the letters, she didn't know how to say goodbye, she didn't put why she was saying goodbye, all she put was "I'm sorry" as a goodbye, of course she wrote other stuff too but that was what her three friends focused on when Camilas mom handed them the envelopes after finding Camilas cold stone body in the bathroom with the letters clutched to her chest, dinah was confused and angry, but she was also sad, she just lost her sister like best friend, she would miss her stupid jokes, her goofy smile and her contagious laugh, Normani felt the same, she would miss Camilas weird clothing choices, her music playing through the speakers and she would miss their friendship, she was close with camila, Ally felt the worst, she felt angry, sad, confused, bewildered and lost, ally felt as if she lost a part of her, she would miss her cuddles, Camila and hers movie marathons, she would miss camila giving her an ugly sweater on Christmas but the most thing that the three would miss was Camila herself.

Say something I'm giving up on you.....

Sorry if that made no sense, but idk I was listening to some pretty sad music while writing this :(( I hope you enjoyed it, remember to vote <3

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