Safe at Sea (Part One)

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Summary: Lauren the human pirate finds herself stranded alone on a rock with a flesh-eating siren. And then they talk.

Warning for slurs, blood and cannibalism. 


Lauren was peacefully picking her toenails on the upper deck when she heard Dinah start cursing very loudly. Which, in itself, wasn't any more noteworthy than the sun rising at dawn; but this time, the reason for it was definitely rather unusual.

"Fuck! Fuck fuck fucking fuck! It's a siren!" Dinah shouted, stomping her boots for probably no other reason than dramatic effect. "I knew we should have brought Ally along. Normani, my love; Lauren, you ugly dyke, get over here! We've got a siren!"

"Great," Lauren groused, making her way over to her captain as slowly as she could. "First we run out of bacon, now this."

Dinah was already gripping the sailing line, one foot planted on a conveniently placed crate. "Mani, you should take the wheel," she said. "Your bisexuality is our only chance."

Lauren rolled her eyes. "This is ridiculous. We're all gonna die."

"Laur, these may well be my last moments on this shitty planet. Stop being such a wet blanket and watch me make out with my hot girlfriend."

Normani hummed in agreement and tugged Dinah to her, dipping her low and kissing her thoroughly. Dinah whimpered and pressed herself closer to Normani, sliding her hand under her shirt. Lauren rolled her eyes again.

Finally pulling Dinah back up and letting go of her lips, Normani tucked away a strand of hair and said, "Oh, right, I've got earplugs."

Lauren took the two crumpled earplugs Normani handed her and scowled.

"Okay, we're almost within hearing range," Dinah said. "Mani, go try to steer us to safety. Lauren, let's hope these earplugs are enough to counteract the overwhelming potency of your sexual frustration, huh?"

Lauren scowled harder. "Shouldn't we at least tie ourselves to the mast or something?"

"No time! Laur, put in your earplugs! Or be a surly asshole and die, whichever."

They put their earplugs in just in time for an inhuman melody to start reaching their ears.

"It's working!" Dinah shouted excitedly. "I feel absolutely no urge to stuff my face full of weird fish-person tongue! Yes! Another victory for lesbian pirates!" She started performing a victory dance, but Lauren was no longer looking at her.

Lauren felt like she was in a dream. A sweet, enthralling, achingly beautiful dream, filled with promises and possibility and a certainty so strong it was strangely comforting. The faint sounds that filtered their way to her ear were pulsing in her veins, making her heart dance and her nerve endings tingle.

Her earplugs were in the way. It was inconceivable to her now that she'd ever want to dampen the powerful, raw beauty of this song. This voice should never be shut out! It should be embraced, openly, in all its horror and its majesty. She plucked out the earplugs and stepped boldly towards the ship's edge.

"Lauren? What are you doing?" Dinah yelled and lunged for her, but Lauren was quick and already too far away. "No!"

Lauren stripped off her shirt and threw it carelessly aside. She kicked off her boots. She turned her head to give Dinah one last smile, to show her it was all right, she was making the right choice, the only choice that made sense.

And then she jumped.

"Lauren!" she heard Dinah scream after her.

She hit the water with a deafening splash, but she was too full with the siren's song to feel the pain. After a brief moment to regain her bearings, she started swimming in the direction of that magnificent voice. The sea was agitated and the waves tireless, but Lauren was a goddamned pirate, so the swim, while utterly exhausting, was not completely impossible.

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