Marry Me

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2. Marry Me - Jason Derulo

Laurens POV

A hundred and five is the number that comes to my head
When I think of all the years I wanna be with you
Wake up every morning with you in my bed
That's precisely what I plan to do

It feels like the perfect time to propose, it's our 6 year anniversary, yeah I know, why so long? Well, that's because it started as a small high school romance, we would just be in between the sheets at least twice every two weeks, people said we could easily get caught, because back then people like us, they were not approved of, they were a disgrace to God and the human race, every-time I think of it I always roll my eyes, so badly I might lose them. Her and I we weren't the brightest kids, we didn't have the biggest group of friends, we didn't have the prettiest smiles, we weren't the richest family on each of our blocks, we didn't have all the fashion designed clothes, we didn't have the best grades, but there was an upside to this, we had love, people said it was a 'project' or a 'phase' but honestly it was way more, we knew we loved each other we just never admitted it. But, I do not regret it to this day, because hopefully today is the day she say yes.
We moved in together about four years ago, bought a little apartment and we lived in It together, by ourselves, that was until she decided to go out one night and bring something home, at first when I woke up I wondered where she was because she wasn't lying with me like she usually is, but she was asleep on the couch, cuddled up with this brunette, her name was Jessy, at first when I saw her I was confused, I wasn't angry not even sad, to be completely honest, I knew it was going to happen eventually, but I just shook her shoulder and she woke up, and looked down at the brunette and smiled, "her names Jessy, Ya know, I thought it suited her." She chuckled,
"Found her wandering the streets and I just had to bring her home." The word 'home' just put tingles in my stomach, "but for a little pitbull she sure is adorable isn't she?"

And you know one of these days when I get my money right
Buy you everything and show you all the finer things in life
We'll forever be in love, so there ain't no need to rush
But one day I won't be able to ask you loud enough

Like I said, we weren't the richest of people, still aren't, but we've picked up our feet, I was saving up for quite a while and when I finally had enough I literally speed to the shop, I was close to getting a ticket, but thank god I was wearing a deep v-neck t-shirt that day, he let me off, I feel in love with the ring as soon as the lady pulled it out, I just had to get it there and then, the lady asked no questions which I was thankful for, I'm not really i talkative person these days. For my Camz I would buy her the world, anything she wanted, rings, emeralds, clothes, Obama because I know how much she loves that man, maybe even a joke bought to those jokes of hers out. I remember when I first saw her, in the school hallway, I approached her cautiously and I kinda gave her a fright and she ran of to the bathroom so I had to comfort her, and that was where our first kiss was. I immediately fell in love with her. We agreed to take all the time we needed before we took it to another level, i would wait centuries for her, I would stop the the clock turning if she was late to work, or was late to the gym. I hope she knows all of this, because tonight I won't be able to stop saying things, i will declare it to the stars, no matter how loud I have to scream, no matter her answer I will love her unconditionally.

I'll say, "Will you marry me?"
I swear that I will mean it
I'll say, "Will you marry me?"

This was it, she was sitting across the small table from me, my palms were sweaty, I'm fidgeting, shuffling in my seat, avoiding eye contact, playing with my hair, obviously she noticed,
"Lolo? What's wrong?" She grabs my sweaty hand and plays with my fingers,
"Nothing's wrong, everything is fine, perfect actually." I smile reassuringly
"Clearly not, why are you fidgety and stuff?" She frowns, "did I say something?" I shake my head,
"No Camzi, I'm just nervous," I shiver at her touch as she kisses my hand,
"Nervous for what?" She smirks noticing my shiver, oh how whipped am I right now.
"For this." I pull my hand away and get out of my chair and kneel down in front of her,
"Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao, I have loved since the moment I scared you in the hallway, from the kiss in the bathroom stall to the good morning kiss today. I have loved you before now, I still love you now, and I will love you beyond time in the future, I would stop the world for you, I would buy you anything you wanted, I love you beyond all of the love in the world, that times ten. If you do not accept this proposal that is ok. Because I will love you whether your answer is yes or no, I will never stop loving you, even when I die, I will love you in the after life, I will love you if you ever move on from me, I love you. Will you be my wife and make me the happiest woman out of all of the billions of people in the world? Will you marry me?"
By now she is staring at me with tears in her eyes, she smiles softly before leaning down and saying yes repeatedly into my ear, I smile so huge I think my face is going to crack, I envelope her in a hug and just breathe this moment in, Camila is now going to be my wife. Best day ever. She pulls away and looks into my eyes before smashing her lips onto mine. Gosh I love this girl.

Sorry that was kinda short...

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