The Quarterback

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Melani's POV

Me and Kait are on our way to the game when Ant calls my phone apologizing. Usually I'm very forgiving and yeah the situation wasn't that deep but it was just the way he said it's over like he wanted it to be over so I helped him out.

Ant~ I'm so sorry for coming at you the way I did I just really wanted to talk to you.

Melani~ I forgive you but I don't want to get back with you. They way you came at me was out of pocket and I didn't appreciate it.

Ant~so you are going to ruin our relationship over some bullshit. Fuck you!

Melani~ and on that note goodbye

No one is gonna talk to me like that ever... so I turn up the music and just start singing. I look over to see Kait looking at me sad.

Melani~ girl I'm good I just wish I would've known who he was from the jump.

Kait~ you sure

Melani~ yes ma'am!

Kait~ with that lets go she says as she turns the music back up

~10 minutes later~
We finally made it to the game so I turned off the car and we got out. When we got there they were just starting so we made perfect timing.

~4th Quarter~
We were down by 6 points I don't really know much about football so I just screamed when everyone else screamed and boo'd when the did... they started there hut stance when they took off our team was so close to the touchdown zone when a big player from the other team tackles Eric super hard. After 30 seconds I realized he wasn't getting up I see Kait run down so I ran down behind her. When we got down there they tried to block us off but Kait is like a bulldozer and gets us through. We made it to his side and I grabbed his hand and Kait grabbed his other he was unconscious. The ambulance came and took him to the hospital Kait started crying I told her to calm down and let's go to the car so we can meet them at the hospital.

When we got there his mom and dad where already in the waiting room.

Kait~ did they say anything

Mrs.Penzy~ No not yet just that they would let us know as soon as they find out something

Kait~ can anyone go see him

Mrs.Penzy~ Not right now sweetie

~20 minutes~
After what felt like forever the doctors finally come out.

Doc~ he is awake and he is saying he wants to speak to a Mel something

Melani~ are you sure I say looking at his family

Mrs. Penzy~ is there any other news?

Doc~ he is fine just a concussion and a sprained leg he should be good to leave tomorrow. You guys can see him now but only one at a time and he would like Mel to go first if she is here

Melani~ I'm here is that okay I say asking them because I don't want to over step any boundaries

Penzy family~ of course they say giving a reassuring look

Melani~ okay I'll be fast so you guys can see him

Penzy family~ you're fine take your time sweetie

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