The talk

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Melani's POV

Ant went to his beach house to get clothes and take a shower I seen Eric sitting by himself I decided it might be time to talk because there has definitely been some tension between us

Melani ~ hey can we talk

Eric~ about...he said sounding uninterested

Melani~ about the tension between us we are always laughing and smiling when we are together now it's like we are tiptoeing around each other

Eric~ I know I guess I'm just jealous he says not making eye contact

Melani~ jealous of what I say really confused

Eric~ don't play dumb you an Anthony walking around here all cuddled up

Melani~ what's the problem with that I'm single he's single

Eric~ okay Melani don't act like we didn't have something going or you never felt anything between us

Melani~ I'm not gonna lie I did but I didn't know how you felt for me I can't read minds

Eric~ well I'm telling you now and I bet its not going to change anything

Melani~ you're putting me in an awkward situation

He started leaning in his lips pressed against mine and I can't lie I felt a spark but I had to try things more with Ant or I would regret it as I pushed away Ant walked in

Ant~ WTF!!!

Melani~ it's not what it looks like

Ant~it looks like you kissing someone who's not me

Melani~ he kissed me I pushed away

Eric~ you can't say you didn't feel anything

Next thing you know Ant is on top of Eric they are hitting each other hard I'm screaming and finally Gio came and broke it up

Melani~ I don't want to talk to either of you for awhile

Ant~ why are you mad for something you did

Melani~ because I didn't do it I pushed away but you obviously don't trust me which I understand because you don't really know me but I'm not arguing with anyone

Ant&Eric~ Wait they say in unison

Melani~ Kait!!! I'm going to the beach come with me please

(At the beach)

Melani~ I don't even know what's going on anymore

Kait~ what happened

I told her kinda hesitant to tell her about the kiss because I don't want things to be weird between me and her

Melani~ I'm really sorry I said looking at the sand

Kait~ girl I knew something had to be going on you guys just stare at each other for long periods of time the shit gets weird sometimes

Melani~ you knew we liked each other the whole time I say laughing at what she said

Kait~ I knew there were some feelings there but what about Ant

Melani~ I really like him he showed me from the beginning he was feeling me it didn't take me kissing and loving on someone else for him to tell me how he feels like it did with Eric... what should I do

Kait~ you know I'm team Eric that's my brother but you're my best friend and whoever you choose I'm behind you 100%

We hugged and I think tonight we are going out so I asked if she wanted to go to the mall with me she said her and Gio had plans so I guess I'm going by myself

I got ready and a couple minutes later my Uber pulled up I was getting in about to close the door then was stopped by Ant

Melani~ move so I can go I said trying not to look at him

Ant~ I'm coming too he said putting his seatbelt on and closing the door

The car ride there was awkward and silent

10 minutes later
(At the mall)

Ant~ are you going to talk now

Melani~ I'm going to pink I'll catch up with you later

Ant~ then I'm coming to

I kept giving him the silent treatment and was looking at this dress that I really liked for tonight

Melani~ do you like this I said forgetting all about the silent treatment

Ant~ yes I do... so you're talking to me again he said with a huge smile on his face

Melani~ I didn't mean to i'm used to being with Kait it was a force of habit

Ant~ whatever I'll be at the food court when you're ready to go

I silently laughed as he walked away because he is so cute and he just knows how to make me smile I paid for the dress and went to the food court because I was hungry

(Food court)
I walked in and seen Ant sitting by himself on his phone I decided to be petty and sit at the table directly across from him he just looked up and I started laughing

Ant~ you are so petty will you please just talk to me

Melani~ fine whatever

Ant~ I'm sorry I didn't trust you it's just I've been through a lot with last relationship and I don't trust easy

Melani~ I understand if I would have seen you kiss another girl I would be pissed to so I apologize too

He gave me a kiss and we went home to get ready for tonight

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