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Melani~ Kait wake up or we're going to be late

Kait~ shut up girl I'm already up

Melani~ well hurry and Eric are you taking us to school

I have always had a thing for Eric I mean who wouldn't he's fine and does it all, but he would never go for a girl like me and I grew up with him he probably thinks of me as family

Eric~ yeah if you guys hurry I can't miss first period again

~later on at school~

So I didn't tell you guys in the beginning but I kinda have a boyfriend his name is Spencer but he can be a jerk sometimes and I think he is cheating on me

Spencer~ hey babe what's up

Melani~ nothing just getting to class

Spencer~ why don't you skip with me

Melani~ I'm down I hate Mrs. Parker's class anyways, where are we going to go

Spencer~ we can go to my house

Melani~okay let me text Kait and tell her I'm leaving.

Melani~alright, let's go!
(Eric's POV)

I seen Melani leaving with her stupid ass boyfriend and school just started I hate him so much he treats Melani like shit and she just lets him. I've always had a thing for Melani but she's my little sisters best friend and we damn near grew up together...I get cut off by my thought as some girl approaches me

Dani~ hey Eric do you want to do something after school

Eric~ like what

Dani~ there's a party at my place if you want to come

Eric~ sure I'm always down for a party

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