Date Night Pt.2

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Melani's POV
He took my hand and led me to the other side of the backyard where there were blankets on the floor and pillows. Love and Basketball was playing on the projector we were sitting there watching it all cuddled up he leaned on and kissed me and there it was that spark again. We bother pulled away and smiled I cuddled back up to him and continued the movie.

~next morning~
I woke up to the bright sun not realizing that I was still outside we had both fell asleep I woke up Eric so we could go home.

Mel~ Eric wake up. I say nudging him.
Eric~ man what time is it. He says squinting because the sun is super bright.
Mel~ is 8am. Come on so we can go home I need to get out this dress
Eric~ shit you can get out of it right now. He says looking me up and down.
Mel~ boy come on.
Eric~ alright damn I tried. Help me up you know I got this damn boot on.

I laugh while helping him off the ground I drive home I parked outside his house. He said how much fun he had and gave me a kiss. I got out the car and walked across the street to my house when I got there Kait was just sitting on my bed like she had been waiting there forever.

Mel~ girl how long have you been here? I ask laughing and getting undressed
Kait~ since last night when I thought you would be back... so what happened
Mel~ KAIT!!! I say screaming. I had the best date of my life he told me all about how he felt and where he seen us in the future ugh I really like him!
Kait~ you should've seen how nervous he was getting ready he wanted to make sure you had the best night! I'm so happy for you guys. So does this mean you guys are dating or what.
Mel~ we are taking things so but we basically said we aren't gonna be talking with anyone else so I mean kinda.
Kait~ so yes you guys are dating she said laughing
Mel~ Yeah I say busting out laughing. I'm about to get in the shower then we can go over your house
Kait~ okay bet.

Eric's POV
Man I just had the best night ever I don't want to say love but I really like this girl. I'm about to get in the shower cause my dudes talking about they coming over later so let me get ready real quick.

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