Morning after

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I walked and sat back down where I was sitting, Ant was smiling super hard when I sat down then he put his arm around me I could feel my eyes closing

Next morning
I woke up in my bed wondering how I got there as I wiped the sleep out of my eyes I tried to get up just to get pulled back down I could smell his cologne so I knew who it was.

Melani~ let me up I need to go to the bathroom

Ant~ just a couple more minutes

Melani~ no I have to pee now

Ant~ ugh fine he says releasing his grip

I went to the bathroom then did my morning routine then after a couple minutes Ant came in and did his as well

Melani~ will you do a face mask with me

Ant~ I guess he says giving me a kiss

We put them on and I started laughing because he doesn't know how bad it's going to hurt when he takes it off.

It takes a long time to dry so we decided to make breakfast for everyone while we waited

Ant~ what do you want baby

Melani~ french toast I said blushing because that was the first time he ever called me that it sent shivers down my spine

While we were cooking I turned on music and Russ miss you crazy came on

Ant~ sometimes I start missin you crazy ain't nothin quite like you

I just looked at him and smiled

Melani~ love like this keeps going and going I cannot forget you

He looked at me and gave me a kiss it's like we've known each other forever I'm so comfortable around him

Kait~ it is to early for you guys to be this loud

Melani~ you won't be saying that when your eating our food
Kait~you know I'm joking dang

We all started laughing

After breakfast

Melani~ are you ready to take off this face mask

Ant~ yes he said damn near running to the bathroom

I set up a camera because this was about to be funny we took a picture before hand just to be basic

I set up a camera because this was about to be funny we took a picture before hand just to be basic

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❤️ 💬
Antman she's a pretty little thang
Melani_to_cute thanks 🥰

He started to rip it off then he let out a huge scream I started laughing he gave me a death stare

20 mins later
I felt bad after a while because it's been 20 mins and he doesn't even have half his face done so I get a warm wet wash cloth and wipe the rest off he did the same for me he was looking me in my eyes, we started leaning in closer and closer till finally he kissed me it was so passionate and deep that was until Eric came through the door Eric was just standing there looking at us

Ant~ knock first

Eric~ my bad I didn't know anyone was in here

It got really awkward

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