First Day Back

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So we are finally back at school and we all go our separate ways. We stayed longer then spring break so we have a lot to catch up on but school is just not the move right now!

~English class~
English is my favorite class so I'm not as annoyed as I was before. Then I realized we had a hell of a lot of papers to write like 3 assignments and I'm in AP English so they are all 5-6 pages long

~end of day~
Today wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be but I'm at home trying to get all this work done and Ant keeps texting me I'm trying to tell him I can't talk right now but he just keeps calling and texting I finally answered the phone after the 4th call


Ant~ what's up

Melani~ I'm trying to get this work done I'll call you after

Ant~ don't hang up this phone or me and you are over

Melani~ what is your problem

Ant~ long distance doesn't work if we don't talk everyday and you are ruining it already

Melani~ well I'm sorry you feel that way but I need to finish this to pass

Ant~ we'll do what you gotta do but you already heard what I said

Melani~ I don't know what you and Gio have going on but if you didn't think this was going to work then we should've stopped when I went to the airport bye because I don't like how controlling you sound

Melani's POV
That was weird I wanted to cry but I need to think about my future and be done worrying about guys this was my second break up this month!

~next day~
It's Friday so the football game is after school I've already been to most of my classes so me and Kait are leaving early to go to the mall before the game

~at the mall~
Melani~I should wear Eric's number on my shirt

Kait~ yeah mines can say "sister" and yours can say "best friend"

Melani~ okay

We went to the shop that makes the shirts and they came out so good me and Kait went to her house and got ready for they game and put our face paint on

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