Date Night Pt.1

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Eric's POV
I'm on the phone with Kait and my mom making sure everything is perfect I know we've had a rough couple of weeks but I want everything to be special for her she deserves it.
~on the phone~
Eric~ Is everything done?
Kait~ Almost we are trying to figure out the projector who's idea was it to have a movie outside?
Eric~ well if you had some sense it wouldn't be that damn hard I'll do it just make sure everything else is done
Mama Penzy~ Eric stop talking to your sister like that she's doing something nice for you
Eric~ my fault I'm just nervous everything has to be perfect
Kait~ it's cool I want everything to be perfect too... just get dressed we will figure everything out
Eric~ thank y'all love ya

After I hung up the phone I had to make sure I smelt good so I got in the shower with this damn boot on struggling... After I was done I dried off and went to see what I was wearing.

After figuring out what I'm wearing I start getting dressed and doing final touches.

Erics outfit

Melani's POV I just got finished doing my hygiene routine making sure I'm shaved and skin is soft

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Melani's POV
I just got finished doing my hygiene routine making sure I'm shaved and skin is soft. I have no clue what to wear Eric hasn't told me what we are doing... I texted Eric but he's not giving me any hints maybe if I ask Kait she will let me know something.

I texted Kait and her only hint was wearing something very nice. I'm so nervous I know I messed up with Eric by pushing him away but let's be honest he waited until I was showing someone else attention to tell me he was feeling me but... tonight will let me know exactly what to do next!

I put on my lotion and do my hair and make up then put in my dress and I'm feeling like that girl!!

Melani's Hair + Makeup/ Outfit

I walk out the door to see Eric waiting at the door for me he looks so good in all black fresh cut I'm just looking at him and then I realize he's doing the same with me

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I walk out the door to see Eric waiting at the door for me he looks so good in all black fresh cut I'm just looking at him and then I realize he's doing the same with me.

Eric's POV
Mel looks so damn good I don't even have words for it I'm just staring at her till she finally said something

Mel~ you look handsome. She says with a big smile
Eric~ Mel you look absolutely amazing I can't stop looking at you. I say taking her hands while we walk to the car
Mel~ thank you she starts blushing

I'm in this boot so she had to drive which kinda takes away from the surprise. I set everything up at my friends house they are never really home and there backyard is huge my mom made us dinner and Kait set it all up I haven't seen it yet so I hope everything looks good

~20 minutes later~
We finally arrive and we walked to the back but before we got there I made Mel close her eyes I told her it was for the surprise element but I really wanted to make sure it was to my liking. It was even more perfect then I imagined there was a gazebo with a table were there were candles and roses all around with lights hanging down.

Okay you can open your eyes now

Melani's POV
Eric finally let me open my eyes and it was beautiful I felt so special that he did all of this for me
Mel~ omg Eric this is gorgeous no one has ever done something like this for me
Eric~ You deserve all of this and more... come on let's go eat

Eric took my hand and we walked over to the table and it was even better up close. It was all of my favorite foods steak, potatoes, and broccoli there was even wine.

Mel~ wow you really out did yourself
Eric~ I definitely had help but I had to make sure you had a rememberable night
Mel~ I can tell mama Penzys food anywhere I say laughing. But this will definitely be a memory I will have forever

After we were finished eating we talked about how everything went down in Hawaii

Eric~ I want to apologize again for how I treated you in Hawaii seeing you with Ant made me realize my feelings for you were much deeper and I know that isn't right.
Mel~ I need to apologize too I shouldn't have pushed you away over a guy I just met but also it hurt me that it took all of that for you to see that you liked me as much as I've always liked you without needing to see you with someone.
Eric~ well Melani Rose I like you and I know that for a fact I don't want to see you with anyone else and we don't have to rush it but I want this to continue and eventually I want you to be my girlfriend
Mel~ I'm down for taking things slow as long as one day I can call you my boyfriend

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