Whats Next

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Melani's POV
I'm finally out of the shower and just put on something comfortable because I don't plan on doing much. Kait and I walked over to her house and I raid her pantry for snacks so we can binge watch Criminal Minds when I hear a knock at the door. "Kait someone's at the door" I yell. "Can you get it I'm in the bathroom" she says from upstairs. I go to get the door and it's Tanner and Q. "Oh what's up y'all" I say with chips in my mouth. "Damn Mel can we come in shit it's hot out here" Q says while trying to reach for my chips. "Boy stfu and move" I say while smacking his hand. "Who is it" kait yells. I run upstairs before she comes down.

I go upstairs to where Kait is. "Girl it's Tanner get dressed in something cute but comfortable so it doesn't look like you're trying to hard". We are sitting in Kaits room getting her ready when we are finally done we head downstairs where the boys are.

Kaits POV
I heard someone at the door but I was in the bathroom so I had Mel get it. I hear a bunch of voices but can't make any of them out as I was just about to head downstairs I heard Mel running up them like Usan Bolt. "Who was it" I asked looking at her trying to catch her breath. She told me it was Tanner and my heart instantly starting thumping. I started getting cute but not too cute if that makes since then we head downstairs. "Hey Guys" I say waving. "What's up Kait", Q says while pulling me into a side hug. "Hey cutie". Tanner says while pulling me into a hug and I smell is cologne and he's rubbing my back. I just felt myself melting into his arms. Before I knew it we had been holding each other for 5 minutes it felt like. When we let go I could feel myself just wanting to stay like that for the rest of the night.

Eric's POV
I just got dressed and I'm heading down the stairs when I see Tanner and my sister hugging. I love my nigga Tanner but if he fuck up with my sister it's over for that man. "Alright now shit, don't be doing all that touchy shit in front of me". I say and everyone smack that lips. "Man shutcho ass up like you and Mel ain't about to be up under each other matter of fact why y'all ain't bring me a shawty". Q say looking like a hurt puppy. "Rae should be here soon if you want to chill with her" Kait says knowing damn well Q been drooling over Rae our whole childhood. "Ooh y'all know that's my baby" he says singing. We all bust out laughing

I tried a different style of writing so let me know which one y'all like better please! Any feed back would be great.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2022 ⏰

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