Movie Night

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Eric's POV
~2 hours later~

We decided to go to my beach house and watch movies and Ant and Melani were all cuddled up on the couch together and I was getting angrier by the second because I want that to be me I was taken out of my thoughts by kait

Kait~ what movie should we watch

Melani~ rom com she said getting excited

Eric~ hell no I say getting loud and mad

Melani~ what is your problem

Eric~ nothing I say rolling my eyes

Melani's POV
I don't know what's going on with Eric and I'm not going to worry about it I had a great day and Anthony and I are all cuddled up he's super close though

Mel~you think you're close enough I said flirty

Ant~ not really he says as he moves closer to me

Mel~ what about now I laughed

Any~ I can sit you on my lap if that's what you want he said whispering in my ear

I started feeling his hand go lower and lower down my body I shot up and everyone was looking at me crazy I just shouted out I have to use the bathroom

Eric~ then go weird ass

I rolled my eyes and walked to the bathroom I was fixing myself and breathing to try and calm down

~ a couple minutes later~

I heard footsteps approaching, then the bathroom door opened I looked up and seen Ant starring me down

Mel~ what are you doing in here

Ant~ shh he said

he started kissing me, the kiss got deeper and deeper as I let out a moan as he laughed he started kissing my neck and touching on my body I could feel myself getting wet he moved his hands down my pants and he tapped my clit teasing me I moaned in frustration

Melani~ seriou- I couldn't even finish before he shoved his fingers in me

He covered my mouth because I couldn't help myself and was letting out the loudest moans ever what he doesn't know is this is my first sexual experience after I orgasmed he licked his fingers and gave me one last kiss before going back to watch the movie

~after I cleaned myself up~

I walked back out and I could feel Eric giving me a death stare I could not look him in the eyes...

Do you guys like this story please give me feedback so I can make it better if need be and thanks for reading

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