The breakup

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(Eric's POV)

so I'm home from school as I hear crying noises coming from Kaits room but she texted saying she wouldn't be home right away so I go to check who it is and it's Melani

Eric's~ Melani what's wrong

Melani ~ nothing sorry was I being to loud. She says as she giggles a bit

I gave her a little smile back as she started crying even harder I ask her what wrong again and she finally took a deep breath and told me everything

Melani~ he was cheating on me the whole time and I knew it I just didn't want to believe it I'm such an idiot for thinking someone could ever love me

Eric~ I love you I said kinda regretting it afterwards but is was true she's goofy, beautiful and super nice

(Melani's POV)
I was on Spencer's phone just on Snapchat Snaping a picture because he got the IPhone XR and I still have a 8 so his camera quality is way better... when I see a picture of some half naked girl in his messages I asked him about and he completely denied everything so I called the girl and she was like " yeah we've been dating for like 6 months" I was so angry I just ran away and cried at Kaits house but she wasn't even there so I'll just wait

As I was waiting Eric came in I was so embarrassed my make up was everywhere and he was being really supportive then he tells me he loves me and I don't know if he meant in a friend way or a more then friends way so I really am freaking out and don't know what to say

Melani~ you do I say as my voice shakes and cracks

Eric~Yes he says sounding uncertain

Melani~ I love you too I say as I go in for a hug that lasted longer than I thought

We finally let go after what felt like 10 minutes

Eric~ there is a party tonight you should come he says as he gets up from the bed

Melani~ is kait coming

Eric~ yeah she can come he says sounding a little upset

Melani~ okay then I'll be there I say as I give him a smile

~2 hours later~

Kait~ WAKE UP!!! she says screaming in my ear

Melani~ Kait what the hell is wrong with you and where have you been I say in a motherly tone

Kait~ shut up mom I come bearing gifts she say with a sneaky smile

Melani~ what is it I say intrigued

Kait~ outfits for tonight!

Melani~ these are cute I'm gonna be snatching everyone's man tonight

Kait + Melani~ STEAL HER MAN, STEAL HER MAN! we both started dying laughing

Kait~ okay lets get ready

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