Hospital Feelings

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Melani's POV
I make my way down the hallway until I see Eric's room number. I wait outside his door for a couple seconds because I'm nervous to go in. When I finally walk in his room I see him laying there with a neck brace on and I tear up trying not to completely cry. I walked over to his bed side and sit down in the chair next to it.

Melani~ hey, how are you feeling I say as I place my hand on his.

Eric~ I'm feeling okay they have me on morphine so I'm a little loopy he says as he laughs then screech's in pain.

Melani~ are you okay?!

Eric~ yeah it just hurts a little to laugh

Melani~ so the doctor said you called for me I said looking confused

Eric~ I don't know you were just who I wanted to see I felt you grabbing my hand on the field and I was trying to talk to you but couldn't

Melani~ you wanted to see me first I said looking more confused

Eric~ yes is that so hard to beileve

Melani~ no I just wasn't expecting it, your family is all here I didn't even think you were thinking about me

Eric~ I'm always thinking about you I seen you in the bleachers with my number on and it made me want to play harder

Melani~ well I wish you didn't play that damn hard I say jokingly

Eric~ I was going to wait till after the game but then this happened

Melani~ wait till after the game for what

Eric~ well if you give me a minute I'll answer

*we both chuckle*

Eric~ you're just so damn beautiful... I miss us hanging out all the time and tonight made me realize that I want you to be more then just my sisters best friend but I don't want to rush anything. I just wanted to ask if you would go on a date with me this weekend.

Melani~ Eric you don't know how long I've waited for you to say this I never wanted to push it because you were older and had all the girls and I'm just your sisters annoying friend, but I would love to go on a date with you as long as it's something adventurous! Deal?

Eric~ first off you are annoying but that's one of the things I like about you. 2nd I do get a lot of girls don't I. He says as he winks at me and laughs

I playfully hit him not remembering that he is hurt till he yells out owe.

Melani~ omg I'm so sorry I completely forgot.

Eric ~ it's okay I guess I gotta watch what I say around you Layla Ali. He laughs, but back to our conversation I have the perfect date planned already just be ready.

Melani~ okay sounds like a plan. I should let your family come in they've been worried. I say as I plant a kiss on his cheek before I leave.

Eric~ make sure you're ready for this date mamas.

Melani ~ I'm always ready boo.

~leaving his room~
I nearly faint at everything that just happened I don't know how I played it so cool in there because I was literally about to shit myself. Then to top it off he called me mamas like ugh instantly just wanted to make out with him but he might've had more then a sprained leg. As I make my way to the lobby to leave the hospital I let the Penzys know that they can go see him. I give them all hugs and make my way home.

~back home~
I finally make it home and do night routine. I'm so tired but can't sleep I'm so nervous about what he has planed yet so excited at the same time. Finally I can feel myself drifting off to sleep.

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