Chapitre 1 : The Beginning of a Journey

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We are in a place called the Sisters' Steppe

Despise being in Dry Season , it was strangely raining. Under this rain, running among tall grasses , was , a disabled Lioness who was looking for , a reddish-brow Male with a huge scar on his right eye. The Male was looking for Nothing's brother , who became a No-Mane ( a rogue ) days ago but came to visit his sister like he promised when he left. However, when Nothing and Fire met each other near the Watering Hole , Feather (Quickmane's son) joined them and Fire then proposed to his sister to met his friends : a whole Band of No-Manes. Feather , like always, was exited to met them and Nothing , at first reluctant, agreed.

When they reach the , Nothing and Feather got to meet Fire's friends : Tangle, Stub, Proud , Meadow , Root and Scruffy. Proud , a huge bulky brown chocolate maned Lion with orange eyes, after hearing Nothing's name, agreed that 'if she is not good at anything it follows that her name should be what it is' . Another No-Mane by the name of Tangle , took her defense saying that " Proud doesn't have a glint sense of Humor ! He just doesn't know when to shut up !" before presenting himself to his friend's sister. Then he came impressed by the fact she was able to defeat a No-Mane while she was still a cub.

However, Nothing and Feather had to leave so they could be present for Hover's Huntress Assessment. Hover was a Prideless Lioness who decided to join the Pride to be with Nothing. However , they came face to face with a White Lion near the Watering who presented himself as Ghost and was here to take Nothing to the Shifting place. The Disabled Lioness refused and the two Lions glared at each other while Feather hided behind Nothing. Then Quickmane and the Pride appeared and chased the Intruder before the Male scowled Nothing for 'taking his son out of the safety of the Sister Stepped '. Mentioning Fire's name when she tried to explain things, Quickmane became more furious and scratched her face right above her left eye before saying she was a curse and that he'll end it once and for all but when he was about to strike it suddenly rains as it is dry season, Powerstrike said that Sharptongue was right and that the Goddesses were angry.

Quickmane was scared of Nothing and decides he would kill Fire instead. The disabled Lioness tries to stop him but he quickly runs away. Then she tried to ask the Pride for help but Powerstrike said that Fire made his choice when he came and that she was no longer his mother due to him being a No-Mane. Nothing , of course lashed out her anger ,reminding her mother about how she used to love them which Powerstrike replied that she DID love Nothing and that how she could have been her proudest achievement but because of her daughter's injuries, she felt weak.

As the Pride Hunt Chief walked away, Nothing quickly goes (Longrun now) who was angered by the fact her friend missed her assessment. Of course the disabled Lioness tried to explain but Longrun replied that it was her problem before leaving. Without thinking, Nothing quickly rushed after Quickmane hoping to stop him killing her brother.

"FIRE ! QUICKMANE ! FIRE , IF YOU'RE OUT HERE , PLEASE ANSWER ME YOU'RE IN DANGER !" Nothing yelled loudly as she ran among the tall grasses....only to soon trip on something and falling on the ground. "What did I just trip.....on " the disabled Lioness asked to herself as she turned her head to see......Quickmane's dead body ! She yelped in surprise and horror when she saw the one who killed her father laying on the ground , covered in injuries and blood , his only eye open to look at nothing.

"Someone killed him." She said as she looked at the corpse before realizing something "Which means....the cubs !" The disabled Lioness tried to ran back to the Stepped to warn the Pride when a large and imposing figure appeared behind her. The No-Mane stepped closer and Nothing's eyes widened when she recognized this Lion : it was Proud , one of Fire's friend ! "Take one more step and you're next !" the Massive Brown Lion said threateningly to her "You killed him ? But Fire said-" "Fire's gone ! Now where are the others Lionesses ?" "The Sisters'Steppe" she responded still scared of him. " With the cubs ?" he asked her still calm but stern and when she didn't answer , he became angry as he barred his fangs "ANSWER ME ! NOW !"

"Y-Yes...They're with their mother..." Nothing responded as she closed her eyes. "Good. I'll have to thank the little red one for his tip. It was very....informative. Now, I'm sorry Nothing but... your usefulness has reached its end..." Proud said as he looked at her and Nothing understood that he intended to kill her ! "Wait ! You can't kill me ! The Curse !" Proud frowned in confusion " The Curse ?" "Yes ! When I was a cub, Quickmane let me live because the Goddesses would punish him if he harmed me..." "And ?" The Brow Male asked with a raise-brow "And Today he attacked me and now he's dead ! If you hurt me, they'll punish you too ! "

"I won't keep you in my pride just because of some....'Curse' " The Male stated as he looked at the Lioness before him "That's fine....Just let me go." Nothing inquired "You'd be only going to your death ! No Pride will take you and you won't last a week alone on the Stretch " Proud remarked with a arched raise-brow. Nothing thought for a second before responding "Fire...Fire will take me" "If the Pride knew you were alive-" The Brown Lion began to say before being interrupted by Nothing who said "Then say you killed me ! It won't matter to them anyway !".

Proud thought about this for a moment as the Lioness looked up at him "Fine. Go" He ordered calmly as he let her go. The disabled Lioness walked away but soon , he called her back "And Nothing ?" She looked back at him as he called her " None of this was personal....Its just what a Mane has to do to survive ! When you find Fire....Make sure he knows that." With that said she left while Proud ran toward the Sisters'Steppes to claim his Pride.

At the tree Nothing last saw Fire earlier, all she found was different tracks each belonged to a Lion "All these tracks go in different directions ! Which one's Fire's ?" she was thinking to herself when a young male voice called her "Nothing !" The disabled Lioness turned her head to see Feather ! "Feather !? What are you doing here , are you okay ?" she asked him with a bit of concern when the red furred Cub stopped in front of her , his blue eyes looking up at her "I came to make sure YOU were okay ! Everyone's saying my Dad hurt you and wanted to hurt Fire too !" he explained hurriedly before becoming sad as he looked down in shame " I"m so sorry I got you in trouble... I didn't mean to do that ! I shouldn't have followed you ! This is all my fault..."

The Lioness looked at him with sadness "Oh Feather...thats okay. I'm sorry I put you the middle of all this " then the red cub with blue eyes added with some confidence "When we go back to the Sisters' Steppe , I can explain everything to Dad ! He'll understand , I promise..." However, the disabled Lioness looked away sadly "I'm not going back there...." she replied softy "Why ?" Feather asked her with a frown of confusion. The Lioness staid silent for a moment before changing subjects "Hey Can you help me with something ? You've been working on your tracking skills right ?" " Silentstalk says I'm a real natural and I could have been a great huntress if I was a Lioness !" The Lion-Cub responded with an eye-closed smile.

"Thats great ! Now...Can you tell me which tracks might be Fire's ?" Nothing asked as she looked at the different tracks on the ground. Feather examined each tracks closelly before saying "Mmmm these ones !" "You're sure ?" "Yep ! Fire was the smallest No-Mane in the band and these are the shallowest tracks !" Nothing nuzzled her cousin happily "Feather you're a genius !" before taking a few steps ahead and looking back at the cub hurriedly "Come on... We don't have much time before the rain washes these away !" but Feather was still confused so he asked "Why are we leaving ? I told you... I can make stuff okay with Dad " " Its not that..." Nothing replied back curtly "What is it then ? I don't understand..." Feather whispered softy in confusion when a lighting touched the branch of the tree he was near.

As the branch was falling right to Feather, Nothing pushed him out of the way and the wood fell on the sand. "Feather I need you to trust me right now ! I promise I'll explain everything later but this isn't the time ! Please come with me..." The disabled Lioness announced in a hurried tone. Feather looked at her before looking at the Sisters' Steppe. Then he eyed Nothing with his blue eyes " Are we...ever coming back ?" he asked her hesitantly and she took her time to respond , thinking about what he asked her. Then she said softy "I don't know...." "I've never been further than this before....I'm scared..." the red cub admitted sadly "Me too..." she whispered before looking back at him with a comforting smile "We'll be brave together...okay ?"

Feather looked deep in thought but soon he looked up at her with a smile "Okay... We'll do it together..." The two smiled at each other before following Fire's tracks under the rain....It was only the two of them now and the beginning of a long journey.

(To be continued...)

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