Chapitre 8 : Together Again

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Its been 2 days since Feather and Kiara ventured near the Outlands and the two cubs were still grounded. Simba , in punishment, forbidden them to stay away from Priderock for a whole week. Of course, the two in question tried to argue but the Red Maned Lion menaced them to extend their punishment if they didn't stop arguing. Nala managed to convince them to listen to the King but she too was kinda disappointed toward the two cubs.

Nothing , for her part, was forgiven by Simba for letting the cubs out of her sight as it wasn't her fault. If Timon and Pumbaa didn't distracted her that day, none of this would have happened. The disabled Lioness when she saw the sadness in the cubs' eyes asked the King to watch them and of course he accepted as well as Nala.

Right now ,at the end of the morning, the disabled Lioness was in the Watering Hole on a rock watching Feather and Kiara playing with a smile. Nala allowed her to take the two away from Priderock while Simba was patrolling. When Nothing told the cubs about Nala's decision , the two were of course happy to be away from Priderock for a time.

Feather and Kiara were playing a lot of games together especially 'Pinned yah' or 'Tag'.

Seeing this, Nothing's happy face turned into one of sadness : she missed her brother Fire. She always thought about him and was always wondering if he was alright wherever he was. She equally missed someone else , someone she loved dearly , someone she wanted to feel the contact of the fur against her's. She missed Hover.

She missed the Lioness's soft dark-cream pelt and her light blue eyes. Nothing also missed her sense of humor. She remembered all the time they passed together back in the Sisters' Steppe and her heart broke when she realized she would maybe never see her again. Her thoughts were interrupted by Kiara who was asking her "Nothing are you okay ?"

The disabled Lioness looked at the Princess with a smile "I'm fine Kiara don't worry ! I was just thinking about someone..." "You were thinking about your friend right ?" Feather asked her innocently and Nothing sighed "Yes..I...I miss her..."

AT this answer, Kiara came closer and hugged her valid fore-leg in an attempt to comfort her and soon Feather joined in. The disabled Lioness felt touched by their care and they nuzzled their foreheads affectionately "Thank you....Now who want to hear a story ?" " Can you tell us the story about how you scratched my Dad's eyes again ?" The Red Cub asked eagerly

"Feather you know it by heart !" "Pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaase~" the two cubs begged at the same time. Nothing sighed , knowing she couldn't won this fight, before looking at them "Alright....Sit down and listen..." "YEAH !" the two cheered happily as they sat before the disabled Lioness who began her story.

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Meanwhile, at the other side of the Pridelands, Simba was patrolling the border with the Desert , The Prideless Stretch as Nothing called it. The Red Maned Lion was making sure no one would disturb the peace of the Pridelands especially Hyenas or Zira's followers. Thankfully, it wasn't the border with the Outlands so it was impossible to find one of Zira's Lionesses here.

Suddenly, he heard something not too far from him and crouched down. In front of him , meters away, was a strange Lioness with a grey pelt which hinted with dark cream and had a somewhat lighter muzzle, belly, paws, and upper eyelids, as well as a swirl marking under her left eye that curls inward. She also had a hair tuft with darker lines along the ends. Simba noticed that she had two teeth in her left ear acting as earring and had light blue eyes.

The Lioness in question was none other that Hover , Nothing's best friend and love interest. What was she doing here in the Pridelands ? Well...When she heard about Nothing's 'death', she decided too leave the Pride for good. Since then, she lived on the Stretch like she did before she met her friend but deep inside her, she missed the disabled Lioness dearly. She blamed herself for Nothing's death as she regretted getting so angry with her when the disabled Lioness missed her Huntress Assessment back in the Sisters' Steppe.

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