Scene 1

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Jieun Pov***

Year 2010.



And the start of our Secondary High School.

"Uhmm, just the right way to start my first day of class.", I hummed, inhaling the sweet scent of the flowers at my open window while the sun welcomes me with the bright and warm rays.

I stretch my limbs, as I savor the morning with a smile. I couldn't hide the excitement I feel while most probably some students like me must be feeling the opposite, our vacation has finally come to an end. Who wouldn't feel sad about that?

Not me, yeah, I sounded so cocky because I'm one of those few who crazily enjoys going to school.

I like studying.

Music to be specific.

I'm a music major and in my second year.

Why did I choose music? I badly want to become an artist who sings and dances and gives inspiration and joy to a lot of audiences in the future.

I giggle as I always imagine myself performing, and making people smile.

"Hmm, hmm.. hmm.." I hummed a tune that just came out of nowhere while my body spun around my room. I was so engrossed.

Like I was floating whenever I start singing.

But then suddenly a knock on my door snapped me out of my antics.

"Jieun dear, are you already awake? Can I come in?"

My mother's voice pulls me back to reality and I quickly run towards the door to open it. And welcomed her with a grin.

"Looks like you're in a good mood today?" She asked while she went inside my room and head to where my closet is. I trailed behind her as I prance all over my room.

Smiling as I nod.

"Of course you are, I know. It is the first day of school, you'll finally see your friends again."

"Uhuh.", I replied smiling as I slumped on my bedside.

Mom is right, I'm also excited to see Inna eonni and Suzy. I wrote a few songs, and I would love them to listen to or sing along with me.

"Since you woke up early, go on take a bath and be ready I have already prepared your uniform and I wanna see if this fits just perfectly, and if ever you want some adjustments we can work on it before you go to school.", My mother said while she puts inside my closet my new school uniform.

"I will mom, by the way, is Baekhyun still asleep? He was playing on his PC up until midnight I could hear him shouting behind my wall. He gotta be awake now or else I'm gonna lock his games on my drawer for a week.- I mean we can't be late today!", I panicked as I remember my younger brother waking me up because of his loud curses in the middle of the night. And for goodness sake vacation is over he might have forgotten about it.

Dad has to bring us both to school at the same time because he's just one year younger than me and going to the same art school as I do. He can't just slack around because I will be affected!

"Sorry to ruin your morning then, but your brother is still probably snoring by now, I'll try to knock on his door when I got out of your room. Don't worry about him go on and take a bath now, come down when you're all set. Ok?" Mom insisted while pushing me towards the bathroom.

My lips pouted, my brother sleeps like a rock. I doubt he would even hear mom's knock unless I bombard his room.

I smirked. Well, I think that wouldn't be a problem. As I just thought of something fun to wake him up.

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