Scene 3

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Jieun Pov***

Our practical teacher Mr. Park Myung, turns his head searching for the person who cheered so loud from the back, my classmates followed and searches for her.

And when they saw her clapping continuously while smiling so wide, they started murmuring with each other and copied what she did giving me loud applause. I felt sheepish seeing them joining her.

I had to bow and thanked them before I went down from the stage. I thought Mr. Park would ignore Lisa's presence. But he stood up from his chair that got me nervous is he gonna make her leave while embarrassing her in front of our class. I hope not, I don't want her to get in trouble because of me.

"Lisa Manoban? What are you doing in my music class?", He asked while he tries to fix his eyeglasses. I gulped because Mr. Park had this intimidating look.

But when I look at Lisa I was surprised to see her not being bothered. She gave him a little bow as respect. And chuckles, brushing her nape.

"Oh, I think I went on the wrong building and auditorium sir. I'm still kind of sleepy when arrived at school my apologies.", I chuckled silently at her reasoning.

Does she think Mr. Park would believe that?

"But guess what, I'm glad I made a mistake. You have such a wonderful class, sir. And such talented students, they're really lucky you choose this school to teach."

My eyes grew wide after Lisa started complimenting Mr. Park, wait that's a cheat!

I heard my teacher snorted at her compliments. I gulped, I think Mr. Park wasn't pleased with that?


"Oh, that's quite too much. But that's good to hear that someone is appreciating my work. If you want to watch my class you're welcome to sit in Ms. Manoban."

My jaw fell.

This girl knows how to please people.

Lisa smirked. But what took me off guard was when she faces my direction. Looking at me with that pretty smile.

And gave me a wink.

I shook my head, smiling at her. Flirt.


3rd Person***

"Okay, this month's performance practice is done. But this is just the beginning. Let's all prepare for next month's perf practice too, don't stop improving yourselves, you all did well today so give yourselves a round of applause.", Mr. Park Myung announced. And started to clap his hands, and all his students followed.

After giving his last instruction for their class. He dismissed everyone, leaving the auditorium and letting his class clean up the instruments they use back to their respective place.

Lisa remained seated at one of the audience chairs, while everyone gets busy on their own. Lisa's eyes were only fixated on one person among the crowd of students. Which the latter side is unaware of.

Jieun was busy, returning the guitar she uses for her performance. While her classmates started chatting with her, giving each other more compliments. After returning the instrument the small girl was about to look at the audience chairs.

But suddenly a boy who has openly shown an interest in her became more confident and tries to get her attention before Jieun checks if Lisa's still in her seat.



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