Chapter 10

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Hey guys.... been a year.... please don't kill me.
Also, I've been trying to figure out how to add the Baku in the TodoBakuDeku ship considering the shit Bakugo did to Izuku. Since it is still the winner though, I'll do it. But the book isn't going to be only about love and romance. It'll be there, just more at the end and some glances and instances here and there.

"You met Chisaki Kai?" Aizawa asked, exasperated at this point. Of course this problem child would meet the Yakuza head. Of fucking course. Aizawa was seriously planning early retirement, this class was giving him grey hair.

Like, just yesterday Mina and Kaminari thought it would be fun to chuck glitter bombs at people and in the classroom. They, however, are not getting any punishment because Nezu enjoyed watching it all. Needless to say, Aizawa was Done.

"I did. He was really nice. Even his daughter. Aki and Haru liked both of them."
"What else happened?" All Might asked.
"Well.. I may have given him my address."
"WHY?!" Aizawa asked.
"Hey, if he got Aki and Haru's seal of approval, he's a good person. That, and he helped me when 5 people ganged up on me. Also, I thought it would be great if he met Shiggy and the gang. Them working together could do some serious damage against the corrupted commission."
Shigaraki shrugged his shoulders, "couldn't hurt to meet the guy."

Izuku turned to Bakugo. It was strange to see him silent and contemplating instead of angry.
"What's wrong Kacchan?"
"Who the fuck is Chisaki Kai?!" Todoroki nodded in agreement as well, he didn't know either.
Izuku sighed, he forgot that they wouldn't know. Aizawa was the one who explained everything about Kai to them. By the end of it, both were sorta worried about Izuku's decision to give him his fucking address.

"Moving on," Aizawa started, "did the Birdy come to join you guys?"
"Yep" Dabi said, smirking.
"He's in the group. We're trying to see if he's good or corrupted." Shigaraki said.
"I think he's just following orders. Like a caged bird." Kurogiri said.
"Plus, he's been hanging out with Twice and Toga a lot."
"Twice and Toga, huh?" Izuku said. He knew them, sorta. He never met them and didn't know if Shigaraki and Dabi would let him meet them. They were really overprotective. The came to their group a few months ago and Toga sounded like Mei but instead of obsessing over her 'babies', she was obsessed over blood. That being the main reason they were reluctant to let her meet him.
"I'll find out more on Hawks with a bit of hacking later. Maybe more on the commission itself." Izuku said.
"Isn't that dangerous?" Shoto asked.
"If you're caught. And I'm a very cautious person."

'Alright. Enough stalling' Izuku thought, late at night. It was time to move forward. He'd gather some information on Hawks and build a case against Endeavour.
It was time to get Endeavour out of that house and Dabi back in that house. Also, get Rei out of the mental asylum.

Izuku worked hard, cracking into the commission server. He made his presence unknown. He found quite a lot of interesting information on Hawks.
His father was a criminal.
His mother gave him up to the hero commission when he was young.
He has to follow every order of the hero commission.
He was basically their pet.
He was raised to be the Hero Commission's Weapon.
He's supposed to spy on the LOV and give the hero commission all the information before killing them all.

He's dangerous. But, Izuku knew that he may not want to do this. It's a job forced on him since young. Izuku needed to find away to free the Birdy. For now, one problem at a time. And his problem right now is Endeavour.

The hero commission basically eradicated anything illegal that Endeavour did and it was hard to find anything. But, nothing's impossible to find. And, as such, Izuku found a list of wrongdoings. Izuku created a file of all the information before sending it to someone he knows would help.

Detective Tsukuachi.

It was safe to send it there and he wouldn't be caught. 1) the police hate the commission because of how greedy they are. 2) He's done this before so they trust his server. 3) They'd never give him away, even if they don't know who he is as they respect his privacy.

He sent the file through his anonymous email and couldn't wait to see what happens next. If the hero commission tries to dust this under the rug, he has a few tricks up his sleeve.

Turns out, the hero commission did try to dust it under the rugs, even trying to bribe the police officers, who merely scoffed at the attempts. Tsukuachi sent him an email about this a few days later. Izuku was in school at that time and, during Lunch break, he called Aizawa, All Might, Shoto and Kacchan to an empty room, explaining this.
"What should we do?" All Might asked.
"There is one way. I can hack into the servers of every broadcasting network and play these clips. Everyone would see it. But, it'll make everything so much more public. Are you fine with that, Shoto?"
"To take him down, I'm fine with it."
"Alright, all I need now is a laptop".

"Perhaps I could be of help"
All looked around the room to figure out who said that. Izuku was the first to realise that it was coming from the speakers. And that that voice belonged to none other than Nezu.
"If it's a laptop you want and a commission to harm, come to my office now." Nezu said.

All looked at each other before sighing and moving to Nezu's office. They knew sooner or later the rat?bear?mouse? would learn of their actions.

As they entered the office, they were met with a grinning Nezu and a cup of tea for all of them. Nezu handed Izuku a laptop before asking questions about what they were doing and who all were involved. Izuku quickly hacked into the servers and soon began broadcasting the video evidence of Endeavour's truth.

The video showed the following:
Endeavour burning people in the surrounding area to catch a small time villain. Endeavour abusing his wife and children. Endeavour pushing his first born to such an extent that he burns himself (the sounds of his cries for help would haunt everyone). Endeavour refusing to help people and preferring to go after villains. Endeavour forcing his children through brutal training before neglecting 2 for being "weak".

Endeavour was exposed as the brute of the man he is. And now everyone knows.

As soon as the videos ended, talk shows and news cast flooded this sudden truth. That the number 2 hero was, in fact, more of a villain than a hero. Nezu told the three students to stay in his office till school ends. Shoto's sister called him, asking if he saw the news. She was at home in her room when it played and there were police cuffing the number 2 hero. Izuku had informed Tsukuachi before playing the video so that they could catch Endeavour by surprise.
Izuku offered him and his 2 other siblings refuge in his home till this whole issue was cleared. Izuku asked his mom, who was more than happy to help them and offer them a place. Shoto sent his siblings their address and told them to pack up and go there as soon as possible before the paparazzi and news stations begin hounding them.

Nezu suggested them to lay low until the trial for Endeavour ends. It would be a week or so as the Tsukuachi informed Izuku (once again via the anonymous email) that the trial would begin tomorrow. Aizawa was the one to offer a car ride back right now.

As this happened, the "villains" saw this and smirked. It was the beginning of the end for the corrupted hero commission and one of their biggest pawns was about to be arrested for a very long time.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2021 ⏰

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