Chapter 6

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Also, to all the people who commented in the previous chapter, thank you so much for your support for this Fanfic. I'm sorry it took so long to update.
Inko, his mom,
Toshinori Yagi, also known as All Might,
Hitoshi Shinso,
Tomura Shigaraki,
Todoroki Shoto,

The whole time, Kaachan sat there silently, slightly ashamed of bullying Deku. If he hadn't been so mean, he would have been the one sitting next to Deku, not them.

The class grew impatient as their homeroom teacher was at least 15 minutes late. Everybody, with the exception of Shoto, Shinso, Izuku and Momo, were loudly complaining about their teacher's tardiness- whoever he or she was. At one point, Bakugo stood on his table in a feral like position as he shouted "Where in fucking hell is our teacher!!!"
"He's here" Izuku said, sighing at the display. Everyone turned towards his direction. "What do you mean?" lightning kid, who's name he learned was Denki Kaminari through the crafty art of eavesdropping, asked him. Rather thank replying, Izuku pointed at the yellow caterpillar-like thing laying down on the floor. Slowly, the thing started to wiggle around until somebody emerged.
"No way!!! It's Eraserhead!!" the class started whispering. Eraserhead sighed, damn Mic for announcing his presence to the world and submitting his cases to newspaper companies so that they could write about the mysterious hero!!!! He was perfectly content with no one knowing who he was.

He had to admit though, Mic had good intentions. He did not want to take full credit for a huge villain group bust they did together.

"Took you all long enough. And even then you had help. If you've come here to make friends then get out. This is a serious course. Also, purple shortie, I heard what you said about Izuku. Are you telling me that I don't know what I'm doing by reccomending him?"

Mineta stood on his chair, "But I'm stronger than him!! He's quirkless!"
Izuku looked at Bakugo, thinking he'd chime in to show his support that quirkless people don't belong here, bit he kept quiet. Instead, he glared at Mineta like the rest of the class did. Strange...
Aki and Haru growled at Mineta, ready to attack him should Izuku tell them to. However, Izuku stroked their heads, "It's alright. He's no threat." the dogs obeyed and latest down near his seat, glaring at Mineta one last time before turning to Izuku and smiling.

"See!!! He needs his dogs to fight his battles for him!!"
"Then how about this"- Shinso chimed in, irritated by this kid's attitude, -"you both fight. See who's the real deal."
Mineta smirked, "Fine. If I loose, which I won't, then I'll run around the whole school with nothing but my underwear while wearing a sign saying 'I am a dick'."
Kaminari smirked, "Make the sigh say 'I am a dickless loser'." Quite a few muffled laughs were heard.
Mineta nodded, "Fine. And what about you. What will you do when you loose?"
Izuku looked at him straight in the eye, "I'll leave UA, naked."
Mineta smirked, "Deal!"

"Well,"- Aizawa said, -"I was planning to test you all today but this is so much more entertaining, and less work for me. I am overseeing this battle. Everyone outside, now! And change into your uniform."
Aizawa exited the room, but not before saying, "Oh yeah, and purple shortie, you might not want to wear anything seeing as you will be running around the school with a stupid sign and your underwear after class."

Out in the field, in their field uniform, everyone circled around Mineta and Izuku. The dogs were beside Izuku. Izuku looked at them and sighed. He bent down and rubbed their heads, "Listen you two. I need to do this on my own. Besides, I doubt he'll even lay a scratch on me. So please be with Shoto and Shinso."
The two dogs obeyed and went to them. Suddenly, a brute-like student went towards the dogs. Rather than barking, the dogs went towards the student who bent down and was patting then. Izuku looked at Aizawa confused. Aizawa replied, "Koji Koda. Shy person but loves animals. Good at heart too, seeing as how the dogs were immediately taken in by him."
"I have a feeling that Aki and Haru will be friendly with everyone in class"- Izuku said, -"well, almost everyone" he looked at Mineta. They definitely don't like him and they may not like Bakugo either. Maybe.

Soon, Aizawa announced the fight.

Izuku immediately went into his blossoming eagle position. He wanted to assess how Mineta's quirk would work and decided whether hand to had would be enough or would he need his swords. Izuku waited for Mineta to make the first move. Soon, Mineta removed his purple pop balls and began throwing them at Izuku, targeting his feet. Izuku, in swift and precise movements, avoided all of them. Based on Mineta's recent movement, Izuku could quickly surmise that these balls were probably extremely sticky and would force Izuku to stick to the ground. Izuku could see the balls almost instantaneously grow back. As Izuku kept dodging, Mineta got more frustrated and continuously removed many on his balls, forgetting that, should he remove to many, he would start bleeding from the scalp. His frustration made Izuku smirk as he concluded his deductions; Mineta was long-range and would not be able to fight him hand-to-hand. In lightning speed, Izuku ran towards Mineta and kicked him in the stomach, causing him to fly away (the students around that area quickly shuffled away as Mineta was kicked). When he landed on the ground, Mineta was barely conscious and bleeding. The match was over: Izuku won.
"K.O so fast. So manly!" Kirishima said in complete awe.

"He was just weak, is all" Izuku said as he went away from the field, his dogs following him.
"As if." Aizawa said. Everyone turned towards him as Shoto and Shinso smirked, knowing fully well what he meant. They went towards Izuku.
"What do you mean, sensei?" Robot-like person Iida asked.
"Without any prior knowledge of his opponent's quirk, he waited for Mineta to take the bait and show off his power. As he did, Izuku went on the offensive while calculating the quirk and it's strengths and weaknesses. That's how he was able to deduce the Mineta wouldn't be able to beat him hand-to-hand. And in one quick movement, without any wasted energy, he dealt a finishing blow."
"Considering the kid's short, wouldn't it be obvious that he wouldn't be able to fight hand-to-hand?" a student asked.
"Height and age doesn't matter. I know an old short man who could beat anyone in hand-to-hand combat."
"That style of fighting, it was so manly!! But I've never seen that style before." Kirishima commented.
Aizawa smirked, "That's because he created that style. It's his own. He calls it Blossoming Eagle."

Aizawa looked at the sky, "That kid will become a great hero."

All the while, Bakugo lowered his head. To think he used to bully that kid?! With that thought in mind, Bakugo felt guilty. What could he do now?

Ja Nee~

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