Chapter 7

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Everyone in class 1A whistled and howled as they saw Mineta running around school with his underwear and an embarrassing sign through the glass windows. Each teacher looked confused as to why a kid was doing that but Aizawa had informed Mic of the punishment, who in turn announced to the school that there will be "a very strange punishment" and that everyone should ignore it. Or make fun of the kid. Their call.

During that time, Izuku ended up writing all about Mineta's quirk, along with some additional information based on the footage of the entrance exam that Aizawa (illegally) sent on his phone. He was focusing on Mineta and, after he finished, forced himself to stop because analysing all of their quirks would take time and he would have to do so after class.

Izuku looked at all his classmates and smiled. They could be his future friends. Well, except Mineta.
He took a long, hard look at Katsuki. He changed, and for the better by the looks of it. But even Izuku knew that Katsuki not cursing would take more than a miracle and a half to be accomplished. Still, just maybe Izuku could give him a chance.

Guess he hadn't changed that much from his younger self. Despite hating humans, Izuku could forgive the right people. Kaachan was one of them. Hopefully he wouldn't regret his decision.

As the day went by, Izuku was smiling. One of the few things he learned was:
1. His class, apart from Mineta, was awesome. He couldn't trust them yet, but maybe in the future.
2. The teachers here were good too. None of them were really biased. Again, it would take time for him to trust them too.

Soon, it was the last period. All Might's class.
"I AM COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!" All Might announced as he entered the class. Everyone was excited while three boys sighed, 'No normal person enters that way, Yagi!'
"Now then, -" All Might continued, "- everyone change to your hero costume and meet me outside."

As everyone gathered outside, they noticed the.... Uniqueness.... Of Izuku's costume. It looked like a vigilante costume and was meant go strike fear into the hearts of bad villains and fake heroes. And it really did. It really did show him as the hero for animals! It even had a place for his two katanas on his back. (See image above, not mine. Also, the hoodie has rabbit ears).

"ALRIGHT! -" All Might started, "- Now, we are going to randomly divide you onto groups of two. Then I will randomly pick out two groups - 1 will play the hero while the other will play the villain. The villains have to hide and keep the rocket away from the heroes and the heroes have to capture the villains by tying them with the tape I will give you - signalling that that person lost - and try to take the rocket before they could be tied by the villains group, who will also receive the tape. The first group to get out looses. Now, everyone, pic a chit from the box I will distribute and go towards your partners. Since there are 21 students, one person will get the chit labeled Z. They can choose to play alone or sit out."
All Might have the box to Shinso who took a chit and passed along. The pairings were as such:
Group A: Ochaco and Shinso
Group B: Shota and Mezo
Group C: Momo and Mineta
Group D: Katsuki and Iida
Group E: Mina and Yuga
Group F: Koji and Rikido
Group G: Kyoka and Denki
Group H: Fumikage and Tsuyu
Group I: Mashirao and Toru
Group J: Eijiro and Hanta
Group Z: Izuku.

"Soo, young Izuku -" All might said, "- do you wish to participate or stay out."
"All right. Then you will go last and pic a group from the chits to go against you."

Everyone battled while Izuku took notes one everyone's quirk at God speed, leaving analysis and more observations for later, when he was at home and using the video Aizawa gave him.

Finally, it was time for him to participate. Most of the students hoped that he wouldn't pic them. Izuku dug deep into the box and took out a chit. When he opened it, the alphabet D was written on it.
He was going against Katsuki and Iida, and they were playing the role of the villains.

As he waited outside the building, he already knew what George plan was. It was easy to figure out. Katsuki would come to him and Iida would guard. Knowing Iida, he would guess that they kept the rocket on the fourth floor. Izuku could just as easily go to the roof and jump down to the fourth floor and tap the rocket. However, he knew that it was time he faced Katsuki. Time to put his past behind and see what would happen to them.

As soon as he was given the signal to start, he walked inside the building. With Katsuki, he wouldn't need the katanas, yet.

Soon enough, he heard footsteps approaching. Katsuki stood in front of him. "We need to talk" Katsuki said.
"I know" Izuku said before getting into his Blossoming Eagle position. Katsuki made the first move, running towards Izuku with explosions in his hand. He started attacking with his explosion fists but Izuku kept dodging. During the fight, they began to talk.
"You left suddenly, why" Katsuki said as he aimed his fists to Izuku's stomach
"Being bullied was getting to me" Izuku said, dodging the blow and went on a defensive mode
"Was it because of me" Katsuki said, his voice sounded croaked. He aimed his kick at Izuku's sides, which Izuku dodged while remaining silent.
"Answer me!" Katsuki said as hi went for an upper cut.
Izuku easily dodged the attack and replied, "Not only you, Katsuki"
Katsuki. It sounded wrong when Izuku said it. He didn't want Izuku to say that. He wanted him to call him something else. Something only Izuku was allowed to call him. "Don't call me that!" Katsuki said as he tried to slam Izuku's face.
Izuku understood those words clearly, and dodged the attack. He already knew Katsuki's weak points and could easily end the match, but they still needed to talk.
Izuku asked him a question, "Why did you abandon me?" It was a question that always lingered in his mind.
"I was stupid and got drunk on applause" Katsuki replied as he aimed to dislocate Izuku's shoulder, a move which was once again dodged by Izuku. Izuku stayed silent so Katsuki took that as a chance to continue explaining, "I didn't understand you. You still wanted to be a hero but you were quirkless. I thought it was stupid. Everyone treated me like the king, like I could conquer anything. But when I tripped and fell, you were the only one who tried to help me while others thought I was strong enough to handle myself. You were there and I was horrible to you. When you left, I didn't know what to do anymore. I wanted to find you. Be with you again. And I really fucking mean it Deku!" Katsuki finished, aiming for another uppercut.
Izuku smiled. For some reason, the way he said Deku made it sound less like an insult and more like a nickname.
Izuku knew their talk was over so he jumped high and tagged Katsuki with the tape given. Katsuki was out.

As Izuku stood and faced Katsuki, who was also facing Izuku, a small smile made its way on to Izuku's face as he said the words, "I forgive you, Kaachan."
There it was, Kaachan. It sounded great from Izuku's voice. This is the Izuku he wanted. He liked this Izuku, the past crybaby Izuku, and the future Izuku tok. He buried his head in his hands, trying not to show his tears and blush and said, "Whatever, stupid Deku."
Izuku laughed as he made his way to the fourth floor.

Battling Iida was easy. It wasn't worth it and Izuku didn't want to waste his energy, so he merely feigned an uppercut and immediately jumped over Iida, touching the rocket.

"THE HERO WINS!!" All Might said.

The three players entered the room where the rest watched them.

Welllllllll...... Another chapter.
Anyways, based on the comments from the previous chapter, I made a list of the ships suggested (and more) for Izuku only right now. Here they are:
Kamideku (Denki Kaminari)
Kirideku (Eijiro Kirishima)

Another thought, Tomura and Dabi could also be a couple too. Just them.

Please vote based on this list.
If you have any other suggestions for the other characters except Izuku, please write them. The next chapter will have the final pairing for Izuku (hopefully) and a poll for the ships for the other characters too.
Till then,
Ja nee~

PS. I started making another Bnha Fanfic. It's about Izuku living on the streets (sorta, he found a warehouse and has some gadgets that he took from home before he left) and has a quirk. However, no one knows he's the quirkless runaway Izuku Midoriya, and no one knows that he's also the Vigilante Obsidus. Should I publish this too? It's not done yet though, and I may need help for shipping polls for that too. Tell me what you all think!! Thank you!!

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