Chapter 8

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Important notice at the end of chapter. Planning to progress relationships from chapter 9 onwards.

"OK, so you're telling me that the symbol of peace, 1 UA teacher, and 3 heroes in training regularly meet 3 well-known villains? On like a daily basis? In broad daylight? In a fucking café?" Bakugo asked, seemingly wanting confirmation at what he was seeing. He was in a huge booth with these people, drinking coffee with the enemy as if it was normal.

Izuku had dragged him out of his home early in the morning on a fucking Sunday to show him this.

Bakugo wasn't sure whether he should start killing everyone or just roll with it.

"They're not really villains." Aizawa said sleepily.
"Wha?" Bakugo was pretty sure his brain stopped functioning.
"Let me explain-" Izuku said as he brought everyone their breakfasts with the help of his mom and sat down near Dabi, opposite Bakugo, "They're after the corrupted hero commission. There are many heroes that are using their fame and power for illegal things, like drugs, slaves, and even rapes. The hero commission constantly destroys any evidence, even killing witnesses, just so that people can still look up to the job of heroes as ideal and with more heroes on the job, more money they get. It'll get tainted if someone finds out that even one hero isn't very heroic in reality. They target those waste heroes."
Bakugo nodded, not really sure what to do.

Tomura sighed, "My real name is Tenko. Don't call me that though, just Tomura. My grandmother was All Might's sensei and the number one hero. My father hated heroes and whenever I mentioned about being a hero, he hit me. I was 4 when my quirk came and I unintentionally disinetegrated my family. I was scared and alone and walked the streets for almost 2 years until Kurogiri found us. For 2 years, I saw the true face of heroes. None helped me because how I looked, and at that point All Might helped the other side of town and even went to USA for a while. I'd see heroes at night doi g awful things and get beat up when I tried to stop it."
Dabi continued, "My real name is Touya Todoroki. Shoto's and my father is an abusive asshole for both. Mine was so bad that I got burnt and now look like this. I ran away and vowed to take down villainous heroes."

"Why, -" Bakugo said after few minutes of information processing, "- why didn't you tell anyone?"
Dabi snorted, "Who'd believe us kids against the number 2 hero? Even All Might can't do anything against him since the hero commission will support that asshole."
"Although we are working on a plan to get rid of him" Aizawa said and the 2 Todorokis' nodded.
"Speaking of plans, -" All Might said, "apparently, from a bit of spying, I think the hero commission will be sending the number 3 hero Hawks to spy on you guys. Be careful. We'll come up with a plan soon for that."
"Hawks, huh.." Dabi said while licking his lips and Tomura had a slight blush.

Bakugo sighed, "Guess I'm part of this fucking group now, aren't I."
"We can always remove you"
"Since you're gonna be here Kaachan, one thing everyone knows is how to take care of these animals. I can teach you today."
"Whatever, deku"

After the meal and cleaning up, some chatter while others helped with the animals. Shoto and Bakugo entered with Izuku and Bakugo gasped in surprise at how many animals there were. The cats got along with Shota and Shinso, while the ferrets and rabbits were with Touya. Shoto went to Touya, liking rabbits more.
Finally, they reached the end. Over there were 2 small barriers, dividing a cat litter and a few puppies.
"Today I'll teach you how to treat wounds and the basic care."
They went to the cat litter first. "This cat was basically still a kitten when she gave birth 10 days ago. It was in the rain and she was sick too. She gave birth to 5 babies."
"But there are only 3?"
"It was in the rain and she was sick, remember? The two didn't make it. She wasn't going to either, but I put her under intensive care and she pulled through. I'm glad, there's nothing better than having a mom. However, when she was in intensive care, we couldn't let the kids drink her milk yet so I resorted to bottle feeding and weighing them every 2 hours. 1 could not suck so I had to give the boy tube feeding. They're in the perfect temperature right now. All three are thankfully growing."
Bakugo nodded.
"They began drinking from her 3 days ago. Should I ever need your help for kittens, I'll teach you some tricks."

Izuku then began teaching Bakugo how to make bottled milk and how diluted it should be for some kittens, along with what to do for kittens with no parents. When Bakugo asked what will happen to them, Izuku replied, "I'm observing them longer, just to make sure there are no other problems. After that they'll be out of this tent and can choose to leave, stay, or come and go."

Next, Izuku went to the small puppies, "Some asshole was beating up the puppies' mother and she didn't survive when I got there. I'm taking care of her puppies until they are old enough. Then they too can choose. Right now, one of my other permanent dogs here stays with them with her puppy."
He noticed the dog and the 3 small puppies sleeping with the dog. There was one puppy however that looked like the dog and completely different from the other puppies. That puppy started barking at Bakugo. Izuku smiled and picked it up. When it turned to Izuku, it looked happy. But at Bakugo, it growled and barked. Bakugo took a few steps bite.
"Come one, Kaachan! It don't bite!"
"IT DO!"

After the slight fiasco, Izuku taught Kaachan how to carefully treat the wounds of the puppies.

Finally, the day was coming to an end. It was quite enjoyable, not that Bakugo would admit it. Before leaving, Izuku asked Kaachan for his autograph and placed it on the wall with his other close human friends.

Now for the announcements:
1) The winner is todobakudeku!!!!
Shindeku was close second, and after that was Bakudeku.
Now, if this is the ship, then the other pairings at UA will be:
(or it can be ShinKamiKiri. Choose between these 2 options!!)

2) I didn't know whether Dabi should be with Tomura or Hawks, so I'm making it a ship with all 3 of them.

3) Should Overhaul be good??

Also, 4) To the people who commented "Disgusting" or synonyms of that in the previous chapter under some other people's shipping choice, please refrain from doing so. This is a very LGBT book and, if you don't like it, then don't read it. It was wrong of you to do so and I sincerely hope you either erase those comments or apologize.

And 5) I'll try to update faster. Just don't know how to continue.

Also, 6) About the Fanfic I told before, I've come up with so many ideas with BNHA and, if you want, I could publish those ideas in the next chapter and release the one with the most votes.

Ja nee~

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