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(I do not own Boku No Hero Academia!)

A young little boy, no more than 8 years of age, walked home with his head down while controlling the sniffs. He looked bruised and, somehow, burnt. His childhood friend, Kacchan, decided to teach him a lesson with his lackeys. Again. But why would his childhood friend do that?
Because he was a pathetic quirkless boy that could never become a hero .

But no matter what others said, be it his friends or the whole goddamned world, he would become a hero, just like his idol All Might.

He walked down a strange alley, one he never walked on before, and realized he was lost. His breath hitched and he could feel the scream building up inside of him.
'No! ' he reminded himself, 'I am gonna be a great hero! I cannot feel scared walking down an alley, even if it is strange and dark and gloomy.'
With his slightly trembling legs, he willed himself to walk on until he sees where exactly he is.
Halfway into the tunnel, Izuku's nerves began to calm down, until he heard a voice "Can I help you, young kid?"
He squeaked and turned around, facing his idol All Might.
"All Might..." Izuku gazed in wonder.
All Might smirked, "That's my name!"
"Umm ....  I got lost and ended up here...." Izuku said, looking down at his feel, completely embarrassed.
All Might ruffled his hair and told him not to worry. He put Izuku on top of his shoulders and, when Izuku told him his address, he ran as quick as possible there.

A few minutes later, All Might put young Izuku down and ruffled his hair once more. Before All Might left, Izuku stopped him, "W-Wait!"
"What is it, young boy?"
"Can I become a hero, just like you, even if I'm quirkless?"
All Might sighed, he bent down at Izuku's level,and said, "I'm sorry, young kid, but you can't. Being a hero with a quirk is tough enough as it is, but without a quirk you could die very soon. I sustained an injury a long time ago, that diminishes my time as a hero and now I cannot do as much as I could before. I may even die soon. If you want to help people, you could become a police officer."
Izuku looked down and started to cry. All Might hugged him tightly ."What's your name, young boy?"
"M-Midoriya I-Izuku."
"I'll remember you forever. Fight on, Izuku. Don't forget this, even if you cannot become a hero, you can always still help people. Because the true meaning of a hero is to help, not to fight evil. Goodbye."


It had been a month since his fateful encounter with All Might. He had understood, at least sort of understood, All Might's words, however it still crushed him .He didn't have a quirk, he couldn't be a hero, so how was he supposed to even help others?!
He stopped arguing with Kacchan whenever he called him useless, because now Izuku could see that he was right.

Inko noticed this and decided that it was enough. She had heard All Might's words to Izuku and, while she wholeheartedly agreed with All Might - Izuku didn't need to have a hero status to help others, considering how selfless the boy was - she realized that it hurt him deeply .She noticed how distant he became towards everyone but herself, how he would shut himself, how he would rarely talk or smile. She noticed this all. So, in one day, while Izuku was in school, she packed everything in the house, called some movers and moved everything to the new house she had seen and bought the day before. When Izuku came home, he noticed his apartment being locked and asked his mother about it.

"We're moving to a better neighborhood, Izuku. And hopefully, to a better start."

Thank you for reading!
I know this is early but it's time to vote on who Izuku should be paired with. Remember, this is a YAOI pairing. I don't mind if you pair him with two boys also. Also, you can vote him to be with even villains or heroes. Doesn't matter to me, since he is a neutral hero that only helps animals. In my opinion, we should have animal heroes in this life too. Well then,
Ja nee~

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