Chapter 3

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He turned to see a worn-out looking Eraserhead who clearly just finished battling another villain before coming here with the intention to help. He turned back for a second to see all his friends run back home with the cat and turned to face his idol Eraserhead again.

"How would you like to join U.A?"

"No thank you." Izuku responded quickly, much to Eraserhead's surprise.
"Huh?" Eraserhead said.
Eraserhead straightened up and said, "What's your name."
"Izuku Midoriya."
This caught the attention of Bakugou, who was being praised by the heroes that fled and came back. "Deku?!" Bakugou screamed, trying to comprehend this.
Izuku looked at Bakugou and, with no emotion, said "Hello Kacchan."

Eraserhead saw the conversation and, before "Kacchan" could interrupt, he asked Izuku "What's your quirk?"
"I'm quirkless."
This caught the attention of some pro heroes, the ones that fled, who came to Izuku, "What's wrong with you, young boy? You're quirkless yet you did something so dangerous!"
Before they could continue to scold him, Izuku told them in a cold voice "at least I didn't run away like you supposed pro heroes did. I fought, and guess what, this quirkless kid won. Quirks aren't everything, you know. With the way you guys think, if you loose your quirk one day you won't survive."
This left everyone, not only the Pro Heroes, speechless. No matter how much they wanted to argue, they knew he was right. Eraserhead smirked, "You'd make a great hero, you know exactly what to do. Why don't you want to become one?"
"Because I firmly believe, due to past experiences, that humans are vile creatures that don't deserve saving. There are exceptions, of course. Not to mention almost every Pro Hero became one not to help but to gain fame and fortune. Basically, the society is corrupted. I prefer animals, so I rather learn how to help them through herbalism or being a vet."

Eraserhead was shocked, but knew exactly what to do. "You know, if you became a Pro Hero, you could save animals."
This caught everyone's attention. They all thought of one thing; 'He won't fall for it!'
"I won't fall for it!" Izuku said, but he could not stop showing the shine that appeared in his eyes. Eraserhead smirked, just a little more push is needed.
"Like you just saw, animals are often involved in human conflicts and most of the time these unworthy heroes don't bother helping them. Imagine, you could save animals."
"I-I u-uh..."
"You could save ALL animals. You could be the heroes for animals."
"I'll do it!" Izuku said, eyes gleaming bright at the prospect of saving every animal that needs saving. Eraserhead smirked at his accomplishment while everyone else thought 'He ACTUALLY fell for it!'
"....However, " Izuku said, "I'll only save animals. I don't want to save humans. If I'm put in a hero team and I have to choose between saving an animal or saving a hero, I will choose the animal."
"Deal" Eraserhead said, putting his hand out. Izuku shook it.
"Now, I will put you as a recommended student so you don't have to appear for the test. Where do you live?"
Izuku smirked, "As Toshinori, he knows."
Eraserhead raised an eyebrow, "How much does this kid know?"

The whole time, Bakugou was stunned in silence. Here is the kid he used to bully for being quirkless, he has become this awesome fighter - though Bakugou would never say it out loud, and he hadn't seen Izuku at full strength - and has some sort of case of misanthropy. Also, he doesn't look half bad either. Bakugou remained stunned in silence, even after the whole thing was done, and remained silent till dinner.

Before Izuku left, he looked at Eraserhead and, slightly nervous, asked, "Can I ask for a favour?"
"What is it?"
Izuku pulls out an empty sheet of paper and a pen, "Can I have your autograph?"

"Wait a minute! Eraserhead actually convinced you to be a hero?" Tomura asked.
Izuku nodded while fumbling with the autograph in his hands, framing it.
"You listened to him when all of us have been telling you to go?" Toshinori asked. 
Izuku nodded.
"What did he say?" Dabi asked, genuinely curious and mildly jealous.
"He told me I could be a hero for all animals." Izuku said, dreamily.
Everyone sighed, of course he became a hero for the animals, Eraserhead knew what he was doing. Why didn't they think of that?
After framing it, Izuku placed it on the wall with 7 other autographs: his, his mom, Tomura, Dabi, Kurogiri, Shinso and All Might. He also framed paw prints of Aki and Haru.
"Wait!" Izuku said, with sudden realization, "Does that mean that we will be enemies?" Izuku asked in worry. He looked directly at Kurogiri, Dabi and Tomura.
"Nah-" Dabi said "-we won't. Besides, you're saving terrorized animals while we terrorize humans. And anyways, we hang out with All Might and Shinso - a hero-in-training. You have nothing to fear."

The group left soon, each to attend to their own business. Just then, Izuku forgot to mention to Toshinori that he may have told Eraserhead about knowing Toshinori. Pulling out his phone, he quickly dialed Toshinori's number
"What's up Izuku?"
"Eraserhead asked me for my address so I told him to ask you."
"You may have to tell him about me."
Izuku quickly cut the call. Let the adults sort this mess out.

Izuku went back to the sick room and once again treated the pets. He was grooming some pets when customers started to pour in. Luckily, his mom was there to serve them.
After grooming the pets, which took a lot of time, Izuku ate lunch quickly and began to help his mom.
The front door bell rang, signalling costumers. This was usual. However, Aki and Haru going towards the person while barking in joy was not. Aki and Haru stopped in front of the person, and began to sniff him. Suddenly, they sat and wagged their tails. They only ever did this to the small group of humans Izuku liked, so this came as a surprise. He observed the person: he had dual colour hair - red and white - and heterochromatic eyes. He looked like some fairy tale prince. He too, looked just as confused about the dogs as Izuku felt.
"Aki! Haru!" Izuku called. The 2 dogs understood and left the confused customer. Izuku went forward, "sorry about them. They don't usually act as such apart from with my close friends and family. My name is Izuku Midoriya, what is yours?"

"Shoto Todoroki. Nice to meet you too, Izuku."

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