Chapter 2

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¡Just a notice- All Might killed All for One a long time ago, and the villains introduced here just work together!
At 10 sharp, the bell at the entrance rang, signalling the entrance of his human friends.

In stepped Toshinori Yagi (deflated form)  - also known as All Might, Hitoshi Shinso, Tomura Shigaraki, Dabi, and Kurogiri.
"The usual please!" Tomura shouted happily.
Midoriya smiled and began their usual breakfast orders.

A year after he had Aki and Haru, roughly around 3 months after he began to practice fighting, he had a re-encounter with All Might. However, he met All Might's real and deflated form. They met in the store, both instantly recognizing who the other was. However, Toshinori didn't realize that Izuku knew him so he was about to turn around when the kids asked, "Is this what happened to you after the fight you fought and the wound that is eating you alive, All Might?"
"How..... How did you know I was All Might, Young Izuku?" asked a surprised and confused Toshinori.
Izuku shrugged, "Your aura, it's the same."
"You can see auras?"
"I can't see them, but I can feel them. Since I was a kid."
Izuku motioned him to follow him, and so he did. Izuku quickly paid for the items he wanted and the Two of them left.

It was a quiet walk, but a comfortable silence. When they reached, whatever Toshinori expected to see in Izuku's house, it wasn't this. 2 dogs immediately tackled Izuku to the ground. Izuku had just enough time to hand Toshinori his groceries shopping before being tackled down.
"Calm down guys!"
The 2 dogs didn't calm down.
"I'm sorry I left without you Aki, Haru, but it was 2 minutes away only! I know i still get bullied and need your help sometimes, I'm sorry!"
The 2 dogs finally got off and, in a weird way, helped Izuku stand up. Toshinori and Izuku, along with the 2 dogs, entered the house only to greeted by the sight of many pets animals running around.
"Take a seat there, I'll be back" Izuku said to Toshinori while pointing to the almost-fully-made cafe. Toshinori did so.

Izuku came back with a drink in his hand and gave it to Toshinori. Toshinori sipped and, after tasting the delicious honey-herbal drink, he gulped down the rest.
Izuku smiled, "That's a concoction I made to heal very sever wounds. Your wound definitely looks life threatening so I had to make the drink have a higher concentration so I added a bit of honey so that it tastes better."
Toshinori sighed, "no offense, young Midoriya, but not even Recovery Girl could heal it."
"That's because you were being healed by a quirk. Try the natural way, the herbal way. Trust me. Give it a week, and you'll see just how much it can help."

A week later, Toshinori bursted into the house, and ran quickly to Izuku, who was making Toshinori's daily herbal drink. "It worked!!" Toshinori said, excited. Izuku looked confused.
"The drink, it works!! My would doesn't look or feel as severe as it was and my time as All Might has increased by an hour!!"
Toshinori had already explained everything about himself to Izuku.
Izuku smirked, "Told you."

Since then, Izuku always prepared the usual breakfast for All Might (sometimes with herbal oils hidden in his food to speed up his healing process). They became close and, when Toshinori offered to give his quirk to Izuku, Izuku refused.
"I no longer dream about being a hero. Only you and Eraserhead are true heroes, the rest are just in for it for the fame and money. I rather help animals. Besides, even if I wanted to be a hero, I rather be a quirkless hero so that I can inspire others like myself in order to stand up to bullies and tell them that they too could be a hero, even if they were quirkless."

He had met the rest of the group after All Might, and tried to help them, whether they were villain or hero.

Izuku placed the regular meals to the 5, who sat in their usual booth. They may be villains and heroes outside, but in this place they were friends.
"....So then I told Eraserhead, are you using your tapes that are tying me up as a kinky thing? Man, he flushed so bad at that!!" Toshinori said.
"Let me get this straight-" Tomura said, "-you entered the washroom, knowing fully well he was in there, he attacked you with his tapes, you said that, and then you both fucked?"
"How did you know we fucked after that?"
"It was obvious."
"Well then, yeah, that's what basically happened."
Dabi sighed, "How in fucking hell does Eraserhead put up with you?"
"How the hell are you even dating?" Shinso asked, genuinely curious.
Toshinori began to sulk, much to everyone's amusement.

Izuku sat in-between Shinso and Tomura during the story-telling. Aki and Haru sat nearby after they finished eating. Tomura began to pet Izuku's hair with 4 fingers as Izuku began to eat. Tomura did this all the time.
"Are you planning on entering U.A?" Tomura asked Shinso.
"I am. The entrance exam is in a few months so I have to start preparing. But, I don't know if I'll be accepted. People think my quirk is a villain quirk....."
Kurogiri interrupted, "Don't let what others think bring you down. Besides, I think you'll make a great hero."
"Thanks! What about you, Izuku?"
"A school for herbalism or vet."
"I think-" Dabi started, "Izuku would make a great fucking hero too."
"Thanks Dabi but, I rather be neutral."
"Just think about it."
"I will."

Conversations picked up until screams nearby was heard. Everyone rushed outside, well Dabi had to drag Izuku and Aki and Haru were following Izuku. They saw a hug green slime monster with a person inside of it. That slime was absorbing the kid. Deku saw the spiky ash hair and red narrowed eyes trying to keep awake and immediately knew who it was,
"Bakugou?" Izuku said.
Everyone gasped, they knew about Bakugou - Izuku's childhood bully. They knew everything about Izuku.
"If the slime dude absorbs explosion asshole, what would happen?" Tomura asks.
"Whether we like explosion asshole or not, we have to help him!" Shinso said. The villains and All Might had tears in their eyes as Tomura began to pat Shinso's hair while dramatically removing a tear from his eye. "You will make a great hero!" Kurogiri said as he whipped out his handkerchief and wipped off the invisible (to others) tear. Both Shinso and Izuku sweat dropped.

Just then, Izuku noticed something. Bakugou, obviously with no control over his hands, began shooting everywhere. The crowd began to run away, and so did the supposed heroes. There was a stray cat, however, in line of fire. Before the explosion could hit the frightened cat, Izuku ran at an unimaginable speed and picked up the cat and ran away.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing, harming a stray cat!" Izuku said with rage as he gave Shinso the frightened cat and went towards the slim monster. Everyone could feel the bloodlust protruding out of Izuku.

In a second, Izuku ran towards the slim monster, with his hand raised to the sky. Before he went close to the monster, 2 katanas placed itself in each of Izuku's hand. Using his Blue Cassowary stance, 1 hand above the head and the other below the stomach, Izuku charged, slicing away any of the slime he encountered. While slicing, he used his analytical skills to find the weak spot. He found it. The slime monster's eyes. In 1 swift movement, he detached Bakugou from the slime, and in the other he pierced the slime monsters eyes. While the monster writhe in pain, Izuku charge one more time with a sword attack so powerful that the monster was destroyed and splattered everywhere.

Izuku took a deep breath and threw his Katanas up, where the flew back home safe and sound. He made a mental note to polish them later. For the first time in a while, he was glad that he placed a seal on it - made by some person's quirk - which allows to weapons to come to Izuku when he wills in and goes back home when Izuku wills it again.

He turned around before he heard someone call out to him, "Hey, Kid with the katanas!"
He turned to see a worn-out looking Eraserhead who clearly just finished battling another villain before coming here with the intention to help. He turned back for a second to see all his friends run back home with the cat and turned to face his idol Eraserhead again.

"How would you like to join U.A?"

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