Chapter 9

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"Aki! Haru!" Izuku called out to his 2 best dog friends. Both came running towards him. He bent down and petted both of them before getting up. He placed his hand on the handle of the door and, before exiting the home, he wished his mother goodbye.
Aki and Haru followed Izuku as he walked towards the shopping center with a list in his hands. He was currently looking for quite a few supplies for the cafe and for the animals he was treating. There was one shopping center that had it all and allowed Aki and Haru to be there.

Soon enough, Izuku was able to get everything on his list. With 3 large as heavy bags filled with supplies, Izuku went towards a table in the food court. Izuku put the supplies in 2 different chairs and told Aki and Haru to guard the supplies as he went and ordered some pizzas.
Aki and Haru waited and wagged their tails when Izuku arrived with his tray of food. He had ordered a normal pizza, a veg chocolate lava cake, and a bottle of iced tea.
As Izuku was munching on his food, he felt a few people coming towards him. He glanced at them and turned back to his food, sighing. They were just some kids that would bully him when he lived on the other side. Truth be told, he couldn't even remember who they were.

"Well well well. If it isn't Little Crybaby Deku. Haven't seen you in a while!" one of them said, laughing after as if he cracked a joke (more like cracked his head).
The gang slowly came closer. Aki and Haru began growling, taking attack stance. One of the girls smirked wickedly, "Look you got yourself some friends!!! Well, you 3 are common; all 3 are inferior little mutts that's only job is to please us!!" The gang started laughing. 

Izuku's eyes turned cold. Insult him all you want, but insult the dogs and there will be hell to pay. Izuku looked at the 5 bullies, "Vance, quirk is to make his arms slimy. Jugo, quirk is to make his fingers burn up to 500 degrees Celsius. Kurie, quirk is to cancel someone's voice for up to a minute, and have to wait for 5 minutes before the quirk can be applied to anyone. Sonaki, quirk is to levitate small items only, no living things either. And, finally, the leader of this pathetic group, Jun, quirk is to sharpen your nails into claws. All 5 of you have pathetic quirks. No wonder you find solace in making fun of a quirkless, because they are the only people who have worse quirks than you, except they don't have quirks. Thing is, no one really needs quirks. It's stupid to pride yourself over a quirk you have."

All 5 were angry. The leader screamed, "Say that again you fucking bitch!"
Izuku sighed and stood up, staring at the leader directly in the eye, "I guess this proves that all of you are stupid, as well as deaf. No wonder you're all stuck in the low-ranked school."
They looked shocked, "How the fuck do you know where we are?! Besides, I bet you that we are in a better fucking school than you!!"
"I know this because one of you is literally carrying that school's bag with the name embroidered on it. And, as for the school I'm in, I don't really think there's a school better than U.A....?"

All 5 looked as if ghosts came to haunt them. "N-No fucking way?! There's no way you got in!!" the leader made his nails into claws and went to attack Jun. Izuku just smirked as Jun's arm was caught. Izuku had seen this person approaching to help Izuku, and so Izuku felt no need to fight. But still, this is the first time he, or anyone else, had seen Chisaki without his mask. Dude was handsome.

"It's illegal, even for teens such as yourself, to use your quirks in public. Not only that, but you were going to publicly assault someone." Chisaki said, his voice was so cold the teens felt as if they were transported to South Pole. All of them shivered, feeling the power radiating off of this stranger, and took a few steps back. Chisaki let go of the leader's hand and wiped his aggressively on his jacket, as if he touched something vile.
The leader regained what little composure he had and ordered the rest to go. All 5 ran away.
"Thank you" Izuku said, bowing. Even though he didn't really need the saving, he still was saved, so he showed the man the respect he deserved. Unlike the others surrounding them, just watching or filming, he chose to step up.

Chisaki looked taken aback by the show of gratitude. Before he could reply, a young child ran towards him and hugged his legs. Chisaki sighed and picked up his adopted adorable daughter, Eri.
"Papa was so great and strong!!" Eri said, smiling as bright as the sun.
Chisaki looked back at the guy he saved. He seemed interesting, as if he could take care of himself. This intrigued Chisaki, why would those stupid teens try to go against this one?
"What's your quirk?" Chisaki asked, thinking that maybe those stupid teens thought of this kid's quirk as villainous and used that as a reason to bully.
"I'm quirkless" Izuku said proudly.
This made Chisaki understand the situation completely.

The dogs barked happily and Eri giggled. She made grabby hands at the dogs, asking her dad to let her down. Chisaki complied and Eri jumped and hugged the dogs.
As Eri played with the dogs, Chisaki and Izuku sat down.
Chisaki spoke, "I don't mind that you're quirkless. I hate this quirk generation. All they care about is quirk."
"I understand. By the way, what's the Yakuza doing here?"
Chisaki's eyes widened and he chuckled. This kid was so interesting!
"My daughter wanted to go out. So we're here."
Izuku smiled. They sat in comfortable silence as Eri played with Aki and Haru. After a while, Chisaki called her back.

Chisaki stood up and put his hand in his pocket, fishing for something. When he got it, he took it out of his pocket and gave it to Izuku.
"This is my number. You're interesting so call anytime."
The card was so perfect, felt awesome and was definitely business-like.
Izuku dug a pen out from his pocket and, on a piece of tissue, wrote his name, address and phone number.
He handed this to Chisaki.
"Come by anytime. We're a pet cafe, with a lot of animals inside. We treat them."
Chisaki carefully folded the tissue and tucked it in his pocket. And then, he and Eri were off.

Izuku took his bags in his hands and made his way back home. On the way, he asked Aki and Haru, "So, what do you think of Eri?"
They barked happily
"And Chisaki?"
They still barked happily.
Izuku chuckled, "Glad they have your seal of approval. It would be interesting if Shigaraki and all joined Chisaki..... Maybe I'll run it by them soon."

And with that, Izuku went back home.

Sorry for the long wait!
Also, one thing I've been meaning to clarify about Izuku.

It isn't only because of being a foster shelter (kinda) for animals that Izuku decided to be vegetarian. It was a big reason, but there were others.

Izuku, when he was in his new neighborhood, would go to horrible factories and farms where animals were treated inhumanely. And let's be honest, this is in the future so I imagine it to be worse than it already is. That's one of the reasons he made a name for himself; he protested against animal cruelty A LOT. He watched as many documentaries as possible to know as much as he can.

On top of that, the animals being fed to us tend to be injected with soo many chemicals and all (and it's in the future so it may be worse than now), so that also played an important part in his decision. He didn't want to dump all that in his body.

I myself am non-veg (although I don't eat as much meat and fish compared to before, I prefer paneer/cottage cheese) and I hate animal cruelty. Trust me when I say that if I ever am blessed with the opportunity to have a foster shelter in my home for animals, especially baby ones, I'll still eat meat and all, but rarely as I dont eat it everyday anyways.

Well then,
Ja nee~

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