Chapter 5

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Inko, his mom,
Toshinori Yagi, also known as All Might,
Hitoshi Shinso,
Tomura Shigaraki,
Todoroki Shoto,

Before sleeping, Izuku hung Shoto's autograph next to the empty space near Dabi's. Now there were 9 human autographs, 1 being his own.

It was the day of the entrance to U.A. Since Midoriya got in through recommendation by Eraserhead, he had no need to go for the entrance test. Neither did Shoto, who was recommended unfortunately by his father, nor did Shinso, who was recommended by All Might.
The three of them hung out in the cafe a lot, choosing to help Izuku and Inko when they were free.
During this time, both Eraserhead and Shoto were introduced to Izuku's group of friends. They were shocked to see villains there too, but quickly realized that no villains there would harm anyone in the group. Shoto instantly recognized his brother, Dabi, and ran to hug him in a very un-Shoto style. It was a touchy reunion. Although, Dabi made him swear never to tell anyone who or what he became, especially his other siblings and mother, who could be scary when she needed to. Apparently, Dabi had visited their mother quite often, but never once told her that he was a villain. But he knew that she would understand his reason to be one, the system is too fucked up and corrupted. There is a reason why All Might never bothers to catch them, he believes the same too.

Shoto and Shinso stayed the night at Izuku's house, during which they were taught how to take care of the pets. They loved learning more about caring for pets through herbalism, especially since Izuku was an amazing teacher.
The next day, all three wore there uniforms and left for U.A, with Aki and Haru accompanying them. Eraserhead and All Might said they'd meet them there, so they couldn't wait.

They stood right in front of Class 1.A door, took a deep breath, and opened the door. The first thing they saw, well, more like heard, was a fight between Kaachan and some robot-like dude. Midoriya sighed, Kaachan hadn't changed at all.
The three of them found empty spaces at the back and sat there, Aki and Haru right behind them. The class became silent upon seeing the dogs.
"Sooo cute!!" one of the girls said, as she came over to the dogs. Aki and Haru sniffed the girl first, before allowing the girl to pet them. She must be, they thought, a worthy person if Aki and Haru let her pet them. She looked at the three boys, "Are they yours?"
"Yep!" Midoriya said, cheerfully.
"My name is Momo Yaoyorozu, what are yours?"
"I'm Midoriya Izuku!"
"Hitoshi Shinso"
"Todoroki Shoto"

Momo smiled at them, slightly relieved to meet nice people, "My quirk's called creation. I can create inanimate objects. What about you all?"
"Half-cold half-hot. I can produce fire and ice."
"Mine is.... Brainwashing.."
Momo looked at Shinso's worried expression, and realized that the boy was probably bullied because of his quirk. She smiled, "That's an awesome quirk! It's pretty useful! I hope that, if there's any group work, you and I could pair up!"
Shinso, upon hearing this, smiled happily. Midoriya and Shoto smiled too, this girl is really nice.
Momo looked at Midoriya, "What about you?"
"Don't have one, don't need one." Midoriya said bluntly.
Momo was shocked, "That's.... That's awesome!! You got in here without a quirk, you must be great!!"

"What's so great about that?"
The 4 turned around to see the whole class eavesdropping on their conversation. They looked at the boy who said that. He had weird purple hair, and was really short. Aki and Haru looked at the boy and started to growl.

"And who are you?" Momo asked, with some venom.
"Minoru Mineta. Quirk: Pop Off."
"And what's your problem?" Some guy with yellow with a black lightning bolt hair asked the boy.
"Them-" Mineta pointed at the three boys, "- A Todoroki, so he was probably recommended by his father and didn't have to take the exam. A Brainwasher, a quirk better suited for a villain, not a hero. And a quirkless, who needs dogs to guard him and fight his battles. Honestly, I thought U.A had high standards, guess I was wrong."
A spiky redhead student came closer to Mineta with a smirk, "You're right. I thought they had had high standards too, until I met you."
"How dare you?!-" Mineta said, offended, "-at least I have a quirk!"
"So?" the redhead asked. Mineta didn't know how to answer.

The Blondie with the black lightning bolt hair turned to the three of them, "I didn't see any of you during the exams, how come?"
Shoto shrugged, "All three of us were recommended."
This earned several gasps of amazement.
"Really?-" Momo said, excitedly "- So was I! By whom?"
Shinso looked at the shocked Mineta, with a smirk, and said "All Might."
This earned several praises and remarks, along with some jealous grumblings from Mineta.
"Eraserhead" Izuku said simply, earning even more gasps that a quirkless student got in through recommendation by one of the best heroes.

The whole time, Kaachan sat there silently, slightly ashamed of bullying Deku. If he hadn't been so mean, he would have been the one sitting next to Deku, not them.

And that's all I have for now!!
Sorry for not updating sooner, but the boarding school I go to doesn't allow phones and watt pad doesn't work on my school laptop. I'm on holidays and, since this is the last day, I thought I'd update. Hope this was OK?
Till next time,
Ja nee!!

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