Chapter 3

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Tw: Slight smut. Not totally, a lot of making out and swearing duh.

Ugh Harry! You came on this vacation to enjoy. And maybe hook up with someone, now you are here thinking about a man with emotional baggage and a SON. What's wrong with you. It's not like you are not handsome. You are pretty handsome and well-built. You have try and get anyone for one night.

Louis isn't the only handsome lad here either. There are so many good looking lads on this cruise. Get it together. But no tf! I can't get that man out of my mind. Those high and pretty cheekbones, that jawline. Those collar bone. That small height but he has so much power in him. Those eyelashes. And last of all that personality.

Man you are fucked up! You really have it bad. Ok good, now my head hurts and it's already four in the morning. Let's try and sleep anyways I don't have much to do!

I was startled awake by the sound of knocking on the door. It's him I thought it has to be him, I gave him my room number. So I quickly make myself presentable. And I was disappointed when it was just my breakfast. I was hungry so I had my breakfast. And went back to sleep cause I had a headache.

I again woke up to knocking. This time I didn't think anything cause man I had a good sleep. I open the door slightly and before I know what's happening, I was pinned to the door and being kissed. It took me some time to react but then I kissed him back. It was him, that Cologne! We pulled apart to breathe.

"Did I wake you up!" Louis whisper asked. With that signature cocked eyebrow. "Hmm" I just nodded and he chuckled. God that set butterflies in my stomach. I was sleeping in just sweatpants. He saw that I blushed and asked, "Like what you see?" "Very much!" That's all he said.

I picked him up and took him to my bed. I threw the sheets away and laid him there. I started kissing him. And I don't know how but suddenly I was under him. He's got moves! He started kissing me, my jaw, my neck and I moaned when he found my sweet spot. I felt him smirk against my skin, I pulled his t-shirt off and he went towards my pants all while leaving open mouthed kiss on my body.

Both of us were in our boxers now and he was grinding on me. I groaned slightly. "What do you want?"  That's all he said and a shiver ran down my spine.

(I'm not gonna write literal smut cause I can't. Also your choice on whoever tops and bottoms cause I'm not sharing about their sex life)

'BEST SEX EVER' wait was worth the whole. We just laid there for a while cause none of us wanted to move or say anything. We just cuddled. Were we already in a relationship? No. But it felt like that.

"So where's Sam?" I asked after a while breaking the silence.
"He has made some friends. He was playing with them." He said with a smile.
"Hmm!" I didn't know what would say. Maybe he was here cause he was bored.
I put the thought out of my head. Let's not think about it.

Word Count: 572 words! Hell I wrote a lot.
I'm gonna go faster from next chapter. Did you like this chapter??

A Moth Into A Flame - Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now