Chapter 10

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"I've come to a decision. That Mr. Tomlinson is not deemed to upbring Sam Tomlinson on his own. So Ms. Carol Smith will get the full custody of Samuel Tomlinson." Judge said.

"Wait, Your Honor!" Niall came in rushing. "There is some evidence we need to present. I'll need five minutes with Zayn."
"Everyone take a five." Judge announced.

Zayn and Niall were talking about something. I didn't know what, I couldn't figure out what was happening? I looked at Harry and he was as confused as me. But Liam was sitting there smiling.

Zayn smiled and took some papers from Niall and came back.
"Your Honor we have some evidence that Ms. Smith is a drug addict and an alcoholic who is in no sane mind to raise a kid." He said and passed on the papers to Judge.

She went through them with an expressionless face.
"Is this true Ms. Smith?" She asked putting the papers down.

"These reports say you were in rehabilitation and you ran out of there. There are various receipts of you buying drugs, illegally and excessive amounts of alcohol." She continued.

"This Court announces Ms. Smith to be unstable and incapable of raising a child. So Mr. Tomlinson will get full legal custody of Samuel Tomlinson."

Wtf! Oh god! I looked at Sam and he hugged me so tight. We both were crying happy tears.

"Whatever, I didn't even care about him. Ever. I only wanted to be back in your life. You were the best thing I lost. And when you refused, I decided I will win this case. And you'll be back with me. He was just a thorn in the way." Carol said loudly.

"Don't ever talk to my son like that." I said in a grave tone. I hated this woman with every inch of my body.

"Ms. Smith will be sent to rehabilitation center as soon as possible. And this court will make sure she doesn't escape without completing her course." Judge said.

"The Court is Adjourned."

We all went out and I hugged Harry, Zayn, Liam and Niall. I was holding Sam's hand the whole time.

"How did you do that?" I asked Niall excitedly.
"I found her reports and some receipts of her buying that stuff with a little help from Liam." Niall replied.

"You were a part of this?" Zayn asked Liam to which he nodded.
"How did you find all that?" Harry asked.

"We saw the three of you stressed with this case. Sam was stressed too. So one day we bumped into each other in Zayn's office. And we got talking." Liam said.

"We thought about how we can help you. We did a little research on Carol. We didn't want to get your hopes up if this was nothing. So we found out that she was taken to rehab and that was a good lead." Niall continued.

"And with a little help from some contacts, we found the receipts of her buying illegal drugs and huge amounts of alcohol. Niall went to get that receipts now." Liam filled us.

"We also got down to the rehab center and managed to get a report. My friend met me at the rehab center with receipts and I left as soon I got the text. And I came back ASAP." Niall said.

"Wow! You should have told us." Harry said.
"Yes, but Thank you guys. That's so great." I thanked them. Which they brushed off.

We all went to have dinner together. As a celebration. It was good and we all talked a lot. Turns out Liam and Zayn are great guys and they live pretty close.

On the way back home, Sam was passed out. He had a rough few days. He deserved a good sleep. Harry offered to drop me but I declined and told him to rest.

A few days later

Harry and I were meeting today. I need to talk to him. He was going to come to my house. I was waiting for him. He finally arrived.

"Sorry, the traffic was really bad." He said apologising.
"It's fine." I replied.
"So, you made it seem pretty urgent, what's up?" He asked sitting down.

"I think we should break up." I said.
"Wha-why??" He asked. Creases forming on his face. I just wanted to kiss them away, but I couldn't.

"Cause I can't be with you. And you shouldn't be with me."
"Did I do something?"
"No, but that's the problem."
"I'm not getting you right now. You need to explain a little better."

"I'm so sorry. You deserve so much better. You deserve someone who loves you for the angel you are. Who loves you more than life itself. Who is good. Isn't a single parent. Doesn't come with an emotional baggage. And isn't as fucked up as me." I said with tears in my eyes.

"But, I love you. It doesn't matter that you come with emotional baggage. I will help you with what you want. I'll be there for you when you need. And I am totally ok with Sam. He is a great kid." He said with fondness.

"Why do you want to date me?" I asked genuinely. He could do so much better. Then why me?
"Cause I like you. Not someone else. You make me feel safe. You make me feel alive."

I kissed him. He kissed me back. The sweet kiss. Turned a little passionate. We parted when we both were out of air.
"Promise me you'll never leave me." He said while our foreheads were pressed together.

"Never." I promised.

"Never." He repeated.

A Moth Into A Flame - Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now