Chapter 4

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                           *Two week later*

The trip was really nice. We both needed that trip across Europe. Now we are both back to Leeds. Yes we live in Leeds, it's a good place. Near from Doncaster my hometown, but they have better education here and that is good for Sam. Soon schools will start and so will work. So I took my time to have fun with Sam.

"No daddy, you only have to put two eggs in that!" Sam complains
"Don't let the shells in." He reminded.
"You know Sam why don't you do it yourself? Hmm"
"Guess I'll have to to it myself!" He sing songed. He has surely got my sass.
"No, Sam don't let the shells in!" I said mocking him. Who was already growing restless.
"I'm not going to help you bake a cake if you do that." Sam tried to threaten.
"You are the one who wanted to bake a cake." I reminded.

Baking a cake ended up being a disaster. But we did manage to whip a quite fine cake nonetheless. Now who was going to try this first. Cause none of us trust our cooking or baking. I took a chance and it was good.

While enjoying our cake I got a call from our Principal from school. "Mr. Tomlinson, how are you?"
"I'm good, Mr. Harrington. What about you?" Small talk, I hate it.
"I hope you are enjoying your break, but you need to come by the school tomorrow. I need to talk to you."
" Of course sir. How about 3 pm?"
"That would be great. Thank you. Be there on time." And he hung up.
Robert Harrington is the Principal of 'Leeds High' (I'm creative, right). He is a great man, friendly, but not on phone. On phone he is going to be perfectly professional.

So I have to go to school tomorrow. I can't take Sam with me. If it is important, and since he called tomorrow it might be. Sam won't let me peace. Cause he'd get restless pretty soon and keep disturbing me. So I would have to call the sitter in. But first the cake!!

*Next day*

"You heard me right."
"But you can't do that."
"See Louis, Manchester is a nice city. It bigger than Leeds. You will have more students." Robert was stating facts now.
"No, but what about my students here. I care about them."
"Your transfer is a decision of the committee, it's not even my decision."
"Don't trying dodging the question, what about my students here?" I really care about my students.
"Lily will become the senior teacher after you are gone." Ohk that was obvious.
"So, what about Sam's friends? His school?" I was trying to find excuses to stay.
"Manchester has better schools. We will help with his admission. And he can make new friends."
"What about all my stuff?" I had many questions now.
"We're already had a talk with packers and movers. They will move your stuff."
Ugh did this man have a answer to everything?
"Think about it Louis. Tell me by tomorrow. Think what's best."
"Ok I'll call you tomorrow to give my final decision." I had a lot to think so I left.

I know Manchester is way better than Leeds. But I don't want to move. This place I've been living here for almost ten years. I had Sam here. My first teaching job. My first time being senior teacher. Everything has happened here. Even the bad things but they are a part of life. I should probably look at the job offer and ask Sam about what he'd like to do.

The offer was really nice. I still had doubt but it was pretty convincing. Now I am considering going. Ok time to ask Sam. Maybe it's time for a change. Maybe he'll have reasons to not go. Who knows?

"Hey buddy, what are you up to?"
"Oh nothing, daddy. Just drawing something. Why?"
"Oh I want to ask your opinion on something."
"Again!" Sam sasses. I ignore it. He gets the hint that this is important.
"Um, ok what is it??" He asked when I said nothing.
"Well you see, I have to transfer to Manchester, and I wanted to know what you think."
"Do you want to go?" He asked.
"Where are you going with this?"
"Answer the question." He counter questioned.
"Yes, I guess."
"Well then let's do it."
"But what about your friends." I asked what was on my mind.
"Daddy, I really don't have many friends. I'm only friends with Tom and I can call him anytime. Besides I have heard Manchester is really good."
"That's true."
"So let's do it." He said excitedly.
"Well then you'll have to meet your friends and say goodbye cause we'll have to go soon."

How can he be so calm about all this? I was so confused why wasn't he? I brushed it off at that moment cause I had to see a lot into things.

Word Count: 837 words.
Not my best work I know. But I'm trying

A Moth Into A Flame - Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now