Chapter 7

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"I heard you moved to Manchester, I guess I heard right." She said with a smug look on her face.
"Is he mine?" She said again trying to touch Sam. I moved away.

"Don't touch him." I sneered. Carol backed away.
"I just want to talk." She said.
"Aren't you a little too late for that."
"Look I know you don't want to, but I want and we have to." I just wanted to punch her. No talk at all.

"I'll put him down and we can talk." I knew she won't leave. We'll keep this short. And I don't want Sam to wake up.

"So, Louis I know I messed up. But I want to be back in his life. Please." She said when I came back to talk.
"His name is Sam. And messed up is putting it easily. What makes you think I will let you back in his life?" I asked angrily. How does she have the audacity to think it's ok? That she can come back?

"I wanted different things in life, I couldn't be tied down. You know how hard it was for me?" She asked.
"How hard it was for you?" I laughed sarcastically.
"Do you realise how hard it was for us?"  I said. Is this woman for real?

"I don't that's why I want to be a part of it now. It doesn't have to be this hard." She said sympathetically.

"Louis please think about it. Not for yourself, but Sam deserves a mother. Doesn't he?" She said before I can reply.
"He does and that is why you won't be back in his life. You deserve no  love. And he isn't your son."

"You know he still is my son. I never gave you full guardianship for Sam. So I'm still his mother. And you better think about it." She said and left fuming.

Is she serious. She thinks I'll let her back in Sam's life after everything she has done? Well she is in for a treat cause I won't. I need to set the record clear with her. No matter what. Right now I thought it would be the best if I ignored her and got some rest.

A few days later

"Hey Sam wake up or you'll be late." I called him. It's his first day of school.
"I'm already ready daddy. New school, new friends. Yay!" He said animatedly.
"Someone is excited." I said cheerfully. It will be easier to send him to school.
"Of course." He said.

After finishing breakfast and packing our lunch. I dropped Sam at his school and drove to mine. After school he'd be at the babysitter and I'll pick him up later.

*After reaching home at night*

"Hey dad, here you have mail." Sam handed me the mail.
"Weird, no one has this address yet." I wondered out loud.
I checked the letter and it was my worst fear come true.

Mr. Tomlinson, this is to inform you that my client Ms. Smith will be applying for full custody of Sam Tomlinson in front Manchester Civil Court. This is a legal notice for the same. You are advised to hire a lawyer. This case will soon be in action.

My heart shattered. Was she really going to do this. Would she really drop this low. This is not what I thought. I just wanted to cry, but that was not the best idea. Then I noticed another letter. This was by Carol.

I told you let's talk something out. I warned you I would do this. You took me lightly. Now I'll see you in court.

"What does it say?" Sam asked breaking my train of thoughts.
"Hm- oh it's nothing important. It's just a letter from dad's friend." I lied. I couldn't tell him about this right now. I need to talk to Carol first.

"What do you want?" I shouted at her angrily on phone.
"I already told you. I want a part of my son's life."
"He isn't your son. He isn't from the time you left him. When you left him in the hospital when he was A baby. You don't deserve him."

"Now, I'm back. And that's what matters. And if you can't give that to me, I'll have to go to the court. I'll take what's mine." She said like she had already won the case.
"We both know that the court will favor mother. You know how good I can be at acting. That's how we met isn't it. In an acting club." She continued.

"This isn't over. I will never let you take him away." I replied angrily.
"Let's see that." She said and hung up.
What will I do. I can't let her take him away. He is all I have.

I needed to hire a lawyer and I need to prepare A good case. There is A lot of things at the moment.

My phone rang. It was Harry.
"Hey Lou, I just noticed that you left some of Sam's stuff here." He said when I answered the phone.
"Are you ok?" He asked like he was able to read me.
"No." I finally let it. I felt A tear. I was frustrated and tired and angry.

"You want to meet and talk?" He asked after A calming silence.
I nodded and realised he couldn't see me so I hummed my assent.
"Ok, let's meet in the cafe near your house?" He asked and I agreed.

A Moth Into A Flame - Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now