Chapter 5

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"You have had no contact once you left?" He asked over phone
"You didn't even ask  him for his number?" Another voice chimned in.
"No we met and I didn't expect I'll want to meet him again after being back. I just wanted a one time thing. You know I'm not looking for anything serious right?"
"Of course, but now you can't get over him. So now what?" The first voice asked.

"If you ask me this is how I felt, I didn't want anything serious either. But now I just love Zayn." The second voice said.
"Aw babe, I love you too." Zayn confessed.
"Well it's not same for everyone Liam." I was growing rather irritated by their interrogation.

"Ok Harry, we get it. But you are the one who is so into him." Liam said, in a tone I didn't like too much.
"Harry lad, take some time off. We'll call you later." Zayn said before we started fighting.
"Sure" I said cause I didn't want a fight either.

You know the feeling when you love a friend, but they become too nosey. Or you just don't want to remember something or someone and they keep reminding you about them? That's what I was feeling. I love Zayn and Liam, but not right now. I was trying to forget Louis, but they wouldn't let it go even after three weeks.

I've known them from so long. Hell! I even introduced them to each other. Now they are dating each other. They should maybe understand what I was feeling. And stop grilling me about Lou. Maybe I was too invested. I mean I'm still thinking about him.

I needed time alone but this house is eating me alive. I also needed food. I had nothing left in my fridge. So I had to buy food. I went to the nearest supermarket, that way I can stock some food.

I hate doing this! Milk, cereals, fruits, juice, bread all check. I should just order this stuff online. Why go out and buy all this yourself? After paying for the stuff I headed towards my car. I want to go home and eat the honeycomb flavoured ice cream I bought.

I'm really doing everything you are supposed to do after a breakup, and I wasn't even in a relationship. I really need to get my shit together.
Wait! Is that Louis? Can't be I know he lives in Leeds. I overheard him. Call me a creep!

But no that was him. I can find him in a crowd too. Even though he's too short. I need to follow him. What a creep! But I was right it was him! What was he doing here?

"Hey, Lou." I exclaimed.
"Oh god Haz, what are you doing here?" He looked a little excited and nervous I guess.
"I live close" I said. "I was here shopping, what are you doing here." I quickly said realising I didn't answer his question.
"Same, shopping." He said.
"But don't you live in Leeds?" I said before mentally cursing myself cause he never said that to me.

"Um, how did you know that?" He looked at me like I was a stalker.
"I overheard you, while you were talking. I'm sorry." I said quickly. No point lying. He looked like he was relived at some level.
"Oh I can be loud." He said laughing a little. I love that laugh.

"I'm sorry Harry, but I should get going I'm just settling down." He said after a long break of staring at each other.
He turned around to go and I stopped him with a wrist on his hand.
"Um- hey. If you don't mind can I have your number." I said a little hesitantly.
"Oh sure. Why not?" He said a little happily.

We exchanged numbers and I was a little giddy. He went in I was just standing there for a minute. I went back towards my car with a new spring in my step. I was so happy. No more breakup rituals. Which made me remember my ice cream. Which was surely liquid now.

I called Zayn and Liam to tell them cause I tell them everything. This is all I need. He wasn't reluctant while giving me his number. So that's a good sign.

*Louis POV*

"Hey Niall!" I exclaimed over phone. "I met Harry and I got his number." I felt like a teenage girl with a crush.
"See tommo I told you, you are meant to be." Niall said happily. He heard me talk about Harry past three weeks.
"Sure Niall. I was calling to ask can you watch Sam over for me on Thursday. I have a meeting and I still haven't found a sitter with everything."
"Yes! I'll teach him all about golf!"
"No I don't need that. But you are ok with watching him?"
"Of course why wouldn't I. You enjoy your meeting."
"Thank you lad." I said happily.

Niall moved to Manchester about four years back. He had a great opportunity, so he moved. I don't blame him I did the same. We used to be inseparable before he moved. We kept in touch but it was difficult. Now we both were in the same place so we were catching up. I'll get to meet him on Thursday.


"I'm so sorry, Louis something came up. I can't babysit him." Niall said.
"Why? What do I do now?"
"I'm sorry you know, but I can't please try to understand." He said. I did understand but what am I supposed to do now?
"I understand Niall. It's ok, I'll manage."
"Thank you and I'm sorry." We hung up.

I don't know anyone in this city. I can't leave him alone. If we were in Leeds I would leave him. He isn't a baby. And he is quite responsible. But he doesn't even know Manchester. Only one person came to mind Harry.

"Are you sure you don't mind?" I said fidgeting, a nervous habit.
"Of course not. I would love to. And I'm free too. So I have nothing better to do." He said genuinely.
"Thank you so much. Text me your address I'll drop him off."

"Thank you again Harry. You don't know how relived I am." We were at his door step.
"It's nothing really. I used to babysit all the time." He looked so good.
"I'm not a baby. You don't need to babysit me." Sam said angrily.
"Sam behave." I reminded. "I'll see you in three hours. Thank you again Harry."

Word Count: 1095 words.

A Moth Into A Flame - Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now