Chapter 8

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"So she wants to take Sam with her?" I asked after Louis explained me the situation.
"Yes." He replied dejectedly. I hated seeing him so sad.

"Have you hired a lawyer?" I asked. That was the basic thing to do.
"Not yet." He replied.
"Well, my friend Zayn is a lawyer. He can help you out. Do you want to talk to him." I asked him hopefully.

Zayn is a really good lawyer. I have seen him in action so I can say that. The case would be easier for Louis if he made sure to hire a good lawyer.

"Can you be with me when I talk to him?" He asked hopefully. And I couldn't say no, so I said yes.
"Thank you Harry, that's one less thing I'll have to worry about." He said with a hint of smile.

"Be strong Lou, we will make sure Sam always stays with you. Don't lose hope." I encouraged him. We wouldn't be best if Louis lost hope.
"Thanks Haz, I'll try my best." He said and we parted ways. But I promised him that we'll meet soon. And I'll help him.

Later that day, I talked to Zayn. I wanted to make sure hhe can help us.
"So, when can Louis and I get an appointment with you?" I asked him.
"How about Thursday at 5:30 . It's a custody case right?" He asked to which I said yes.

"Ok, I'll need Louis to be there cause it's important to know as much as possible from him." He said.
"I'll make sure we come over on Thursday." I replied sternly.

"What have you gotten yourself into Haz?" He asked suddenly.
"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You are falling for a man with a child and he has so many problems. You are falling for a man with a huge emotional baggage." He said, I felt mad but wasn't he right? I was falling for him. But he makes me feel comfortable.

"Don't we all have emotional baggage?" I asked him. And we all do. There is no denying that. So maybe it's ok. We talked for a little while and I decided that I should inform Lou. He should be prepared. So I decided to text him.

H: Hey Lou! So I talked to Zayn.

L: And??

H: We decided to meet on Thursday at 5:30 pm. That's good with you??

L: Oh, ofc Harry. Thank you so much. You'll be coming along, right?

H: Ofc I will.

L: Ok thanks again I'll talk to you later.

H: Sure, bye.


"So Louis, you don't have full guardianship of Sam?" Zayn asked Louis.
"No, I don't. I never thought it would be necessary."

After the little while in going into details. Zayn concluded.
"I won't sugarcoat stuff. The court does side with mothers in these kind of cases. And you don't have much strong case. Or proof that Carol wasn't present in Sam's life. We only have to fight the best we can."

"Ok, Thanks Zayn." Louis said and went out of the room. I knew he was sad, but I couldn't do anything. Maybe I can. I followed him.

Next Day.

"Lou, you look stressed." I stated the obvious.
"I am. I don't know what to do." He said.
"You can't do anything till the case starts. Maybe you should try relaxing a little."

"How?" He asked.
"I have a plan. Come with me." I said happily.

"You really set this all up? When?" He asked surprised.
I planned to take him on a date. Why wouldn't I? So I set everything up in a secluded place near my favorite park. I had a little help. It wasn't too romantic. But it was good enough.

"I thought you should have this." I said shyly. He looked in awe of all this. Plan successful.

After a little eating and talking. Plus a little wine. We were just sitting together. This is all I wanted. I finally got the courage and asked him officially.

"Louis, as you must have got a idea this was a date. So will you officially be my boyfriend?" I asked hopefully.
"Doesn't the time seem a little inappropriate?" He asked.
"When has the time ever been appropriate?" I said.

"Well at least take me on another one of these dates first." He joked.
"Can I take that as a yes?" I asked enthusiastically.
"Maybe." He said with a devilish grin.

And we kissed, for a long time. And we made out. And we went to my house and some stuff happened there. And now we are on my bed. All sweaty! Ans Naked!

Best day of my life. I will remember this day. But good things don't last long.

Few days later, Lou informed me about him getting an letter for the first hearing for Sam's custody case. That's how good things ended in life.

A Moth Into A Flame - Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now