Chapter 13

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"We are calling from City Hospital and Mr. Tomlinson got into a car accident." The person spoke.
"What, how? I'm coming. Is he ok?" I rushed. I got Sam and told him to get ready quickly.

They told me to be quick. They didn't reply the question, was Lou ok?? I was worried. I needed to see him right now. He will be ok, right?

I quickly shot a text in our group to Liam, Zayn and Niall. I pulled out the car and Sam and I quickly, but carefully drove to the hospital. I wanted to be there as soon as possible.

"Hello, I'm Harry Styles. I'm here for Louis Tomlinson. Can I know where he is?" I asked the lady at the front desk. She skimmed the book with everyone's name and told me he was in ICU on the fourth floor.

She said she will mention the doctor and I should go to the ICU. She used the telephone and told someone about us. I quickly grabbed Sam's hand and dashed towards the elevator.

I reached the ICU and there was a nurse waiting for me as promised. The nurse asked me to sit and the doctor will be out in a minute. I was too impatient to sit. I was pacing around the hall.

"Mr. Styles. I'm Dr. Wilson. I need to inform you about something." A man in around his 40s came out of the room and told me.
"Is Louis ok?" I asked. That was my first question.

"Mr. Styles, we are sorry to inform you that Mr. Tomlinson is no more. He was already gone when he was brought to the hospital. We tried all we could to bring him back. But we weren't able to save him. We're Sorry." Dr. Wilson said sadly.

I saw from the corner of my eye that Sam cried. I was crying too. I was talking to him this morning and he is no more. How? This doesn't make sense. How can he leave me like this?

"How did this happen?" I asked still shocked.
"He was hit by a drunk truck driver. He had a pretty bad hit. He lost a lot of blood and he was unresponsive when he got to us." I was answered.

"This can't happen. No, he can't leave me." I said falling to the ground, sobbing.
"We are so sorry for your loss, Mr. Styles."

"We were supposed to get married. He had planned everything. We even found a perfect home together. He can't leave me like this. He has to be alive. For me, for Sam." I said ignoring the doctor.

"Let us meet him." I said determined.
"Ok, but only one of you can go ahead." He said.
"Let 'US' meet him." I emphasised on the us.

They let us both go in. We saw Louis. Lying there peacefully. 'He was just sleeping.' He was hooked on all sorts of machines. He wasn't breathing. I went to him.

I took his hand. He didn't intertwine our fingers like he always did. He just lied there. Sam hugged him. He didn't hugged him back. I cried on his chest, he didn't wipe my tears away. I kissed him. He didn't kiss back.

He was gone forever. I'll never hear that voice again. I'll never hear him laugh again. I won't tease him him ever. Won't see him playing with Sam. No kiss. No watching his plays. No late night talk. No making him mad. No making up to him. No love. No life. No nothing. No Louis.

Later when we were in waiting room, waiting for all the formalities to be done.  Sam was sleeping tired from all the crying. Our friends came in. They took the responsibility to break the news to Lou's family.

All I could think about was why did I fight with him? Why didn't I just avoid it. Why didn't I tell him that I love him? Why did I not tell him to be safe like I always do. Why was it that the last time we talked, we didn't end on a good note. I regret that. I regret everything.

"Promise me you'll never leave me." I asked him.

"Never." He promised. And now he left me all of a sudden. No warning at all.

"I come runnin' to you like a moth into a flame." He told me after a fight we had.
"I can't be away from you for too long."

"Neither can I." I said smiling.

Please come back.

Next few days were hard for me. And Sam. And Louis' family too. Today was the funeral. I had come to the terms that he is not going to come back.

Sam and I were just crying for the past few days. Now all the tears had dried. It was settling that we will have to live without Louis.

I was trying my best to take good care of Sam. That's what he would want. We went to the funeral together.

Everyone who knew Louis was there. His friends, colleagues, family, relatives, there were some people from Leeds and Doncaster. Everyone was there to respect him.

People came and paid condolences, but it was all for sympathy. It didn't make me any happy.

It was hard seeing his mother in the eyes. I didn't talk to anyone by myself. I just sat there.

Everyone went back home after the funeral was over. I just sat there and watched everyone go home. Everyone was back to normal. But he'll always be here. Right here in my heart.

A Moth Into A Flame - Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now