Chapter 6

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"I'm so sorry, Harry. The meeting dragged too long. The were going on–"
"Shh" He said stopping me by putting a finger on my lips.
"You'll wake Sam up!" He whispered.
"Sam is asleep?" I exclaimed.

"Yes he is!" He said with a cocky grin.
"How did you make that happen?" I asked cause I knew he was a handful. And it's a little early than he'd normally would be in bed.

"I sang to him." Harry declared.
"Liar. He will never sleep from that." I know it for a fact.
"Well ok. He was tired and he told me he wanted to sleep." Harry admitted ashamed.

"There is no need to lie or be ashamed for that. You don't know my kid that well. He is a handful." I didn't want him to feel bad.
He smiled at me with that beautiful smile.
"I should probably wake him up, right." I asked unsure.

"Or we could talk." Harry suggested.
I nodded my approval. That was a good chance to have a talk.
"We could go up to the rooftop. It would be empty and quiet. We wouldn't wake Sam up too." He said excitedly.

We went over to the rooftop. It was nice, it gave a good view of Manchester. We took a seat. It was a little hot, considering it was Summer.

"So, Louis. I know you are a teacher, but what do you teach." Harry asked awkwardly. He was trying to start a conversation.

"I'm a drama teacher. I love theatre so I thought it would be good. Plus I've been in theatre since I was a kid." I replied.
"I never got to know what you do?" I wondered out loud.

"I'm a physiotherapist. I always liked helping people. So it just happened. I always wanted to be one too." He said shrugging his shoulders. He was smiling a little and I got the hint that he really likes his work.

The conversation kept flowing and after a little while we were down to our pasts. Our dirty little secrets, everything. I don't know I just felt comfortable around Harry. I felt like I was home.

"I grew up with my Mom, sister and step-dad. We were pretty close. He is no more. Though I still am in contact with my mum and sister" Harry said a little sad. He must have been really close.

"I'm sorry." I said. I knew how it felt to lose someone close to you.
"What about you?" He asked taking a swig from his beer.

"I grew up with my Mom. I have five sisters and a brother at home. My dad left her when I was young. She was married again, before she passed away. My siblings are with my step dad." Now he said sorry.

We were quite for a little while. I had nothing to ask. We talked a lot that I knew Harry way better than I expected. From his favorite color to ice cream flavor. He suddenly asked one more question.

"Hey! If you don't mind me asking, can you tell me more about Sam's mom. I mean I know she left but that's all I know." I usually don't feel too comfortable sharing this story with anyone. But Harry made me feel like I can.

"You want to know the full story?" I asked.
"If you'll tell me." He replied sternly.

"So her name was Carol. We dated for four years. Around the time I was in Uni. We were happy with each other and thinking about getting engaged. Sam wasn't planned. He just happened. But I didn't feel like he was a mistake. I loved him before he was even born. When she told me I was quite happy. I was going to be a dad. But she wasn't. She wanted different things in life. We were engaged and after that it all went downhill. We fought a lot. She said she had dreams and can't be tied down. She told me loud and clear that she'll have nothing to do with the child. She left one week after Sam was conceived. She even refused to acknowledge her own son. I was devastated, but I had a responsibility over me. And I was not going to turn away from that. I took care of Sam the best I could. I loved him. Now I don't need her to take care of my child. Cause he is my child and not hers." I said pretty much expressionless. I think I hated her now. I'm not going to let her ruin my night. "So that was the whole story." I said.

"That must have been hard for you." Harry replied with empathy.
"Initially it was. Now it isn't. Now I'm happy for how the things turned out. She is out of our lives for good." I was completely honest. Sam deserved a mom. But definitely not her.

After a while we decided to go back home. So I gathered a sleeping Sam in my arms. "Thank you once again Harry." I said gratefully.
"No problem, leave him here anytime you want." He said with a smile.
I just nodded, thanked him again and left for home.

Word Count: 873 words.
Just a little calm before storm part.

A Moth Into A Flame - Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now