Chapter 11

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Ten months later

Me and Louis have been dating for quite sometime now. Sam and I have also grown closer.

"So Harry, um- how do I say this? I think we should move in together." Louis said through six months of our relationship.
"Will Sam be ok with it?" I asked.

"Of course, he has grown a liking to you." He said.
"Then I'm in."
"Really! I'll start apartment browsing." He said excitedly
"I'll help you then."

For the past few months. We three have been living together. We have had all sorts of fun. It's better than living by yourself.

"What should we make for dinner?" I asked Sam one day. Louis was running late, so dinner was on me.(And he can't cook)

"Whatever you want Papa." Sam replied "What did you say?" I was shocked.
"What? Did I say something wrong?" He counter questioned.

Oh, boy. Louis isn't gonna like this. I should make him talk to Sam. He shouldn't call me Papa if Lou isn't comfortable.

"He called me Papa. I don't know why he did that." I explained, once we were alone.
"Did you like it?" He asked. That wasn't the reaction I was expecting.
"I don't mind, but don't you?"

"If you don't mind, ge doesn't. Why are you worried? H I don't mind him calling you Papa. That means he is comfortable with you." He said which made me feel extremely good.

"Harry, be quick you'll be late." Louis called out. He was taking me on a date.

"Why do you need to be so quick? Let me get ready." I replied with.

"What takes you so long. C'mon you aren't going to a beauty pageant." He told me. Ah a little friendly banter.

He had dropped Sam off at Liam and Zayn. We had this day to ourselves. I don't know what he has planned, but I bet it's good. All his gifts and dates are so thoughtful. You can't help but fall in love with him everyday.

"Ok, now close your eyes and put this on." He said once we were in the car.
"Why?" I asked sceptically. He didn't answer, but put the blindfold on my eyes himself. I didn't question again.

"We're here." He said. I must a dozed off. It was quite. I was having fun.
"Can I open my eyes?" I asked he said yes.

It was the park I took him on our first date. It was set exactly same. It seemed a little effortless. But it was ok.

"You remember, you asked me out on this park? Exactly here. It was so beautiful. I wasn't sure. But I wanted to be with you so bad. That I didn't think rationally for the first time." He said sweetly.

We sat there for a while. Had some wine and cheese. Then he got up. I asked him where he was going. He just put the blindfold on again and we drove off.

This time I did ask him where we were going thousands of time. He just said it's a surprise, everytime. He finally pulled over.

This time around he took my hand and led me somewhere. Were we at the beach? I could hear the water. But I didn't feel the sand. I was busy thinking that I didn't realise that we stopped.

He took off the blindfold and I blinked a few times to adjust my eyes. I finally saw we were at the peir. There was a yacht in front of us.
"This is what you set up?" I asked him. He nodded proudly.
"It's nothing big, but it signifies how we met." He said.

"After you." He said with signalling me to go on. I climbed aboard. He followed me. There was a path set with rose petals. That led to a table. It was decorated so romantically. I sat in one chair and he sat in other.

We had dinner. My favorite food. Then we had icecream. He had mint chocolate chip. And I had honeycomb. He remembered my favorite flavor.

He suddenly went down on one knee. OH MY GOD! He pulled out a velvet ring box. OH MY GOD! He opened the box which held two beautiful engagement ring. OH MY GOD!

" I knew you were the man for me the day I met you. I didn't think we'll ever meet again. Everytime I saw you I thought it would be the last time I see you. But destiny had other plans. We met always after we parted.

I met you again on the cruise. In Manchester and I want to keep meeting you always. You were with me through thick and thin. You loved me when I couldn't love myself. You comforted me when my life came crashing down.

You were always there for me. I want to do the same for you. I don't know when I fell in love with you. But I did. And I want to keep loving you forever. I want to come back everyday to my husband. My love. Harry Edward Styles will you do me the honor of marrying me?"

"OH MY GOD! Yes I'll marry you Louis. I'll always be with you. I love you." I said quickly and kissed him. We both had tears in our eyes. Happy tears!

"This yacht also has a bedroom." Louis said breaking the kiss. We stumbled our way into the bedroom while kissing and undressing each other. I was carrying him.

He kissed my neck and I moaned. He smirked against my neck and continued till he gave me a hickey. I finally set him on the bed. We were both in nothing but our boxers.

A Moth Into A Flame - Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now