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Demi's POV

"What do you want for breakfast?" I asked, opening my cabinets.

"I'm not hungry," Kenzie responded. I gave her a doubtful look.

"You have to eat something this morning." I had no idea why she wasn't wanting to eat. If it was about Mark, we already had everything taken care of. I ended up making peanut butter toast for both of us. I popped two pieces of bread in the toaster and waited for them to pop out. Kenzie was silent. After the toast was done, I spread peanut butter on both pieces. Then I brought them to where Kenzie was waiting. I started to eat, but Kenzie just stared. "I need you to eat," stated.

"I don't want it," Kenzie said, pushing the plate away from her like she had done before.

"You need it," I responded, pushing the plate back towards her. She huffed and crossed arms, leaning back into her chair. "Kenzie, eat."

"No," she whispered. She looked up at me, and I saw fear in her eyes. Was she scared of me?

"Why don't you want to eat?" I asked, my tone getting softer.

"I don't want to," she said back in almost a whisper.

"Why not?"

"Because," she started. I saw her trying to build up enough courage to talk to me. "Because I'm supposed to stay skinny."

He words shocked me. "Kenzie, you're five," I exclaimed, but too loud to make her think I was mad at her. How could she think this when she's five? "Who told you that?"

"Dad and Mark."

"I told you, those are bad people. Not everyone is like them. They are wrong. Kenzie, you are skinny. You're too small. Don't ever think like that. You're five years old. Even when you're older, you can't think like that. Forget about your dad and Mark. They mean nothing." I scooted back my chair and opened my arms. Kenzie hopped out of her seat and ran around the table and into my arms. I embraced her. I could tell she was slightly crying.

"I don't know what to do, Demi," she said as her face was still buried into my neck.

"I know what you should do," I responded. She lifted her head up, and I wiped away her tears. "Don't worry about the people in your past. Right now is the present. You tell me everyone who hurts you, and I will take care of it. I am taking care of you now, and nothing can change that." Kenzie nodded in understanding. "Now can you please eat your toast?" She gave me a soft smile before crawling off my lap and back to her seat. She ate her breakfast without a problem, then I took both of our plates to the sink. Not wanting to eat is definitely not an issue I want to have to deal with.

It pained me the way she looked up at me in fear when she told me, "no." I don't want her to live her life in fear. I don't want to be feared, especially by my own little girl. It's official, she's my daughter. I smiled at that fact. I loved her so much.

Thanks for reading! Let me know what you want to happen :) Love you!

He Told Me Not to Tell (Demi Lovato Adoption COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now