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Demi's POV

"They're here!" I called to Kenzie. She was so excited to see Kennedy today.

Kenzie came skipping to the front door as I was about to let Kennedy and Mia in. "Hi Kennedy," Kenzie welcomed as her friend came through the door.

"Kenzie!" She replied as the hugged.

"Mommy, can I show Kennedy my room?" Kenzie asked me.

I smiled. "Sure, baby, go ahead." And off they were. My heart warmed at Kenzie calling me Mommy. I turned back to Mia. "Hey, great to see you again."

"You, too. Thanks for letting Kennedy come over."

"Oh, no problem. Kenzie has been so excited."

"Yeah, Kennedy, too." Mia replied.

"So, you're her aunt, right?"


"Do you see her a lot?"

"Yeah, right now she lives with me. I'm fighting for custody over her right now."

"Oh, really? That must be hard."

"Yeah, it's harder on Kennedy than it is on me. Yeah, I have a lot of stress with it, but Kennedy doesn't understand what's going on. The state is constantly trying to take her into foster care, but I always find a way to bring her back to me. The problem is I haven't been able to get her mom to sign custody over to me. She's my sister, and I care about her, but she's in and out of jail constantly, and it's not fair on little Kennedy to be passed around between her mom and foster care systems. See, when her mom is out of jail, Kennedy lives with her, but when she gets back into jail, Kennedy is put in the foster care system, and that's when I get involved." Mia took a deep breath, then let it out. "I didn't mean to spill all of that. I just need to vent."

I chuckled a little. "Everyone needs to vent sometimes." We sat in silence for a few moments. "Where's the father in all of this?"

Mia shrugged. "It was a one night stand sort of thing."

I nodded in understanding. "That sucks."

"Pretty much. What about Kenzie? You're Demi Lovato, we would have heard if you were pregnant five years ago," Mia said.

"Yeah, you would've. The press is always on people's tails. I actually adopted Kenzie a couple of months ago."

"Aww that's sweet. She seems to be a good kid."

"She's a great kid, the best thing that's ever happened to my life. She had a rough past, so it surprises me how sweet she is."

"Rough past?" Mia asked.

"Right before I adopted her, she was found in an attic. Her father was abusive. Very abusive. Her mom had died when she was really little," I explained.

"Oh, that's terrible."

"It wasn't right," I said, shaking my head. "But, now she's with me, and she's the most important thing in my life."

"Same with Kennedy. I would do anything for her," Mia said. Just then, her phone rang. "Hello? Hey! Umm, hold on," she said into the phone. She put one hand on the speaker and turned to me. "Sorry, I know I said they could hang out, but my boyfriend really needs me. There's something wrong at my house."

"Go ahead and take care of it. I'll take care of Kennedy," I offered.

"Are you sure? Two five year old's?"

"I'm positive. I'll keep her for as long as you need."

"Thank you so much," Mia said while getting back on the phone. "I'll be over there in a few. Okay, bye." She stood up. "Can I see Kennedy?"

"Sure," I said as I started leading her to Kenzie's room. There was laughter coming from inside the room as I opened the door.

"Hey Kennedy, I have to go take care of some things, but you're going to stay here so y'all can play, okay?"

"Okay, thank you," Kennedy said rather quietly. I found it odd. She was really happy, but now she seemed really nervous. Maybe it's just separation anxiety.

"I love you, be good."

"Love you, too," Kennedy replied.

I lead Mia back to the front door. "Thanks so much again."

"No problem," I said as Mia started opening the door. "Bye."

"Bye, I'll text you when I'm picking her up," she called back. I nodded and waved.

Mia's POV

I waited until I was out of Demi's view before picking up my phone and calling my "boyfriend" back.

I'm on my way," I said when he picked up.

"You have to find a way to get her with you and away from Demi," he told me.

"I know. I'll figure something out. Maybe the girls can have a sleep over at my house sometime or something. Just give it time."

"I don't want to wait much longer. I want her back."

"I understand, and I'm doing the best I can," I tried to explain.

"Tonight, Mia. I want her back tonight."

"I'll try." And with that, he hung up the phone.

Uh-oh, what's happening?

He Told Me Not to Tell (Demi Lovato Adoption COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now