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Demi's POV

        I felt awful for making Kenzie cry, but her cuts needed to be cleaned or else they would get infected. I hoped she understood that. She didn't deserve to go through what she did. I see the fear in her eyes every time I look at her. She let me brush all of the tangles out of her long hair. She didn't speak at all and sat completely still as I combed through her hair as gently as I could. After I was done, I took one final look at her. She was the cutest thing! I just wish she wouldn't be so scared. "Hungry?" I asked. She shook her head and looked down. "The doctor said you weren't eating very much. Come on, let's see if we can find something in the kitchen you would like," I said, picking her up off the counter and setting her down on the floor. When I picked her up, she was stiff as a board. She followed me into the kitchen. I opened my pantry, and her eyes grew huge. I guess she had never seen that much food before. I had only kept enough for one person for one week, but it still must have been a lot for her. "Hungry now?" I asked. She nodded her head slightly before shaking it. I knew she was hungry. I just didn't know what she liked. I walked to my fridge and pulled out an egg. I decided to scramble that for her. At the same time, I cut up an apple. I set her at the table and put the plate of food in front of her. I grabbed a fork for her eggs, and she had already started to eat her apple. I showed her how to use the fork, and she quickly ate her eggs. I was amazed at how fast she ate. She was starved by her dad, I'm sure of that. I hated calling that man her dad. He wasn't Kenzie's dad. He was her biological father, but he was definitely not a dad. Once she was done, I asked if she wanted more, and she shook her head. I contemplated on whether I should believe her or not. I decided to give her a bowl of grapes that she could carry around.

         I brought Kenzie out to the living area where my laptop was. I pulled up an online store for little girls. "We have to find stuff to put in your room," I told her. She sat on the other end of the couch, so I set my laptop between us so she could see. I asked her to point to what she liked, and she did. I bought everything she pointed to. She deserved to be spoiled. After a while, half of her grapes were gone and she started to rub her eyes. I looked at the clock to see it was early afternoon. "Want a nap?" I asked her. She didn't answer, but slowly shut her eyes. Once Kenzie was asleep, I laid her down on the couch and put a blanket over her. I'm glad she stayed asleep. She wouldn't let me touch her otherwise. During her nap, I kept shopping for clothes. I estimated her size as 3-4 years old. I had a good sense of what she liked from the previous things she picked out.

        A couple of hours later, Kenzie started to stir and wake up. I watched her as her eyes fluttered open. She laid there for a few minute, taking in her surroundings, before noticing that I was still sitting next to her. She sat up and yawned. "Good nap?" I asked, and she nodded her head. I gave her a smile and showed her the clothes that I picked out for her. She seemed to like them. "Okay, well I want to know more about you," I said, putting my laptop down. She looked at me confused. "Based on the things you picked out, you like dogs and your favorite color is green." She gave me a look as if to tell me she had no idea what 'green' was. I pointed at my plant on one of my shelves. "The leaves are green, but your favorite color is lighter than that," I explained. She nodded her head in understanding. I continued guessing on her likes and dislikes, occasionally forgetting that she hadn't been out much. After I had told her everything I had picked up about her personality, I turned on Disney Channel. She watched intently. I felt bad that she wasn't born into a family like the ones Disney portrays. After a few shows, I decided to start cooking dinner. I don't think she noticed I had gotten up. I was lazy that night, and didn't feel like cooking, so I made a couple of grilled cheese sandwiches.  I brought them out to the couch, having faith that she wasn't a messy eater. She wasn't. She was actually very well mannered, chewing with her mouth closed. She remained watching TV for a few hours before I decided she should go to bed. I turned off the TV and she looked at me almost offended.

"Time for bed," I told her. "Follow me, I'll show you your room." She got up off the couch an followed me. I turned the light on as she entered her room.

Kenzie's POV

We walked into the room, which was huge! I had it all to myself? She sat on the bed and patted next to her. Uh-oh. I don't like beds. I was only allowed on the bed during game night. I shrunk back to the wall. She gave me a worried look. "What's wrong?" she asked in a concerned voice.

"Why do you want me on the bed?" I whispered.

"So you can sleep."

"Sleep?" I asked.

"Yeah. It's comfortable. I bet you're really tired." I stood up and slowly got on the bed and laid down. "Under the covers," Demi said as she lifted the corner of the comforter up. I crawled under it, and she tucked me in. It was comfortable. "Good night," she whispered as she got  up to leave.

"No, please!" I called as she was about to turn the light out.

"What's wrong?" She asked almost panicked.

"Please don't turn the light off," I whispered.

She thought for a few seconds. "I'll be right back," she said as she left the room. She came back several seconds later with something in her hands. She plugged it into the wall, and it lit up. "There, now you'll have light in your room. She turned off the big light, and my room still had light, which made me relax even more. "Good night," she said again as she left. I struggled to stay awake, not wanting to fall asleep in such a new place, but exhaustion won over.

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